Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1455: Restore the truth 3

What happened back then must be thoroughly investigated, as well as the identity of the white housekeeper, why he did this.

It must be made clear whether it is against the Ling family, Han Ling, or something else!

Ling Weifeng did not speak, looked at Han Ling tiredly, got up and left with Prince Xi Gu.

"Mom, take a good rest first."

Sitting in the car, Ling Weifeng remained silent.

Looking ahead steadily, a little lost.

What happened one after another these days was unexpected, not to mention Han Ling, even she couldn't accept it.

There was confusion in his mind.

Prince Gu held her hand and squeezed it lightly, "Don't be unhappy, I will send someone to investigate."

Ling Weifeng leaned back and leaned on his shoulders, "Emperor Xi, I'm so tired."

Prince Xi Gu felt a little distressed, "If you are tired, take a good rest. You don't need to worry about these things. I have me."

Ling Weifeng rubbed his head against his shoulder and did not speak any more.

The prince Xi Gu helped her upright, fastened her seat belt, and drove home.

When he got home, Ling Weifeng was already asleep.

Instead of waking her up, he stopped the car and held her in the door.

Helped her take off her shoes, put a quilt on, adjusted the temperature, then went to the study room and arranged for someone to check these things.

Just after he left the room, Ling Weifeng opened his eyes and closed them again.

After lying down for a while, he took out his mobile phone and asked Mo Wen to thoroughly check the information about the white housekeeper and the events of the year.

Ever since Bai Feifei fled, Mo Wen has taken over Bai Feifei's work.

Although Mo Wen was drawn in by love halfway, he was more loyal than Bai Feifei.

And the character is straightforward, not so many twists and turns.

On the other hand, after Ling Yiyong comforted Han Ling to rest, he also sent someone to investigate the housekeeper and the affairs of the year.

At the same time, he also sent people to the hospital to control Han Ling and Ling Jiang.

However, the two men seemed to have expected him to do this, and had left the hospital and disappeared.

Upon receiving this news, Ling Yiyong sighed, let's go.

Even if someone is detained, what can be done? Is it because Xia Chunlin derailed and killed someone?

He is not a gangster, a society, and he cannot be so cruel.

When Prince Gu received the news, his face was gloomy.

Ling Yiyong is not so cruel, he has!

If the evil is not eliminated, the troubles are endless.

Even if Xia Chunlin and Ling Jiang did not die, he would not let those two people be free.

After all, people with hatred in their hearts threaten too much.

Butler White is also missing.

And Bai Feifei, who had escaped for so long, didn't even turn people out.

The capital is his territory. It is impossible for those people to make trouble in the capital, but the potential danger still makes him worry.

The prince Xi had sharp eyebrows, and he did not allow anyone to threaten Ling Weifeng's safety!

Since the military can't find anyone, use the power of the black and Tao!

At all costs, these four must be eliminated!

Fengqing.com, Xihuanghuang, and Lingjia worked together to investigate one thing, and there was almost nothing that could not be found out.

Two days later, all the news was summarized, and finally the events of the year were revealed.

Looking at the results of the cross-comparison, Ling Yiyong and Han Ling were all dumbfounded in Huazhen Villa.

They never expected that the sensational business war between the Ling family and the Lan family would leave such a big disaster.

So much so that their family fell apart for more than 20 years!