Chameleon: My True Face

89 Captain’s Misunderstandings

Wuxing could not help but smile after hearing her question. Not only her acting was good, without any training, but her perception was also excellent. It was true that at times he really wasn't acting like a middle-aged man as he was still twenty-two years old after all. But even with that, it was hard to notice and Scarlet did it.

Instead of replying to her question, Wuxing began packing Long Qing's body, wrapping it into the bloodied bed sheets and tying a thick knot on top of it before finally asking, changing the topic of discussion, "Do you want to hear your second mission? You said you want to do more to pay me back, right?"

He knew what her answer will be so he already started preparing the pen and paper from the lawyer's suitcase before looking at her just as she replied eagerly, "Yes! What else can I do for Sir?" Scarlet realised that Wuxing did not want to answer so she no longer pushed him, planning to figure that out later.

She saw him writing something for her on the paper as he proposed with a genuine smile, "I will give you the mission which you can do when you want as there is no time frame for you. Basically, I want you to join my organization and become a mercenary. What do you think about it?"

When Scarlet heard Wuxing plan, she naturally looked at Long Qing who was lying dead next to her and quickly figured out what the job Wuxing proposed required her to do. A mercenary whose job was to kill other people. Many questions brew inside of her head but Wuxing already knew she would be troubled so he explained further.

"Being a mercenary doesn't mean you have to kill people and although its the big chunk of our jobs there are many other missions which doesn't require such actions. Every three months there is a selection process for new recruits with the closest one being in about week and a half. You can take your brother after he returns to health and travel with the money I gave you. Here is the address, the country and the dates you need to remember." Wuxing passed her the piece of paper which she accepted, her face still not sure what to think of it.

Normally Wuxing wouldn't try so hard to rope someone in but he knew she had the potential so he advised her one more time, "I know you care about your brother and want to give him the best childhood you can, but will you be impressed if I tell you that the money you just earned, you can get the same amount with just one simple mission of bodyguarding someone for a week? With that money you can provide your brother with the best education by sending him to the best school in the United Nations."

Naturally, the idea of giving her brother better future did the job at convincing her as she cried out in shock, "Really?! My brother had to recently drop out of school as we didn't have money for the fees to continue his studies… If he could continue his education and become someone big in the future, I couldn't be more than happy… He is only ten right now, whole life ahead of him..." Scarlet's biggest regret was not being able to provide her brother with the basic qualities of life that other kids had.

Seeing Scarlet almost convinced, Wuxing pushed her a little bit more, "Then do your best and join Seven Stars Special Forces. Once you become their member, you will receive additional support which consists of a big flat only for you and your brother together with a minimal pay of one hundred thousand a month. I'm trying to help you as I can see potential in you."

Only after seeing Scarlet's face change a bit did he stop, packing everything to leave, "I'm not going to say anything else but I hope you choose the right path for you and your brother. We should leave now."

Scarlet was silent for a moment, looking as if she was trying hard to think of all pros and cons of such job and Wuxing respected that, deciding to leave her be for now. He couldn't change her mindset with just one speech so it all depended on her.

Just as he was about to open the doors to check if there was someone outside, Scarlet grabbed on his suit, stopping him for one more second and asked curiously, her face looking down, "Is Sir also working for that organization?"

"Huh? I told you I do. I wouldn't propose it for you if I didn't. Don't worry." Wuxing was a bit confused by the question as he already said so earlier but then Scarlet looked up and asked the follow-up question she already prepared earlier, "Then why did Sir destroy your own chip as well? Are there any dangers inside that organization?"

'Ha… This girl even noticed that…' Wuxing thought as he smiled at her and shrugged, "Every place is filled with some dangers. You just need to reach the point where you are the one who others consider as danger then no matter where you are, you will be safe. My case is special but I will continue working for Seven Stars. Maybe you won't find me as I will leave for another mission this year, but I will tell my son to take care of you. His nickname is Chameleon. If you decide to attend the selection in a week and a half, you will find him there."

