Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1624: Wife, thank you

Soon after, he saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

The fearsome tyrant stood up, then reached out and pushed the wall.

He couldn't push away with one hand, and he pushed with two hands, still whispering in his mouth.

"Weird, why this door is so difficult to open, Chunxin won't let me see if my wife will open you sooner or later."

Doctor Han, "..."

"Master Xihuang, the door is on your right."

Prince Xi Gu stiffened, turned his head, and walked over to push the door casually.

"Strange, how could this door move."

Pushed, pushed again, but still didn't push away.

Doctor Han felt that he could no longer look at it like this, otherwise he would be divided by five horses when a certain tyrant thinks back in the future!

So he walked over respectfully, reached out his hand to hold the doorknob, twisted it, and opened it.

Prince Xi Gu said calmly, "Thank you."

Then I went in.

Behind him, Dr. Han wiped a handful of sweat. Is this the legendary no response is the biggest response?

When he saw the person lying on the hospital bed, Prince Xi, Gu's stiff body, immediately relaxed.

The tight facial lines are even more so soft.

Ling Weifeng on the bed closed his eyes, breathing shallow and very quiet.

Maybe because of physical weakness, the complexion is a little pale, and the pink and tender lips in the usual days are also a little less ischemic.

Prince Xi Gu sat down on the chair beside the bed, gently held her hands without a drip in her hands, clasping her fingers tightly.

He stretched out his other hand and gently stroked her pale face.

It's still a familiar touch, so delicate, so tender, and you can't put it down.

He pressed the back of her hand to his face and nudged it gently.

"My wife, thank you."

At this moment, his heart is full of gratitude.

This was the second time, and he felt grateful.

The first time I knew Ling Weifeng was a girl, I was grateful that she was a girl.

The mood at that time is hard to describe in words.

God knows how happy he is.

But this time, I am also very grateful that God gave them a child.

The gentle gaze fell on her lower abdomen.

The hand covered it gently, so lightly and so softly, as if stroking a fragile treasure, for fear that it would be crushed with force.

A heat wave rolled in his chest, and Prince Xi Gu's eyes became a little hot, and he could hardly control his emotions.

He thought that they would never have children in their lives.

But it didn't take long before she was pregnant for him.

The kind of joy that had been hopeless, but suddenly realized, almost drowned him.

Prince Xi Gu looked at Ling Weifeng, and the more he looked, the more he felt his emotions could not be suppressed.

He wants to share his joy with others, but no one shares it with him.

It is impossible for him to disturb Ling Weifeng's rest, so some people are miserable.

Such as Leng Li, such as Yin Shunhua, such as Tang Fengyang.

Those men who had liked Ling Weifeng and beat Ling Weifeng's ideas, without exception, were abused by Prince Xi at 12 o'clock in the morning.

A phone call and opening your mouth is to tell you the good news. I am going to be a father. You single dogs can't envy you.

Leng Yu and others said congratulations, and they were indeed happy for Ling Weifeng, but in the bottom of their hearts, they scolded Prince Xi with blood!

Brother Keng, this is, in the middle of the night in the middle of the night to show off with a flat tone.

Knowing that you are great, can make your wife pregnant, it's amazing.

As for taking turns to abuse them.