Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1625: The King of Xi gets nervous

Yin Shunhua and Tang Fengyang are a little better. Although they are not married yet, they still have girlfriends.

Leng Yu was miserable, a single bark, almost completely abused.

Especially now that he is pregnant with someone he likes, it's so terrible, and it's not for single dogs to survive!

Gu Pingli, the prince Xi, is high-profile enough, and he can't wait to put his wife on the waistband to show affection every day.

Now that Ling Weifeng is pregnant, he still has to use a speaker to broadcast to the world to know that he is going to be a father?

Alas, this day can't be passed by, so let's drink alcohol to get rid of worries.

The prince Gu called each person for more than half an hour, and there was only one topic, that is, my wife is pregnant and I am going to be a father.

After the call, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

But he was too excited to fall asleep.

I also want to share the good news of his wife's pregnancy with others.

It's just who he is looking for, he doesn't have many friends, Bu Zhiya will let it go for the time being, and can't disturb the lady to rest.

Tell the four kings at home?

His face sank when he thought of the four people leaving a lot of things to travel around the world.

Do not tell them!

Let them play slowly, don't even think about seeing their grandson!

So the prince Gu took out his cell phone, blocked the family's four Supreme Emperor’s circle of friends, and then posted a post to abuse the entire circle of friends.

After doing all these things, he held Ling Weifeng's hand and looked at her sleeping face, silly and happy alone.

Fortunately, there are no acquaintances in the ward, otherwise his stupid appearance will not scare people to death!

When I woke up in a daze the next day, I felt a scorching sight falling on me.

She was always confused when she first got up, and it took a while before she was fully awake.

However, the line of sight was so intense that she felt like a piece of fat, and then she was stared at by a hungry wolf.

So she woke up as quickly as possible.

He looked warily in the direction of that line of sight.

I saw Prince Xi Gu Zheng staring at her for an instant.

He hadn't slept all night, there was some Qingdai under his eyes, and his untidy appearance was a little messy.

However, his mental state is very good, and his eyes are particularly energetic.

Seeing Ling Weifeng waking up, his eyes lit up and he immediately moved up.

"Wife, you woke up, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Ling Weifeng frowned, slept all night, her body was a little stiff, she tried to move, stretched or something, but was held down by Prince Xi Gu.

"Don't move, don't move."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Seeing his nervous look, she was speechless.

"My back is sore, let me get up first."

Hearing her saying that his waist was sore, the prince Xi Gu was almost like an enemy.

"Where is it sour? Is it uncomfortable? I'll rub it for you."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

She just slept all night and didn't move, her limbs were a little stiff, so nervous.

I really can't stand the nervous look of Prince Xi Gu.

She raised her hand and slapped his face directly.

It was only a joke, she thought Prince Xi Gu would avoid it.

Unexpectedly, the **** suddenly convulsed, put his face in her hand, and slapped her firmly.

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Who will tell her, what is this man?

What the prince Xi thought was that his wife had to raise her hand when hitting him, how tired, it would be better for him to leaned forward to save her effort.