Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1623: Pregnant 3

"Don't you know?!" Dr. Han's face turned dark, "She has an abnormality, won't you take her to check it up?! Ah?!!!"

"She refused to come to the hospital."

Doctor Han, "..."

Who is that, arrange an operation for me, I am about to be out of anger from a heart attack.

Prince Xi Gu is still very calm, his expression has not changed at all.

"Doctor, my wife is very abnormal recently. She always liked to walk around some time ago and couldn't calm down. A few days later, she became very quiet again. Later she became a workaholic and her temper became worse. what reason?"

"During pregnancy, various hormones, nutrient distribution and blood circulation changes will affect the body and get angry easily. If you give her so many supplements, she must be hot.

Is it possible to have a hot temper in the body? If there is no place to vent your temper, you will naturally find a way to transfer your destiny.

Why are you so careless, how difficult it is for her to get pregnant, you are still so careless..."

As Dr. Han was talking, he couldn't go on.

Just thinking about it, he felt scared for a while.

"By the way, have you had **** during this time."

Prince Xi Gu shook his head.

She was afraid for a while, but fortunately, she was uncomfortable every time he wanted, and she firmly disagreed.

Otherwise, with Ling Weifeng's physique, he is so ignorant of temperance. Once he does, the child...

Thinking of this, Prince Xi's face turned pale.

But on the surface, he was still very calm.

Dr. Han was a little puzzled.

Didn't he just know that his wife is pregnant? Why is there no excitement about the father-to-be?

Still so calm.

Especially in the case of Ling Weifeng, all the doctors judged that she could not be pregnant, after all, her body was really too bad, and there were genetic reasons.

It is really a blessing to be pregnant now.

As the father-to-be, shouldn't Prince Xi be so happy that he was going crazy? He didn't feel happy at all.

He was a little puzzled, "Master Xihuang, grandma is pregnant, are you unhappy?"

"Happy, I'm so happy."

"Then why..."

Doctor Han asked half of the question, and swallowed it back. Forget it, how to respond, that was someone else's business.

Perhaps, the prince Gu did not really want this child.

As Doctor Han thought, his attitude became colder.

Prince Xi's expression remained unchanged. It seemed that everything around him could not affect his emotions. "Doctor, does my wife have anything to pay attention to."

Dr. Han said a lot.

The prince Gu kept an expression and listened, without questioning and refuting, and wondering if he had recorded it.

After speaking, Dr. Han said, "You must pay more attention to these, Master Xi Huang, you should go and see the young grandma first, and remember to raise it carefully, so that no accidents can happen.


Prince Xi Gu said, turned around and walked away.

Doctor Han looked at him towards the end of the corridor, feeling a little puzzled, "Master Xi Huang, the door is here."

Prince Xi Gu turned his head and glanced at the door of the ward, "Oh oh."

Then turn around and walk towards the ward.

Seeing his stiff walking posture, Dr. Han sighed that he was indeed the first person in China, and his walking posture was different from others.

How did he do this walking with the same hands and feet?

Can't wrestle?

Just thinking about it, I saw Prince Xi Gu mechanically walking towards the wall, and then he ran straight up.

With a bang, I fell down.

Doctor Han, "..."