Chameleon: My True Face

98 Anna's Seduction

'Haha, good! I knew you were a man of culture as well. Pretending to be injured and unconscious to melt a cold beauty's heart.' Devil Face laughed when he saw what Wuxing actually pulled his plan off before asking out of curiosity, 'How did you know it will work?'

Wuxing wanted to roll his eyes but at the current situation, he couldn't even move his body. 'Dude, can't you see I'm fighting for survival now? She literally cut my throat. I need to somehow convince her that I am innocent. I'm just buying time right now. I had to bet on that but fortunately, I was right.'

Devil Face observed Katherine cold face as she cut her dress into pieces and confirmed, 'Yeah, she is a tough nut to crack. I wish you luck. I will have to disappear for a while. The closer she is to you, the more chances her Spirit will feel my presence. Call me when you need to use your ability. I will be taking the chameleon with me.'

Just as he said so, Wuxing felt a sting on his chest. He didn't need to look down at his chest to know that his invisible tattoo of a chameleon who blended into the colour of his skin earlier disappeared.

'Don't leave yet! Can you tell me how is my stamina? I feel so drained… I literally can't move...' Wuxing asked, his mind feeling sluggish but just as expected, he did not get any information in return. Wuxing really wanted to sleep at that moment, but he did not give up, knowing it would be best if he stayed conscious. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

If Wuxing wasn't pretending to be passed out and actually opened his eyes, he would get a clear view of Katherine's sexy red lace panties. Of course, that might also be a good thing as Katherine wouldn't hesitate to deprive him of his head without any question asked.

Before the blood reached her leg, Katherine switched to holding him with her hands and swiftly folded one part of her dress before tying it around his neck to cover the wound. With the second piece, she cleaned his chest as much as she could before tying it on his arm. There wasn't any embarrassed expression on her face but only pure calmness and professionalism as if touching a naked, stranger man didn't bother her that much as it should.

She opened his eyes to check if he was really unconscious, feeling like something was suspicious but didn't discover anything, seeing Wuxing's eyes reacting just like they should be for a knocked out person.

"Damn…" Katherine cursed under her breath as she looked at Wuxing's face, thinking of what she should do next. She already had an idea of what she should and could do, but she was still hesitating or what she wanted to do. Katherine knew that if she felt him like that, he would probably die which could create problems for her. What's more, she already accepted this mission. If she didn't find out what happened, this wouldn't be a perfectly done mission according to her.

It didn't take long for Katherine to figure out her plan of action and she immediately carried it out. Supporting Wuxing with her shoulder, he activated her watch with a simple touch before saying, "Call Anna." As this was less advanced version, it didn't have the hologram video call as Dongmei had but it was already using advance technology.

Bzz, Bzz.

Just as Anna finished ordering the dishes for herself, her watch started vibrating and she quickly tapped it on the small screen and a call connected, showing Katherine as the caller.

"What's up, Kat? Don't tell me you killed him?" Anna asked, already assuming the worst that could happen.

Katherine avoided any unnecessary words and said, "I'm sending you my location. Come here with your car. We need to transport this guy out of here." She was always a person who went straight to the point without blabbering too much.

Unfortunately, this usually led to many misunderstandings, similar to now where Anna called out, "Gosh Kat, how could you kill him? He was such a nice man. If you don't get a man in the future, I know what to blame now."

Anna naturally thought that her new boy was dead and immediately pouted but then Katherine dismissed her thoughts, scolding, "Don't speak gibberish. He is still alive, just unconscious. We need to move somewhere else to interrogate him."

The moment Anna heard Katherine's plan, her eyes brightened as she quickly stood up from her table, agreeing right away, "Yes! I am on my way!" She couldn't help but imagine Wuxing all tied up right in front of her so she could play with him as she wished. Anna naturally had to agree to that.

She left the restaurant without saying anything and ordered her bodyguard to drive her more than five hundred meters away before parking right next to the toilets. It was quite suspicious when a black SUV was driving into the beach and it naturally alarmed the Police Officers who searched the beach nearby but they were too late to arrive on the scene as the body of Wuxing was already tossed into the back of a SUV.

All they could see was the back of the car, driving away, but when they saw their licence plates, they finally understood what was going on. They had blue licence plates which were representing the most influential personalities in the world, giving them a lot of privileges. Their chase stopped just as fast as it started.

Inside the car, Katherine placed Wuxing on one of the seats before ordering Anna's bodyguard in a black suit, "Drive back to my car. I will switch and we will drive to my hotel."

Anna definitely didn't mind that as she was focused on the unconscious Wuxing right next to her. She found him really cute, sleeping like that and couldn't help herself to rub his cheek.

Too bad, Katherine looked at her friend and didn't let her continue as she slapped her hands away while asking, "Anna, what are you doing?"

"Don't you find him cute sleeping like that?" Anna asked while grinning.

