Chameleon: My True Face

99 Guan Dong's Promise

Inside the helicopter, both Guan Dong and Guan Mei were sitting silently across each other and observed Dongmei who supported her head on Guan Mei's shoulder. The Helicopter was already filled with the arguing of both parents since the moment they flew away from the ship but when Dongmei 'woke up' and fell unconscious right after learning that they were not able to find Wuxing in the end, Guan Dong didn't speak a word, knowing it was best to stay silent.

The whole scene was naturally staged by both Dongmei and her mother but Guan Dong deserved such treatment after everything he did. Only after he saw how Dongmei cared for Wuxing did he understand his mistakes. Unfortunately, now that Wuxing was nowhere to be found with huge chance of him being dead, there was nothing he could do.

"Hmm..." Just then, Dongmei let out a sound of waking up before opening her eyes, blinking a few times as she looked around herself to recall what was going on.

Guan Dong was the first one to noticed that and quickly called out to her, almost pulling the seat belt with him, "Dongmei! How are you feeling…?" He was ashamed as a father that his daughter fell unconscious twice because of him so he was proceeding carefully.

Unfortunately, Dongmei barely glanced at him as if she didn't hear him and turned to the side, glancing outside the window with an empty look.

"Dongmei…?" Guan Dong repeated his question but that didn't help, Dongmei still continued to ignore him. As he looked at his wife for help, she only glared at him and shook her head, showing him with her eyes that it was his responsibility. He was the one who ruined his daughter's love life so he should be the one to fix it.

He naturally never been in such situation and could only try to patch things with his old methods, saying weakly, "Dongmei… I will send the best people and we will search the whole area… There is no way he would disappear…"

Just as he thought she will ignore him again, Dongmei spoke coldly while looking outside the window, "You don't need to lie. I'm not a kid. I know when the person is dead or not. Drop it."


Guan Dong found it hard to swallow his saliva when he heard her cold words and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

Dongmei didn't spare a glance on him as she continued, "You don't need to do anything. You have already done enough. From now on you don't have a say in whoever I will marry." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Guan Dong's heart sank the more she talked but knowing she was giving him the chance to receive forgiveness, he didn't hesitate to agree, "Yes! I won't meddle in your private matters. I promise…"

Dongmei didn't react to his promise and simply closed her eyes, ending the conversation, "Good. Let's go home. I'm tired."


"Anna... I told you I had a girlfriend… I can do anything but that. You are definitely beautiful and anyone would love to receive your kiss but I'm trying to be a faithful boyfr—" Wuxing smiled bitterly, trying to make her understand that it's not about her but his principals but before he finished, Anna shushed his lips with her fingers, stopping him from talking.

Anna took a bite of a chocolate bar and said while shrugging, "I know. I was just playing with you. Obviously, I wouldn't kiss a person I just met. Which normal person would do that? Heh…" She sounded quite believable and reasonable so Wuxing relaxed, knowing this was taken care of. He also suspected that she was just acting playfully.

He almost thought Anna would stop her flirt but that obviously did not happen as she continued while caressing his lips, "But your lips are really tasty… Do you want another bite?" She showed him the chocolate bar which had the mark of her bite on it but Wuxing didn't mind that, nodding his head, "Mhmm… I want more..."

As Anna looked at him, she noticed that he didn't even glance at her too much, so she decided to punish him. As a woman whose seduction was her main ability, she was the type who really wanted things that she couldn't have. They gave her much more excitement. The more Wuxing ran away, the more she wanted to tease him.

Keeping him on hold for a moment, she added one more rule, "Alright, I will give you a bite if you close your eyes then."

This naturally alarmed Wuxing but before his thoughts ran wild, Anna added, assuring him, "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything bad to you. Let me do it with your eyes closed else there is no fun. You are not even using them to look at me so you don't need them…"

Hearing that she noticed it, Wuxing had no chance but to look at her while still steering away from her eyes but just as he did, Anna looked away, clearly pouting while puffing her cheeks. It didn't seem like she was willing to reach compromise.

"Anna, I—" Wuxing tried to explain himself but Anna stopped his words by giving him an ever bigger pout, "Hmpff!" She didn't want to listen to him, acting like a little girl who wanted her parents to buy her a toy in the supermarket.

