Chameleon: My True Face

96 Katherine

Thank you both Ray_Ven and GangLang once again for the gifts. Both of you outdo one another every day. This chapter is dedicated to you guys <>


'Run! I know this girl! She is dangerous!' Devil Face quickly followed up, hurrying Wuxing up. He had many contacts with this individual and none of them made happy memories.

Devil Face didn't even need to tell him that as Wuxing already crouched and picked up his shirt together with the two guns, before sneakily walking away without Anna realising it as she was looking towards her friend. Getting more than ten meters away from her, he increased his pace as he speed-walked back towards the beach while replying, 'You don't need to remind me. Everyone knows her as she is the General Crimson Devil from Seven Stars. I can't let her see me. What if she is the one who was sent to investigate my disappearance? How do you even know her?'

Devil Face was quick to answer, 'Obviously because I met her. Before I found you, I had another host but this woman killed him so I had to find someone else. Who would have thought that just as we left the prison, she would appear once again? Damn, don't get close to her. Both she and her Spirit are a pair of cold bitches. They don't care about anything as long as they can achieve their goal.'

Wuxing smirked when he heard that as he already expected it. For a woman who had one hundred percent success ratio on all mission since she started her career, it was kind of obvious. As Devil Face was too lazy to scan his old memories, he didn't know about a certain fact. Manoeuvring quickly between the people sunbathing he admitted with a smirk, 'You know, she was my first crush.'

'Oof… I'm so glad you took Dongmei as your girl. Yeah, Dongmei is so good. You should keep her and stick with her. Definitely.' Devil Face sucked in a cold breath when he heard that and suddenly the concept of having Dongmei as Wuxing's girl wasn't that bad for him. As long as it was anyone other than the crimson devil then he was alright with her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Wuxing wanted to laugh but knew it wasn't the situation for that. He had to get away from her as far as possible. He wasn't in a position where he could allow himself this risk. He had to get away, find something to eat, something to wear and change his appearance completely.

As he ran, Wuxing was surprised that even after seeing the girl of his dreams, the one who would make his heartthrob every time he landed his glance on her, he did not feel anything this time. He felt as if she was just another girl one would meet on the streets.

It was a complete opposite with Dongmei. When he sees or even think of her, Wuxing would immediately feel warm deep inside and want to quickly meet up with her to squeeze that gentle yet sharp body which made him think, 'Did I already fall for her this deeply?'

For some reason, he was sure that he would not exchange her with anyone else and he did not think there was anyone who could move his heart till this point. Even with General Crimson Devil, he understood that what he felt was just admiration and respect. Obviously, she is indeed in Dongmei's league in case of appearance but knowing that he would never be with her, he was always focusing on her actions rather than her physical traits.

He slowed down a bit after running for a few minutes, already feeling a bit tired as one banana was not enough to regenerate his energy but just as he did, he was woken up by Devil Face's panicked news, 'She is coming! Fuck! Run!'


A few minutes ago, just after Wuxing sneaked away, Katherine started walking towards her friend she was supposed to meet up before her mission. When she saw Anna talking to some random guy next to the showers, she immediately shook her head, thinking to herself with a sigh, 'This girl will never learn…'

She could even see that the guy wasn't interested in Anna and just as she turned around, he took his stuff and walked away without her noticing. It was only for the better so she didn't inform her about it.

"Kat!" Anna quickly called out happily and ran to meet her in the half of the distance, embracing her tightly, causing their two pairs of ample breasts to squeeze against each other.

When the men on the beach saw that scene, they naturally couldn't stop their gazes from following the two movements but it seemed like neither Katherine nor Anna cared. If they did, they would have to kill almost everyone on the streets wherever they went and that would be too tiring to do.

Katherine did not belong to the group of girls who were acting cute or sweet and it was rather the opposite. There wasn't even a smile on Katherine's face the moment she saw her friend as she hid all of her emotions behind the never-changing cold face.

Seeing that Anna didn't let go of her like the usual she reminded her, stating her name coldly, "Anna." Too bad, Anna knew that even though Katherine didn't show it on her face, she really cared about her. Knowing that Anna could afford to abuse her friend without any consequences.

Using that, Anna kissed her friend on the cheek and laid the head on her shoulder before asking while tracing her finger on one of the katanas on Katherine's back, "Kat, why are you walking around with those katanas all the time? Can't you relax once in a while? You have such a nice body. If you put a nice bikini on, you would be slaying everyone with just your looks alone."

Katherine was wearing her usual crimson traditional dress with two long cuts that went up to her waist. It allowed her to move around more freely but it exposed her silky smooth legs completely for others to ogle if they dared to do so. Golden edges on the dress gave the dress a proper royal elegance while the wide material belt on the waist kept everything together. Two katana sheaths were tied to the belt which gave her easy access to them if there was a need for immediate action.

The dress' colour matched her crimson hair and blood-red eyes perfectly, living up to the nickname she received from everyone, Crimson Devil. If not for the cold look and face that never smiled, Katherine would definitely top the charts with her smooth porcelain skin and cherry soft lips.

Hearing no response from her, Anna grinned and reached downwards, grabbing Katherine's buttcheek firmly but even with that, she only received her glare rather than the expected blush.

