Chameleon: My True Face

100 Out Of Control - Part 1

To Anna's surprise, Wuxing didn't go for a slow approach and dived in without waiting, grabbing her body by the waist with one hand while her head with the other before covering her lips in a deep kiss.

Anna thought that he will go for a gentle kiss at the start but he went straight to strong and passionate kiss which would leave anyone breathless. It felt like she lost control over the situation as both her body and head were being directed against her will.

Knowing it was her idea, she didn't back down, trying to match his rhythm as he sucked and licked both of her lips, numbing them in the process. For some reason, the excitement in her mind only increased with each second as she tasted something new every moment.

Anna was a fast learner so she quickly copied his techniques, switching from one lip to another in a passionate pace but then, she suddenly felt a slimy object break inside her mouth which made her quickly push him away.

She did not say anything to stop him so Wuxing pounced at her once again, catching her lips off guard as he held her. Wuxing continued to kiss her normally so she let him resume but after a few moments, he resumed his tries to use his tongue in action.

"Mhmm…" A soft moan escaped her mouth as both of their tongues touched. She didn't push him away this time, knowing what was going on and tried to understand it out of curiosity.

She tried dancing with it once, then for the second time and before she knew it, with each kiss their tongues were entwined with each other while her rational thoughts were trying to break through her enjoyment in vein.

Feeling out of breath, she finally pushed away from him while halting his advances, "W-wait… Hu... Stop for a moment… Hu… Hu..." Anna panted as she leaned on his chest, not even feeling the coldness of the water from his wet underwear that soaked the seats and thought, blaming herself, 'Gosh, why does it feel so good…? Why didn't I try this before?? His tongue is so soft and he kisses so passionately… His girlfriend is lucky…'

The back of the SUV was really spacious so there was a lot of space to sit, but when they were engrossed in their act, the spacious seats suddenly became pretty small. Anna naturally imagined how this would feel if they could repeat such a scene inside a bed with all the space they needed.

'But…' Anna realised something as she looked up into Wuxing's eyes, 'If that's how he kisses his girlfriend every day, this means they are already this far into their relationship…'

She wasn't a cruel person and didn't want to break other people's joy, knowing they were happy with each other. Anna already thought she went too far and had the idea of stopping it when suddenly another female voice, which she knew very well, resounded inside her mind, 'I already told you to be more selfish.'

'Maya… But—' Anna called out to her Spirit, trying to explain herself but she was cut off as Maya continued, 'Are you going to continue thinking about others instead of yourself in the first place? It's okay from time to time but when was the last time you actually enjoyed yourself like this? Look at your cheeks, they are all red and I can feel that you want more. Do something for yourself and enjoy for once.'

Both Maya and Anna were really close with each other, the exact opposite to how Wuxing and Devil Face was and they treated each other like friends so Anna naturally had to take her advice into account.

Unfortunately, Anna didn't know that Maya was a bit biased in this situation but it was all for her own good. It already took her a lot of time to convince her to try using her ability through kissing so she couldn't just let Wuxing leave, treating him like a test subject for Anna. For her as a master of seduction, it was pretty shameful that her Ability User didn't even kiss or had any intimate relationship with other men.

If one learnt how much time she spent while trying to change her from a shy and unpopular girl into a bold and playful woman, they would bang their heads against the want, asking themselves if it was worth it. Fortunately, she recently succeeded which made her deeply satisfied.

'What is she waiting for? Is she talking with her Spirit?' Wuxing thought and looked towards the snack box that was left open. He tried to move and grab something but he was stopped, his body not listening to his orders.

Thinking about his love that was probably going back home, Wuxing couldn't help but pray, 'I hope I already satisfied her… I'm sorry Dongmei. I didn't want to do it…' Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Anna still battled with her own thoughts, when Maya tried one more time, 'How about you give yourself a present for your birthday which was a few days ago and enjoy for just a few minutes more? I know you want it. Nothing will happen if he lends you his lips for a while more. Afterwards, you can ask him to forget everything and tell him to continue loving his girlfriend. What do you think?'

This last argument somehow worked the most on her Anna as she finally agreed, 'Alright… I guess I can enjoy for a few more minutes before we reach the hotel.' If Wuxing would forget everything later, it didn't make a difference for how long she appreciated his kisses.

Wanting to make the best use of this time as they were already a few blocks away from their destination, she sat on his lap and checked his bandage. Seeing it was still holding on well, she gave him the return peck on the lips and whispered, "I'm fine already... We can continue, but this time, I want you to use everything in your arsenal to make me feel good."

'Fuck… Is she crazy…?' Wuxing quickly cursed in his mind, feeling his hands already moving forward, ready to embrace her. He knew that Anna probably didn't understand what she was wishing for. In her mind, there was only kissing involved but what Wuxing could offer her was much more than that. If she didn't stop him, he would get beat up by her when he actually touches where she didn't want.

As Wuxing couldn't talk, he tried to inform her with his eyes but Anna only smiled, waiting for his arms to wrap around her, only to feel him squeeze her tightly and pull her closer, their chests pressing against each other.

