Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1456: Restore the truth 4

What happened back then was simply designed by the white butler.

According to Han Ling, the reason why she thought of this one-off approach was because she was desperate and saw a newspaper by accident.

The above mentioned is that a college student did a surrogacy for the family's critically ill brother, and she did not know who she gave birth to.

At the same time as her surrogacy, the female boss who approached her pretended to be pregnant, and was taken away after she gave birth.

Han Ling saw this news, that's why she moved her mind.

There is no doubt that the newspaper was deliberately let her see the newspaper.

The white housekeeper knew how difficult her life at the Ling family was and how bad the relationship between the Ling family was.

Therefore, he was sure that Han Ling, who was going crazy at that time, would definitely do the same.

So Xia Chunlin appeared.

Since the white housekeeper arranged everything, he naturally paid attention to Han Ling's every move.

For the incident that night, Prince Gu used all his contacts and turned up the video of the hotel that year.

Butler Bai knew that Han Ling had booked a hotel and was about to start implementing the plan.

So before Han Ling and Ling Yiyong came, he had sneaked into the hotel room and hid.

After Han Ling got Ling Yiyong drunk, she turned off the lights and let Xia Chunlin in again.

Xia Chunlin didn't turn on the lights either.

This was an agreement between them, because Han Ling would not let Xia Chunlin know who to give birth to her in order to keep her secret.

This black lamp agreement happened to let the white housekeeper take advantage of the loopholes.

The person who had a relationship with Xia Chunlin that night was Steward White, and Ling Yiyong and Han Ling became his chess pieces.

Han Ling was already in tears after watching what happened.

In vain, she flipped hands and rained in the mall, and defeated the blue core that was as famous as her back then.

But in the end, it was planted on these influential methods.

Ling Yiyong had mixed feelings in his heart. It was not that he had not investigated the white housekeeper back then.

Every servant and servant of the Ling family will investigate and must be innocent.

The reason why the relationship between the white housekeeper and the blue core is not found is because the blue core and the white longevity are not the relationship between husband and wife, but the relationship between lovers.

At that time, Lanxin had already been married, and her husband was also a well-known big family in China. They had nothing to do after three years of marriage.

So after the Lans went bankrupt, they divorced.

No one ever thought that Blue Core, a business woman back then, would actually cheat and give birth to a pair of children.

Lan Xin and her husband are at odds with each other, but the housekeeper and Bai are more affectionate.

So after Lan Xin died and a pair of children disappeared, butler Bai hated Ling Yiyong and Han Ling for all the tragedies.

With hatred, he entered the Ling's house as a servant.

And in less than two years, he had already gained the trust of Mr. Ling and became the steward of the Ling family.

"How can he do this? The mall is like a battlefield. Who can blame the Lan family for bankruptcy? Why does he count me like this."

Han Ling burst into tears from crying.

She was not wrong about what happened back then.

It was the Lan Family’s first war that almost forced the Ling Family to go bankrupt.

She and Ling Yiyong fought back, and in the end the Lan family was defeated. Who can this blame?

If you want to complain, complain that Lanxin has no ability!

If it were not for her and Ling Yi to turn the tide, then the Ling family would be bankrupt!

They just fought back.

Lan Xin's death was something she couldn't think about, and she ended up in depression. What did she do with them!