Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1454: Restore the truth 2

This is a family ugly after all, it is not good to say in the hospital.

Back at home, the four of them sat in the living room.

Han Ling was still a little lost, she couldn't understand why Ling Jiang became the son of the white housekeeper.

Ling Weifeng sat boringly, wringing his hands together.

Prince Xi Gu stretched out his hand and gently held her hand, giving her a comforting look.

Then he asked, "Mom, why did you ask the white butler to introduce Xia Chunlin?"

Han Ling's face turned pale, and the more she recalled what happened back then, the more scared she became.

It seems that from the beginning, she followed the way of others.


"Don't be afraid, speak slowly."

Seeing her eyes full of fear, Ling Yiyong sat next to her and patted the back of her hand gently.

Han Ling pursed her lips and slowly relaxed.

"I...I can't find anyone. From childhood to adulthood, I have been in contact with people from the upper class, and I dare not look for employees in the company.

The white housekeeper came to me to borrow money that day, so I casually asked what I would do to borrow so much money.

He said that his cousin had a girlfriend, but that girlfriend’s father had a stubborn illness, and it cost a lot of money to treat the illness. His cousin was an ordinary worker and was afraid that he would have to pay for the doctor’s father’s medical expenses.

But his cousin still loves that girlfriend very much, and he is worried that his girlfriend will go on a crooked road when he is desperate, so he wants to pay a breakup fee.

I didn't say anything at the time, so I lent the money.

Then I sent someone to investigate the girlfriend, she was a very hard-working girl, she was very simple, she was Xia Chunlin.

I have observed Xia Chunlin for a period of time, and I am very filial and innocent. I am often bullied.

I couldn't find a more suitable person, so I picked her and found someone to contact her, and promised to help her out of her father's medical expenses.

After giving birth, she will be given a large sum of money to enable her to lead a good life.

I did not expect……"

Han Ling's voice was a little choked, she didn't expect Xia Chunlin to act so well.

That woman is disguising almost all the time.

Pretending almost became Xia Chunlin's nature, so that everyone around her was fooled by her weak and simple appearance.

Because of this, the results of the investigation were wrong, leading the wolf into the room.

"Mom, do you know about Xia Chunlin, does the housekeeper Bai know?" Ling Weifeng asked with a frown.

Han Ling shook her head, "He didn't know. I sent someone to investigate in private. I asked Xia Chunlin if she knew Mr. Bai but she didn't.

I sent someone to investigate again. Although Xia Chunlin is the girlfriend of Bai Guanjia's cousin, she has always lived in the country, and Bai Guanjia has been in a big city, and she has never met.

I signed a confidentiality agreement with Xia Chunlin to ensure that this matter cannot be leaked out.

And I thought at the time that Xia Chunlin just gave birth to a child and would never show up in front of the Ling family. I never expected that she and Bai Guan’s family would..."

Han Ling was very regretful and blamed herself. She was really forced to desperate by Father Ling, so she thought of such a next move.

Moreover, it was too impatient and not thoughtful of many things, which led to the tragedy like today.

"That night...what was going on?" Ling Yiyong's expression was a little embarrassed.

Although it has now been proved that Ling Jiang is not his son, it is still embarrassing to mention what happened back then.

"I don't know, I really don't know." Han Ling shook her head wearily.

She is in chaos now, and what happened today has had too much impact on her.

"I'll send someone to investigate." Prince Xi Gu said coldly.