Her lips were immediately locked by Wuxing just as she expected and he was much more passionate than before, assuring Anna that she made the right decision. His hands quickly started roaming around her back, caressing it with care while slowly getting down towards her bottom but she didn't stop him as he still stayed in the safe zone.

"Ah!" Just then, Anna felt something hard poking her from below and she couldn't help but exclaim, letting go of his lips. She naturally blushed embarrassedly after figuring out what it could be. They were almost naked as he was only wearing his underwear and she had a thin bikini so she could feel it as if it touched her directly.

She knew it was unavoidable in this position but it was still embarrassing for her. Anna was just about to take another break to calm her nerves when Maya warned her, 'Are you going to leave him this big? What if Katherine sees him like that?'

Instead of calming her, Maya's message only ignited the anxiety but she couldn't focus on that as Wuxing attacked her once again, kissing her neck while gently brushing his fingers through her hair.

"Ah… Not there…" Anna let out a moan, calling him off but instead of stopping, he moved to the other side, kissing and sucking with more intensity.

'Just let him lead you. He seems to be quite skilled. You will get just what you wanted. He will make you enjoy yourself. This is your chance. Don't worry. I will tell you if he goes too far so we can stop him if necessary.' Maya advised, not willing to let go of this opportunity to break Anna's barriers. Wuxing seemed to know exactly what to do.

'Mhmm…' Anna covered her lips to not let out any sounds but they still escaped through her hands. She tried not to think about it but her mind would always come back to his soft lips that roamed around her neck.

'Tell him to go harder.' Maya suggested and Anna repeated without much thought, trusting Maya's judgement, "You can go harder…" Right after her whisper entered into his ear, Wuxing's hands let go of her head, suddenly moving downwards.

His kisses also travelled down, heading towards her collar bone, licking it playfully before slowly finding its ways to her breasts. Her eyes opened wide, already knowing what he planned and called out to stop him, "Noo— Ahh…" Too bad that Wuxing was faster than her and just as she opened her mouth, his hands pulled the strings of her bikini while at the same time diving forward to suck on her exposed breast.

As her 'No' didn't give him any orders, Wuxing continued without worry, playing with his tongue while pressing her back so she couldn't escape.

Anna quickly flushed red all over her face, her mind losing focus each time Wuxing's tongue did a lap around her nipple. What was worse for her was Wuxing's long and hard buddy which found its place in between of her legs. It continued to rub her with each movement.

In her mind, there were only kisses that she wanted but it escalated this far, making her feel hot just like Wuxing would make her girlfriend. Even if he would forget about everything later, Anna still felt bad for using him like that. She was a good girl for a long time so to suddenly change into a bad girl was hard for her.

She looked down at Wuxing who was still eagerly sucking on her nipples, switching from one breast to another and couldn't help but smile, feeling as if she was a mother feeding a baby. Rubbing his hair, she finally called out, deciding to end it, "Wuxing, freeze."

With that one word, Wuxing suddenly stopped moving but his body was still embracing her which required another command. Anna looked at his greedy expression as she stopped him in the middle of sucking and laughed gently, finding him funny.

"I wonder when will I find a man who will do the same to me without the need for this cursed ability… It sucks you already got stolen by someone else before we met." Anna muttered to herself, wondering when will her time come where she meets her destined man. The more she used her ability, the more desire for true love was born in her heart.

Seeing they were driving into the parking of the hotel, Anna didn't prolong it anymore, ordering unwillingly, "You can relax your body and let go of me. After ten seconds, you will fall asleep and when you wake up, you will forget everything naughty that we did together."

Some part in her really didn't want to erase what they did from his mind but it would be unfair to him and his girlfriend, so she had no other choice. Who would want the person who they shared their first kiss with to forget everything?

Seeing that he relaxed and finally letting go of her, she could only sigh and reach out for her top that was thrown to the side, knowing they were parking already and Kat would arrive soon. With his eyes closed, she was sure he already fell asleep.

"Huh?" Just as her fingers were few centimeters away from her top, she felt some movement on her back. Wuxing hands slowly began moving downwards, reaching her lower back without any warning.

Anna thought she just asked him to sleep which made her wonder how come he was still moving but she still repeated the command, trying to correct the error, "Wuxing, don't move."

To her surprise, Wuxing didn't halt, continuing to dive deeper with his eyes closed until he reached the bottom of her bikini, trying to slide his fingers underneath it.

"Wuxing! Freeze!" This time she raised her voice, thinking that maybe he didn't hear her and reached out behind her, stopping one of his hands but this also turned out to be ineffective as Wuxing suddenly grabbed it before entwining his fingers with hers as if they were a couple.

She looked at him to figure out what is going on but then his eyes snapped open, leaning forward to catch her lips off guard while grabbing her buttcheek without restrains which caused her to exclaim, "Mhmm!"

At the moment, the SUV came to a stop and a loud sound of the sport's car engine resounded throughout the parking, causing Anna's eyes to widen in panic.