Wuxing didn't give her another chance to ask questions and simply opened the door, leaving as soon as he saw the corridor was free. He didn't worry about Scarlet as deep down he knew she was smart and she would make the right choice.

Just as he expected, Scarlet rushed right after him, her hand keeping the small paper in her pocket before calling out sincerely as she closed the doors behind her, "Thank you, Sir, for this opportunity. I will definitely think this over when I go back home."

"You are welcome." Wuxing said as he smiled and asked right after while walking towards the stairs, "Do you want to meet my friend?"


"Miss Guan!" Wuxing called out to the black-haired beauty whose hair flattered in the wind just as he spotted her standing at the back of the ship. She didn't react at first, only turning around when she heard footsteps behind her. He couldn't blame her for that as he did use the lawyer voice instead of his own. Most sailors heard him use such voice so he couldn't switch for her.

It turned out that the Captain also joined them, walking out from the bridge right after they reached Dongmei, having a troubled expression on his face as if he didn't know what to do.

Unfortunately, Dongmei was more interested in Wuxing's matters so she asked him first, "Mr Cheng! How are you doing? Did you settle your matter already?" She did follow everything he said and performed her job beautifully, the rest was in Wuxing's hands. They could already see the land in the horizon so they knew the action would start soon.

Wuxing only smiled warmly at her before glancing at Scarlet and confirmed, "Indeed Miss, I am done with my job already. Mine wasn't that hard so it went really smoothly." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

When the Captain heard him, he immediately wanted to cough but fortunately, he stopped himself in time and only cried in his mind, 'How can he admit to his adultery so boldly?! Wasn't he Miss Guan's man?!'

Only after a moment did Dongmei ask curiously as she looked at Scarlet but there was still no ill intent in her voice or eyes, "And who are you?"

Even though Dongmei had a natural domineering vibe in her, Scarlet smiled gently and introduced herself, "My name is Scarlet. Miss look amazing. Sir told me his friend is pretty but I didn't expect it to be so true…"

"Oh, stop it. Mr Cheng is just trying to be nice." Dongmei naturally waved her hand to dismissed those compliments but Scarlet wouldn't give up this easily and pressed further, "No, no, I really mean it. Miss is so beautiful that I wouldn't be surprised if everyone on the ship is secretly in love with Miss."

Cough, Cough. Just as she said so, many Sailors who were nearby, choked and looked away embarrassed, not willing to face Dongmei consequences.

"Alright, fine. Thank you for the compliment." Dongmei could only give in, knowing Scarlet wouldn't let her go otherwise before looking at Wuxing who already knew what she wanted to know.

"Scarlet helped me with my thing. She was really helpful, making me really satisfied with her. She definitely has potential. If she works a bit in the craft, she will definitely become one of the best." Wuxing continued her introduction.

When the Captain heard it, he felt like he was about to faint. Unfortunately for his weak heart, they just kept going!

Scarlet blushed after hearing Wuxing praise and immediately denied that, "Ah, Sir is just joking… I didn't do much. It was all Sir's job… I only took a small role that didn't require much skill…" She was convinced that Dongmei was aware of what they did because of how Wuxing spoke but she still didn't reveal major detail, not wanting to leak anything by accident.

"If Mr Cheng says you did a job it means you did. Thank you for helping him. I didn't want it to be always hard for him. I would do it myself but I had to take care of the crew. Come give big sister a hug." Knowing that Scarlet helped Wuxing in the mission, Dongmei didn't mind her presence, knowing that Wuxing would only use her if that was necessary and even hugged her like a gentle older sister.

'Oh my god! She knows and doesn't mind that?!' The Captain exclaimed in his mind, still believing Wuxing was talking about sex and his perspective in which he looked at Dongmei also changed, finally knowing her true self.

She was pretending to be a proper lady from the rich family and her cold personality was just a cover. Deep down being an open lady who wouldn't reject good sex without commitments.

Just then, before they continued talking, the Captain suddenly recalled why he came here so urgently and called out, not waiting for his turn to speak anymore, "Miss Guan! There are two ships coming at us from the east. They sent us a signal to halt out movements and wait for them. What should I do?"