Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1457: Miserable old age

The disappearance of those two children is even more unbearable for them. If you are to blame, the white housekeeper has not taken good care of the children.

Why should they bear the fault of those people?

Ling Yiyong's eyes were also slightly red, and he stretched out his hand to take Han Ling into his arms, comforting silently.

Their family was really miscalculated.

"Bai Shou is really cruel enough. A conspiracy has left my Ling family uneasy for more than 20 years!"

Ling Yi gritted his teeth and said.

Thinking back over the past twenty years, it is almost heartbroken!

Han Ling has suffered for more than 20 years.

Ling Weifeng was even more miserable. She was obviously a girl, and she should be the happiest princess, but she was born and raised as a son.

Eighteen years, a woman disguised herself as a man for eighteen years, and another six years was wandering alone in a foreign country, suffering so many sins.

The source of all this is because of Baishou!

"It's not as simple as ruthless." Prince Xi Gu said suddenly.

Ling Yiyong, Han Ling and Ling Weifeng all set their eyes on him.

The prince Xi's eyes were as deep as ink, and his tone was terribly cold, "If Ling Jiang's identity is not discovered, he will inherit all the assets of the Ling family, but he is the son of the white housekeeper..."

When it was clicked, Ling Yiyong's expression suddenly changed.

If so, everything in the Ling family will fall into the Bai family's pockets.

What a ruthless calculation!

It turns out that Butler White’s biggest ultimate move is waiting here!

It was really ruthless to take everything of the Ling family as his own without any effort!

While angry, I was very lucky.

Fortunately, the truth became clear, otherwise the Ling family would definitely fall into Ling Jiang's hands with the old man Ling's patriarchal thoughts.

Everyone was silent, and no one thought that because of a business war that year, their family would go so bumpy.

Butler Bai, Feifei Bai, Ling Jiang, and Xia Chunlin, these four people all disappeared and disappeared.

This is a huge hidden danger for the Ling family.

Ling Weifeng was really unable to take care of these things anymore, and handed them all over to Prince Xi Gu.

The capital is his territory, and if he can't find anyone, then no one else will be found.

Ling Yiyong showed the truths he found to Grandpa Ling.

The old man Ling, who had been weak after waking up, was so angry that he fainted again.

In the past few days, I have been fainted with anger one after another. The doctor has already warned the elderly seriously that they should not be stimulated anymore, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

And long-term hospital observation is required.

These days, the shock that Old Man Ling has received has exceeded his heart's capacity.

Fearing that he would have an accident, Ling Yiyong did not dare to tell him the news from the outside.

Seeing Mr. Ling staying in the hospital alone, Ling Yiyong felt a little unbearable.

In the dying year, it was the time to enjoy the happiness of family relationship, but apart from him, no one came to visit Old Man Ling.

When lonely, people always recall the past unconsciously.

Old man Ling began to miss Han Ling's goodness before.

I also began to miss Ling Weifeng. Although she was a granddaughter, she was the only descendant of the Ling family.

In order to give birth to Ling Weifeng, Han Ling's body was completely broken, and it was impossible to have any more children.

And Ling Yiyong was so infatuated with her, and would never find another one.

In other words, the Ling family is destined to be Ling Weifeng.

Old man Ling hinted many times that he wanted to see his granddaughter.

But Ling Yiyong pretended not to understand.

It wasn't until Grandpa Ling finally couldn't hold back and said that he wanted to see Ling Weifeng, Ling Yiyong couldn't play stupid anymore.

He had no choice but to tell the truth.

Ling Weifeng said that unless Han Ling forgave Grandpa Ling, she would not call Grandpa again.