Knowing one bite wasn't enough for him and he definitely needed more, Wuxing could only sigh and comply, saying softly as he laid his head on her breast without resistance, "Alright… My eyes are closed…" He didn't open his mouth yet, just in case Anna wanted to give him something else than the bar.

Even though he knew it was very unlikely as why would they try to hurt him just as they saved him, Wuxing always tried to be prepared for all outcomes. Fortunately, Anna didn't make any suspicious movements and he only heard the sound of unpacking the chocolate bar.

Unfortunately, even if Devil Face knew most of the things and the main features of all abilities, there were still some secrets that he was not aware of. Every spirit had its own powers that they didn't reveal to others.

Just when Wuxing closed his eyes, Anna's cyan pupils brightened, shining with a weird light. In a blink of an eye however, it suddenly switched onto her lips which started glimmering.

She smiled widely and unpacked the chocolate bar further before saying warmly while poking his lips with it, "Open slightly your mouth else you won't get my bite."

Wuxing could smell the chocolate so he listened, even leaning upward to take a bite himself, not in his dreams thinking he would meet something else than a chocolate bar.

Who would have thought that Anna would cheat him and instead of food, he received her lips as they sealed his mouth. They locked on his bottom lips as she gently sucked on it, causing her to taste some chocolate.

"Mhmm!" Wuxing naturally exclaimed, reaching out with his hands to push her away but then she pulled away and whispered, "Freeze."

Momentarily, Wuxing's body froze as if his muscles didn't listen to him. He naturally figured out that she used her ability on him and even if he wanted to curse, he could only blame himself for not thinking of that earlier.

'To think she can use her lips as well. I need to note that…' Wuxing thought as he calmed down his mind, knowing it wasn't the time to panic as Anna didn't look like a person who would hurt him. He could only try to figure out how to get out of this situation.

Anna got pretty excited when she saw her ability worked this way and asked happily, "Did you like my bite? I can give you another one. Relax your body, but stay still. Also, from now on, you can only speak if I say so."

His body relaxed but he could feel as if something was blocking his voice from coming out, signalling her ability was working as she wanted. Anna returned to kissing him right after that, but she quickly noticed there was something that lacked.

'Gosh, how far is she going to push? She is not going to take advantage of me, right?' Wuxing thought as he felt her lips let go of his. With his body standing still, he didn't actively kiss her so he could expect she didn't enjoy it that much. If only she was acting, would there be any fun at all?

As Wuxing could figure that out, Anna also thought of that and smiled to herself, wondering if she should go further.

'I gave him my first kiss already while testing my ability… Should I taste some more? His lips were not bad at all… He is handsome and smart. Kat says he is skilled as well… Maybe I should really take him for myself? If Kat doesn't want him, it wouldn't be that bad. The only problem is his girlfriend. How deep are his feelings for her? I don't want a puppet...' Anna pondered deeply as she combed his hair with her fingers.

In the end, she decided to test him out a bit, trying to figure out his feelings a bit. Looking outside the window, Anna realised they were already halfway to the hotel and didn't waste time anymore, whispering to Wuxing with a curious smile, "I want you to kiss me the same way you kiss your girlfriend every day. Copy everything you do to her and use it on me, but be careful of your wound."

Finishing the order, she leaned back and watched, curious of how will Wuxing kiss her.

Wuxing's body immediately moved as she finished her order and even a bit of resistance caused him pain which made him curse, 'Damn, it hurts... I can't even resist it in the slightest as my body is moving on its own… So powerful… If I don't want to expose my ability, I can only move along for now…'

The moment he let the strength power lead him, Wuxing noticed that he was able to alter his movements as long as his goal was the same, kissing Anna. She didn't specify which kissing act she wanted so he could pick whichever he wanted as long as it fulfilled her conditions, namely a kiss he does to Dongmei every day.

Just as he lifted himself and sat up in front of her, Wuxing rattled with his pink handcuffs, making Anna notice it immediately, and stop him just as he wanted, "Wait for a second, let me take them off from you."

She reached out for the key and unlocked them swiftly before letting him continue, "Alright, you can carry o— Mhmmm!" Too bad, her words were cut off by her exclamation as Wuxing suddenly jumped on her like a panther.