Chameleon: My True Face

97 New Plan

Both Katherine and Wuxing were silently staring at each other, trying to figure out the other but in either of their minds were there thoughts of giving in. They were not the kind of people who would put down the weapon first, trusting their lives to a stranger without certainty that they would be alright. Wuxing did see Katherine before in the headquarters but she saw him for the first time today as she never looked at other males.


Just as they started their silent battle, the doors to one of the toilets began to open. Both Wuxing and Katherine reached out with their other hand towards their second weapon, aiming at the doors at the same time only to see a fat, forty years old man walking out in his tank top while drinking soda.


The moment he saw a gun and a katana being aimed at him, the man froze and dropped his soda on the floor. He immediately raised his hands up and begged in panic, "Please don't kill me!"

"Get out." Both of them replied at the same time, once again in perfect synch which made them surprised but it didn't divert their attention from the man. Fatty looked at the both of them and hearing no other orders, he slowly moved towards the exit with his back against the wall as if he was glued to it before running away just as his foot crossed the line of the exit.

To Wuxing surprise, Katherine was the first to talk as she praised him without changing her expression, "Nice reflexes." Too bad her katana was still laying on his neck which made her praise less pleasant. He could feel it was so sharp that any of his neck movements would slice his throat.

"Thanks. Yours are not bad as well. How about we move from here to a cosier place so we can have a nice chat?" Wuxing smiled gently and proposed, knowing they needed to speed up their conversation in case someone else came in.

Katherine didn't have any problems with that and nodded, proposing as she side glanced at his gun, "I agree. Drop your gun first."

Wuxing quickly rejected while saying, "Oh no, please. Women should naturally go first. I'm, of course, a gentleman. I wouldn't go against the traditions."

"My mission is to find you, understand the situation and kill if necessary. Do you think I won't dare to slice your throat right now? By the way, your pistol is dripping with water." Katherine said as she pressed her katana closer to Wuxing's throat, forcing him to back his head away to the wall. He looked at his golden Beretta and also saw water dripping from the barrel but it didn't mean that the gun didn't work.

"So you want to check if my pistol shoots? Shall I pull the trigger then?" Wuxing asked with a smile, wiggling his gun in his hand to make all the water drip out of the barrel.

"Killing an active Seven Star Special Forces General is a great offence which gets you a death sentence, you know that?" Katherine asked to confirm if he was aware of that fact but then Wuxing shrugged as he revealed, "Same with a Captain but I already killed one today."

When Katherine heard that, her eyes squinted as she quickly figured out that it was him that killed Long Qing. Technically, this was good news for her as this way her mission was already half done. She only needed to figure out what to do with Wuxing and her mission would be finished.

"You shouldn't have told me that." Katherine said coldly, her words sounding like a declaration of death. Everyone knew that killing a fellow Seven Stars member without a reason was punishable by death so everyone needed to have solid evidence to prove they were guilty.

"I know you won't kill me. You are too meticulous in every mission you do. Here, I will be first. You are lacking puzzles to close the case." Wuxing said with confidence and as to back up his claims, he lowered his gun, putting it back into the holster that he had fastened around his arm.

Seeing she still didn't kill him after he lowered his gun, Wuxing smiled wider and added, "I can feel that the way you do things, you make sure you know everything before you make a decision. You definitely read all my files and probably already figured what happened so I am not worried."

Just as he said so, they heard some shouts coming from the outside of the toilet and voice of one particular man they just met not too long ago, fatty, "Officer, they are in the toilet! They were about to kill each other!"

"Are you sure? Calling out a Police Officer under a false claim is an offence." The Police Officer asked, not at all in a good mood as their lunch break was disturbed due to fatty panic. They did not have a choice but to go with him and check what is going on. If there were really people fighting with a gun and a katana, it would be quite the case.

The three Police Officers pulled out their guns and shushed the fatty before walking towards the toilet building from both sides before entering at the same time with their guns ready.

Nothing. The bathroom was empty aside from the one stall that was closed. The Police Officers already realised that they just wasted their times and put their weapons down. Just to make sure it was clear, they banged on the stall, calling out, "Who is there?"