"Your butt is so soft and firm, I wonder what exercises you do? Are you hiding a secret boyfriend from me? You must go really crazy every night to keep such form—" Anna rubbed her nose against Katherine's as she teased her but then she felt a strong killing intent coming from Katherine's eyes which made her shiver and finally let go of her.

"Alright, I know. I will stop." Anna raised her hands up, showing she wouldn't touch anymore but the smile didn't leave her face. She knew that ability users would find it hard to get any fat as all they needed to do is use her ability to burn it to be skinny once again.

Only after that did Katherine calm down and asked in her usual cold voice, "Are we going to eat? I got a side mission from the system. I don't have much time."

"Ah, you also got informed about that one too? I still didn't read the files. I'm not thinking about work when I'm on my break." Anna shrugged, patting her wrist smartwatch and showing that it was turned off.

Putting that aside, she recalled Wuxing who was still waiting for them so she grabbed Katherine's hand and explained while dragging her towards the showers, "Anyway, I met a cool guy a moment ago. Do you want to meet him? He is also a car enthusiast like you. His name is…"

Unfortunately, just as she turned her head around, she saw that Wuxing was gone already, her towel disappearing together with him which made Anna's smile freeze as she asked, "Where did he go?"

Katherine could only sigh as she pulled her hand away and told Anna the truth, "He walked away as you were looking away. I told you not to bother yourself with males anymore. You and your flirting training. Most of them are pigs who are only after your body. This one is at least somewhat decent as he didn't care at all. I bet he has a girlfriend, right?"

"Ah, he did say that…" Anna sighed as well, her smile faltering as she started doubting her charm. She could have any man she wanted if she used her ability but the more she used it, the higher the desire to seduce her future man with her own charm instead.

Seeing sadness on her friend's face, Katherine took a deep breath and patted her on the head, cheering her up, "It's okay... It just means your radar is good as you found a decent man. Too bad he was already taken. Faithful men like that are hard to find."

Even though Katherine didn't show that on her face, she did try to stay social with the only friend she had. At first, she ignored Anna for a few weeks and only after being bothered by her for so long, asking every day if she can be her friend, did she finally accepted that fact. She bought many books on social interactions after that and this was the most common result she got. It was either that or a hug but she didn't have it in her to initiate such intimacy.

Fortunately, it was Anna who returned to Katherine's embrace as she poured out her sorrows, "Gosh, it is so hard to find a proper man nowadays. I don't want a puppet so I can only try my best. I am not like you who don't care about relationships at all. I want a hubby whom I can share my troubles and a one who will cook me a delicious meal before cuddling me to sleep after I come back tired from a mission. I don't demand too much, right?"

Katherine already got used to Anna hugs but still would rather not do it, if she had a choice so she patted her for the last time and proposed, "There, there. How about you tell me that as we eat?"

"Sigh, sure…" Anna sighed one more time and let go of the hug, only holding onto Katherine's hand before calling out in a whisper, "It was nice to meet you Wuxing."

Just as she finished the sentence, Katherine stopped and looked at Anna suspiciously, asking seriously, "What did you say? Was he called Wuxing?"

"Yeah? Why?" Anna tilted her head, not understanding why Katherine was this serious all of the sudden. Wuxing was a rare name around here as he probably came from the east based on his features but it wasn't that shocking.

Katherine, quickly pulled her hand away as she turned on her smartwatch while scolding, "Anna, you should seriously start reading your mission files."

A small hologram appeared on top of the watch and Katherine swiftly manoeuvred with her fingers, opening the files she wanted before showing Anna a picture of Wuxing, asking, "Was it him?"

The moment she saw the picture, Anna's eyes went wide as she exclaimed, "Yes! It's the same Wuxing." Only after a second did she realised and asked herself, "Did I just talk with our target and I just let him go…? Kat?"

Before she got an answer, Katherine was already gone, quickly jumping between the towels as she chased Wuxing in the direction he ran away. With each jump step, she was able to cross more than three meters but if one looked at her shining eyes, one would realise that she was still hiding a lot more power.

Anna didn't chase after them as she knew she wouldn't catch up to them even if she wanted. Turning on her watch, she found the unread message in her inbox and looked through the files, muttering, "Li Wuxing, twenty-two years old, the youngest officer, almost reached the Captain but was sentenced to Badu Prison for alleged murder... Did he run away from the prison and swam all the way from there? Oh my god."


'Damn, you are done for. She is using her ability to catch up to you. That devil already locked on us. Just like I can see her, the spirit in her body also leads her to you. Even if you want escape, there is no way you can.' Devil Face cursed, not seeing any possible ways for them to escape.

'Dang. No wonder she has one hundred percent success ratio. It would be hard to fail with such a radar.' Wuxing commented, as he finally stopped running on the beach and turned into the sidewalk, heading towards the toilet's building. He could hear the surprised cries coming from behind signalling that the Crimson Devil was close.

Right when he entered through the open entrance without doors, he unwrapped the two pistols and immediately aimed one at the entrance.

Almost at the same time, he felt a cold blade up at his throat as he heard a female voice saying, "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you right away."


Wuxing only smiled and replied as he loaded the gun, ready to quickly shoot, "What a coincidence. I wanted to say the same."