Chameleon: My True Face

90 It's Time

Both Wuxing and Dongmei were not surprised at all when they heard the Captain's call as they already knew the reinforcements were coming for them but they still looked into the distance with a frown, pretending to be surprised.

The two ships were still a pair of small dots in the distance but they were quickly approaching them. If they were to rush towards the land at their current speed, Wuxing didn't think they would make it before them but that wasn't the plan. He wanted the ship to be caught for his plan to work.

He glanced sneakily at Dongmei and nodded at her, confirming the plan. They didn't have time to talk about it more in private so Wuxing had to trust her in making the right decision. They talked about it after changing their plans so there should be a problem.

The Captain knew those people were after Dongmei so he left the decision to her. Just as she was about to open her mouth. The closest sailor who just happened to overhead the Captain's shout, approached them and called out while saluting, "Don't worry Miss! We will protect you."

"Yes, Miss! They can't defend against all of us." Another sailor joined into the declaration, followed by another one who was also near the stern of the ship. When they see a beauty like Dongmei being chased by some evil people, they naturally awakened the will to protect her.

Wuxing glanced at them casually and asked sarcastically, "Are you sure you can protect Miss? You can't even deal with a small lawyer like me." This immediately made them embarrassed. Normally they would argue with Wuxing but it wasn't the right move in front of Dongmei. Especially when she had a rifle hanging on her shoulder.

Wuxing didn't wait for their comeback and simply turned to the Captain and asked curiously, "Did the messenger said they were from the Navy?"

"Yes. It was from the local Navy that is responsible for the safety on those seas." The Captain confirmed and explained while wiping the sweat from his forehead, "This is why I was panicking a bit... If I don't stop the ship, I can face some serious legal troubles. We are not against a nobody. Of course, I didn't expect anything less from Miss Guan pursuers. I just hope Miss will shield this poor Captain later no matter what decision Miss make."

Nodding as if he confirmed his guess, Wuxing informed everyone, "Well, from my knowledge, those two are destroyer ships. It will be hard for us to outsail them."

Naturally, everyone knew how a destroyer looked like and all three sailors' eyes widened as they looked at Dongmei, wondering what monsters did she anger.

Dongmei was also surprised, but from a completely opposite reason than them. Her thought was exactly, 'Only two? There has to be something else.' Her father had the tendency to overreact so she wouldn't be surprised if he called the whole army just for her.

Knowing the situation was just as Wuxing wanted, she didn't worry too much but still ordered hurriedly to the troubled Captain, "Captain! Why are you still standing here? Full steam ahead towards the land! Do you want them to catch us?!"

The Captain actually expected nothing less from her and immediately saluted, rushing towards the bridge control room, "Yes, Miss!"

Dongmei could see the sailors were quite panicking right now so she assured them, "Everyone get on the positions. Don't be scared. They want to take me alive so they won't shot a single bullet in our direction. They should catch up in a couple of minutes so be prepared by then!"

The thought of facing two destroyers with just this little of them, having only some rifles were obviously scary but hearing Dongmei's cheering, they quickly strengthened their back and moved onto their previous positions after saluting, "Yes, Miss!"

This only left the three of them near the railings but Dongmei turned to Scarlet right away and asked with a gentle smile, "Scarlet, right? Can you leave me and Mr Cheng for a moment? I have something important to tell him." The ending was really close so this was the last moment she could enjoy a conversation with Wuxing.

Scarlet didn't mind it at all, nicely walking to the side instead of going back, not planning on staying with the Captain anymore, "Mhmm. I will just stay a bit further away. I don't want to go back upstairs…" She also wanted to stay closer to Wuxing in case he needed her.

With everyone gone, she hid behind Wuxing's body and saw his face changing back to his own. It really warmed her heart when he risked getting exposed just so she could feel comfortable. She resisted the urge to jump into his arms and said softly, her expression completely different from how she treated others, "So we are going to separate soon… Will you really be alright?"

To her surprise, Wuxing didn't mind that and actually reached out and did exactly what she wanted, hugging her tightly. She immediately asked quietly, worried for him, "Silly, what are you doing? Everyone will see you..."

"Of course, I'm hugging my dear girlfriend. Your parents know I have a mask and it was me escaping so I have to reveal myself at some point anyway before they come." Wuxing explained as he let her go before continuing while waving towards the boat that was slowly following them, "Just trust me, nothing will happen with me. Also, you should prepare for your parents who are going to arrive as well."

She wanted to talk more about his change but when she heard her parents might be coming, she quickly switched to the new topic, "My parents will come...? How do you know that?"