Just as they expected, everything was normal as the person in the toilet replied, "What? Dude, it is taken, can't you see? I'm taking a shit. Go to another one" This made the people Police Officers feel like they were being played at by the fatty.

They already started thinking that he was some weeb who might have watched too many comics in his life and now is feeling like it's happening in real life. They all looked at him and saw beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he could also figure out how bad this was looking.

"This is not the same guy's voice… What if they left already? Yes! They definitely ran away! I'm not lying officers! They were here for sure! The lady had a sexy traditional dress with two katanas in her hands and the guy was only in his underwear with two gun holsters around his arms. Look at the floor, I dropped my soda when they aimed their weapons at me." The fatty rumbled, trying everything to make the Police Officers believe him and even pointed at the black soda spilt on the floor.

Police Officers looked at the floor but their eyesight quickly moved from the soda towards two small red dots on the floor near the wall. They looked at each other and one nodded, crouching next to it to confirm it was blood.

When the fatty saw the blood, his face immediately brightened as he yelled happily, "I told you! They probably fought and—" Too bad he was quickly interrupted as the Policeman shouted, "Shut up! This might as well be the blood of someone who cut his finger on the beach. This is not enough evidence for us."

The other two also agreed while proposing, "Yes. If we call back-up for nothing, we will be scolded by the Chief. Let's just look around first before we jump into conclusions. They shouldn't have walked too far away."

"Let's go."

A few seconds after they walked away, an angry voice scolded inside the stall, "Are you suicidal? You would die if I didn't move the sword away. It's so sharp it can cut metal but you pushed your neck against it, idiot." It was Katherine who could still see Wuxing's smile despite getting wounded which immediately made her angry. She didn't mind the change of his voice it was a normal skill.

Wuxing clutched his neck, blood dripping through his fingers as he tried to stop the bleeding but seeing Katherine's angry expression, a smile was escaping from his lips without his permission.

"I thought you wanted to kill me anyway? Why did you pull it back?" Wuxing asked despite bleeding as if that didn't bother him.

Katherine thought he might as well find a way to bandage himself but seeing him not bothered, she didn't reach out to help, "You were right. Before I decide to kill you, I need to learn your part of the story. I can feel it's not how they reported in the mission description."

"That's good to hear. I knew I could trust you…" Wuxing replied weakly but there was still a smile planted on his face. It seems like he was getting weaker with each second as his face got pale as well.

For Katherine, Wuxing was just a stranger so there was no sympathy for him in her mind. Everyone was responsible for themselves in her opinion. If he didn't ask her for help, she wouldn't think of treating him and said instead, "There was no need to run away from the Police. We are from the Seven Stars."

Wuxing wanted to answer her seriously but then thought of a certain plan and teased, "Oh, I didn't run away from them. I just wanted to be closer to a beauty like you. Such a small stall, many things can happ— Cough!" Just as he expected, before he finished, his stomach was hit but fortunately, he prepared himself for that.

"Tell me what happened," Katherine ordered coldly, not bothered by his suffering. It was his fault for daring to tease her like that.

"Well… I wish I could tell you…" Wuxing spoke weakly before pausing as if he had very little strength. As he tried to finish the sentence, he started to stagger a bit, "...but it seems it would have to wait…" Unfortunately, he only managed to say this little before he toppled forward without strength, his eyes rolling upwards before closing.

As only Katherine was in front of him, she had no other choice but to catch him else he would crash into her. Her hands pressed against his chest, trying to stabilize him but then his hand protecting his throat dropped limply as if he passed out and the droplets of blood started slowly travelling towards her hands.

It was quite unusual for Katherine to curse but today was her first time since ages, "Damn." Normally she would just kill him if he was someone else but she still wanted to learn the truth so that wasn't an option for her anymore. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

She pushed him towards the wall and suddenly raised her leg up to his chest and kept him stable with it. Her now free hands reached downwards and Katherine cleanly cut two parts of her dress with her katana, shortening the length up to her knees while thinking hatefully, 'You owe me a new dress…'