"No." Katherine rejected right away without even thinking about it before asking after seeing that her dressing didn't do the job as the blood was leaking, "Do you have any medical kits in here?"

"I do. Why do you nee—" Anna nodded as she reached out for the kit hidden is the side doors before looking at Wuxing to find why she needs it only to find blood on the cloth around his neck which made her exclaim, "Oh god, Kat! What did you do to him? You didn't have to go straight for the kill."

She quickly opened the kit, pulling out a proper gauze and bandage before proceeding to quickly switch the cloth.

"It was an accident. He pushed against my katana. It's not my fault." Katerine just shrugged, explaining what happened but Anna knew that most things her friend explains are basically ten percent of what happened in real life. She wouldn't be surprised if both she and Wuxing fought.

After dressing the wound on Wuxing's neck, Anna picked him up and sat sideways, embracing him with her legs before letting him lean of her body, with his head placed gently on her chest. She took off his two holsters and started caressing his cheeks while saying warmly, "Shh, it's alright. Anna is here to help you… I won't let this violent woman touch you."

"Seriously…?" Katherine was naturally speechless when she saw that and feeling the car stop, she used this opportunity to excuse herself, not willing to watch her friend playing around. Katherine was only interested in Wuxing's story but whatever happened with him afterwards, it didn't matter to her. Anna could have him if she wanted.

The Black SUV parked right next to her Ferrari. Katherine wanted to leave without saying anything, but then recalled how skilled Wuxing was and took Anna's fluffy handcuffs that were hanged at the back, before locking it around his wrists.

Checking if Wuxing was still passed out, she looked into Anna's eyes and warned sternly, "Watch out. He is skilled. We will meet at the Victoria Hotel parking. I will be driving right behind you."

"Alrighty~" Anna acknowledged it but her gaze didn't leave Wuxing, liking him the more she looked. She only reached out to the button on the door handle which opened the window separating the back of the car and the driver, informing him of their destination before returning to Wuxing.

He was still unconscious as if he was sleeping which she found surprising but that also partially put a smile on her face. With him knocked out, she could do anything she wanted and one of her hands already dived down, feeling the muscles on his chest and shoulders.

"Such strong and toned muscles… Your strength must be really amazing…" Anna commented as her hand rubbed his arms before reaching down towards his abs and continued speaking lewdly into his ear, "I wonder how would it feel if you used that strength on me… Pinning my hands to bed while leaving me no chance to escape as you pound me hard from behind… Then I would moan as you slam against my butt without mercy..."

"Ahh…" As she finished, Anna bit his ear playfully before moaning seductively straight into his ear while breathing hot air inside. Facing such seduction, Wuxing's friend in his underwear quickly woke up, growing slightly bigger unwillingly. Even if he didn't want that to happen, he was just a man and it was too hard to stop. Naturally, he was too tired to unleash anything close to his peak form but that was enough for Anna to notice the change.

She grinned to herself as she said in wonder, "To think you can actually hear me… I wonder if you will wake up if I touch—" Anna wanted to lure him out, already having some suspicions that he wasn't sleeping and she succeeded as he grabbed her hands just as they moved downwards, heading towards his underwear.

Anna wasn't surprised and didn't fight back, only embracing him while letting his head sink deeper in her soft peaks before calling out, "Welcome back. How was the sleep?"

"Sigh, why you ask if you know the answer?" Wuxing said as he finally opened his eyes and tried to stand up but then he was pulled back by Anna as she asked back with a smile, "Where are you running? Stay still or I will tell Kat that you lied to her and pretended you are unconscious."

Hearing such simple blackmail, Wuxing got speechless but knowing he didn't have any energy to fight back, he could only comply, "Fine… What do you want?"

"Hehe, good boy." Anna giggled seeing him stop resisting and returned to gently caressing his cheeks before saying, "You are going to tell us what exactly happened later when we are together with Kat so for now, we can just focus on ourselves."

As she said so, Anna started playing around with his hair before gently massaging his head by rubbing on his temples and making him relax on her soft pillow in the form of her breasts. He didn't exactly know what she wanted but he could only go along for now.

Seeing some snacks in the box in the middle of the car, Wuxing snuggled to her and pleaded, "I barely have the energy to move… Can I have a snack? Anything is good." His lack of energy limited his options as well as fighting abilities in case he wanted to run away so he could only lower himself for now.

"Sure." Anna naturally wouldn't say no and picked up a chocolate bar, unpacking it nicely before aiming it into his mouth with words, "Say, aaaah."

Wuxing wanted to argue but seeing a tasty chocolate bar right in front of him, he couldn't help but comply and give it a bite. He really needed this energy right now so he didn't say anything to her methods.

Unfortunately, the moment he reached out for another bite, Anna pulled the chocolate bar away before patting it against her lips while asking sweetly, "And where is my reward? How about a kiss for each bite?"