"I think I know your father's personality enough to guess that. If your father is coming then your mother should be coming as well. Too bad I won't be able to meet them normally and instead I will be shot dead. I really wanted to meet and talk with your mother. She seems to be a smart lady." Wuxing sighed, recalling how her mother figured out everything he planned.

"Yeah, she is…" Dongmei nodded but then happened to see Scarlet look at their direction and asked, "What's up with that Scarlet then? Won't she be suspicious about you without your 'mask'?" She could already see her looking at Wuxing's back suspiciously, looking as if she already noticed something was different.

Wuxing simply shrugged, not hiding anything, "She helped me seduce Long Qing so I can have an easy kill. I also found that she had a great potential to be an assassin so I gave her an opportunity to join Seven Stars. The decision belongs entirely to her if she wants to take it or not. If she does come next week for the selection, I hope you can support her from the shadows. If she doesn't then forget about her."

Dongmei didn't mind Scarlet look anymore as she hanged her hands on Wuxing's neck and asked curiously, "Is that a random act of kindness or do you have any plans for her?" She could feel there was some more to it than just this.

"Who knows. Maybe. Some missions just can't be done alone so in the future when I need a team, I might have to find someone. I don't want to be betrayed again so I might as well create my own team from scratch. Scarlet seems to be an honest and genuine girl. If she grows into a fine mercenary, I wouldn't mind taking her into my team." Wuxing shrugged once again, not certain himself of what he would actually do in the future but it was best to prepare for each circumstance.

"Team you say, hmm…" Dongmei repeated that word out loud, suddenly a new idea spurting inside of her mind and she looked as if she was thinking about it deeply.

Scarlet who was standing a bit further from them, finally couldn't wait for answers and approached them again, looking at Wuxing's face right away. She saw his new younger look like the original Wuxing but she didn't look shocked, deep down knowing Wuxing didn't act like an old man. There had to be something else. Although she wasn't shocked, she was still upset she got tricked.

Scarlet looked at his face and pouted, asking cutely, "Sir…? Did you use some mask or something earlier?" She now also understood why Wuxing didn't look at other girls. While having such a beautiful girlfriend like Dongmei it was only natural.

"Yes. I had to be hidden for my mission but now it's not necessary anymore." Wuxing replied while glancing at the two ships which were already more clearly visible on the horizon and didn't continue explaining as the time was tight, asking Dongmei instead, "Dongmei, can you gather everyone with you for a moment? You will quickly introduce me to everyone before I go and get rid of the body."

She could only sigh, letting go of him, knowing the time has come and she didn't hesitate to call out to her radio, "Everyone gather to me, now."

Seeing the sailors already running up to them, Wuxing recalled something he thought of earlier which could be added to his plan and said, "There is one more thing that I thought of earlier. Do you know which sailor shoots the best?"



As the ship was getting close to the land, there was a sudden splash of the water which was quickly covered by the sound of waves crashing against the ship. Long Qing's body was wrapped in white sheets but it quickly sank, disappearing in the deep waters. A heavy anchor was attached to the body, making it really smooth dive to the bottom of the sea.

"I guess we are done with that. One problem is gone. Only a few more left." Wuxing commented after making sure Long Qing's body will stay at the bottom of the sea for a while.

After introducing Wuxing, the sailors felt much better knowing that Dongmei didn't hook up with an old man and rather a handsome dude. They could already feel there was something wrong earlier but now they understood why. There was no reason for them not to believe in the mask even though they didn't see it as there was no other viable solution.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Scarlet insisted in wanting to follow Wuxing and watch him finish the mission but Wuxing knew there was something more she wanted to say. She looked at the water where the body was dropped before glancing at Wuxing, looking as if there was something she wanted to confess.

Unfortunately, just as she got the courage to do so, they heard a Helicopter sound coming from the distance which distracted them.

Knowing they didn't have time anymore, Wuxing took off his suit jacket, placing it on her back and said with a gentle smile, "Scarlet, it's time to separate. Go back to the cabin and don't leave until you are back on land. Take care of your brother and if you find it possible, come join the Seven Stars. With good training, you will be a good mercenary."

Meanwhile, he pulled his two Berettas from the holsters and checked if the magazines are full before finally leaving after giving her a pat. With the way she looked at him, he knew what she wanted to say but he didn't wait for her.

Scarlet looked at his back that was drifting away from her and wrapped herself in his suit jacket, smelling it for some reason. She quickly decided to listen to him as she went back inside, thinking to herself, 'I will have to follow him to that organization then…'

With the money she had now, her brother would get a better treatment making it possible for her to make it. The only thing bothering was the unknown. Is Wuxing right about her potential?

'I guess the only way to find out is to try...'