Chameleon: My True Face

88 Long Qing's Death

Seeing a Gold Beretta aimed at his face, Long Qing stopped struggling and looked at Scarlet with a hateful gaze, knowing he was tricked by her. She looked sweet and innocent but she was actually just playing with him to get him killed.

Switching his gaze back at Wuxing with the face of the Lawyer, Long Qing spat out coldly, "What do you want? We don't know each other…" He only knew that the man in front of him was a lawyer that came to represent Wuxing as he asked around when he ate with the other guards.

'Wait a second…?' Only after he thought about it deeper did he finally realise what could be the matter. At that moment, Wuxing also smiled which confirmed Long Qing's theory.

"You guessed it right. I was sent here by Mr Li. Did you think you will escape after what you and your father have done?" Wuxing asked with a grin, before pulling the trigger without warning, shooting at one of Long Qing's legs.


Even with the suppressor, there was still a quiet gunshot sound which was followed by Long Qing's cry, "Ughh!!!" He groaned through his teeth, trying to stop the pain but that was obviously impossible. Wuxing aimed at Long Qing's shinbone and the bullet broke it like a stick.

Wuxing looked at Scarlet to check how was she and he was pleasantly surprised, seeing her watching Long Qing's wound in fascination. She took the gunshot quite bravely, not even letting out a sound which made Wuxing approve of her even more.

Watching the broken bone, mixed with flesh and blood, Wuxing commented with praise, "You seem to hold it in pretty well." Long Qing was really holding back his cries as it was almost impossible he didn't feel the pain but Wuxing expected such a scene.

He was sure that Long Qing will stay quiet even though he got wounded. Why? Because that was his only chance of survival. The lawyer in front of him came with the intention to kill him. Obviously, the only way for him to survive was to convince Wuxing to give up. If he were to cry out in pain and try to inform other sailors, Wuxing would probably finish him off at the spot with a bullet in the head.

Just as Wuxing thought, Long Qing called out to him while fighting the pain, "How much— Ugh... Did he pay you…? I will double it." He was losing a lot of blood so he knew only the Lawyer could help him by changing sides. He probably did it for the money so all he had to do was to pay more.

At least that's what he thought but he couldn't be more wrong. Naturally, Wuxing burst out laughing when he heard his proposal and suddenly walked up to the suitcase he brought with him. Opening it up, he suddenly pulled out a long object wrapped in an aluminium foil, walking back towards bleeding Long Qing.

Slowly unpacking the foil, it turned out to be a long scalpel inside a sterile package and Wuxing played with it as he said, "You know, I would accept that if he was paying me but unfortunately, I'm doing it to become friends with Miss Guan." With this answer, Long Qing knew he would be dead no matter what he does so he didn't hesitate to scream for help. He was already weak due to blood loss but still decided to try the little chances he had to survive.

"Help me! Aaaaaaaa! Help!" Long Qing cried out right away but Wuxing naturally wouldn't let him disrupt his plans. There was no mercy for enemies in his codex. He quickly raised his leg and smashed it heavily against Long Qing's bloody wound.


The shinbone got completely crushed, breaking into two but surprisingly, this action wasn't followed by Long Qing's shout. Instead, his mouth opened as he choked while his eyes rolled back due to pain and he lost consciousness right after. The heavy blood loss made this even more possible.

As Wuxing didn't mind Long Qing's suffering, he immediately started his second part of the operation. Scarlet watched closely as he quickly unpacked the scalpel and instead of using it on Long Qing, he first cut his own left hand in between the thumb and his forefinger. This was the place where the chip was placed, having the least impact on body comfort.

Scarlet didn't care about the leecher Long Qing getting hurt but when she saw Wuxing cutting himself, she called out worriedly, "Sir! Why are you hurting yourself?!" She didn't know anything about such technologies so she only understood that Wuxing was doing it with purpose when she saw him pulling out a small capsule from the inside of the wound. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Scarlet looked at the translucent object with some black stuff inside of it and asked curiously, "What is that?" She didn't notice that Wuxing wound was already healed right after covering it with his suit once again.

"It's a highly advanced transmitter that can send information back to the headquarters of my organization the moment I die or it leaves my body. We basically have about three to four hours before any backup arrives. Actually, it all depends if there are any Agents close by. They will investigate what is going on and provide backup if necessary." Wuxing explained as he also reached towards Long Qing's hand and repeated the procedure, pulling out the same kind of capsule.

Scarlet quickly realised the similarities and called out in wonder, "Ah! You guys are from the same Organization!"

"Yes. He was a bad guy that's why he had to be eliminated." Wuxing smiled and agreed, cleaning the scalpel against the bed. If another agent finds the body, he or she will notice the cut on the hand right away so there was no point in hiding it. Fortunately, Xuefeng had a good plan to hide the body. The bottom of the sea was always a good answer.

"Mhmm, I know… He was a leecher…" Scarlet commented quietly in agreement, hugging her chest in the spot Long Qing grasped her. She didn't like that touch at all.

Wuxing looked at her as he heard her change in voice but rolled his eyes and scolded when he saw her still wearing only her pink underwear, "Can you put on your clothes already?" He didn't mind her sexy body but she needed to learn to be more aware of the situation around her. He was after all a middle-aged man now but she didn't care while walking in her underwear in front of him.

Scarlet looked down at her chest she was grasping then at Wuxing and giggled with a shrug, "Hehe, I didn't want to disturb Sir so I just watched. How can I focus on myself when there is another person getting killed right in front of me?"

"You don't seem too afraid of dead bodies or killing?" Wuxing asked back as he pulled his Beretta once again and aimed at Long Qing who already started waking up.

Bang! Bang!

Before she could even reply, he pulled the trigger twice, shooting two bullets, one at Long Qing's heart and another straight through the middle of his head. The transmitter was still transmitting their location so he crushed them both with the handle of his pistol before looking back at Scarlet to check her reaction.

She scratched her head as she knew what he is going to ask and explained sadly, "I didn't grow up in the best neighbourhood so such occurrences were happening around my house on the daily basis. Even my own parents were killed in a robbery right in front of my eyes a few years ago… Only after that, I moved to a safer place to provide a better environment for my brother. We were barely able to afford the monthly rent but we somehow managed to survive up till this point… But now..."

Wuxing could see the moment she mentioned her parents, Scarlet was battling with herself not to cry and he acted immediately to distract her a little, "It's okay. You are a good girl. What you are doing for your brother only deserves respect." He patted her head with a smile which cheered her up a little bit before ordering softly while pointing at her uniform on the ground, "Wear your clothes. We will leave now."

Scarlet nodded and listened nicely but still asked while putting on her skirt, "What about him? Is Sir going to leave him here?" Long Qing was still bleeding out even though he was dead and the whole bed was now soaked in his blood, some of it dripping on the floor.

Wuxing didn't mind the question and quickly explained it to her as he cut the knots with the scalpel, making Long Qing's hands drop lifelessly, "For now, yes. I need to go outside and see what is the situation. We will probably have visitors any time soon who will try to stop the ship. I need to have a clear vision of the situation to know how to proceed further."

"What if someone finds him?" Scarlet followed up with another logical question as she finally began buttoning her uniform, having troubles in fitting her large bust inside of it.

Wuxing could only smile hearing it as with the current connections from Dongmei's side, he couldn't worry about anything and assured poor girl, "Don't worry, if anyone does, I have a good backing so nothing will happen to me."

"Oh!" Scarlet exclaimed as she finally wore the whole uniform and watched Wuxing eat some balls he took from the suitcase. She recalled everything that happened since she met the man in front of him and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Sir, am I pretty? I don't recall you ever ogling my body… I can see men look at my body with lust almost every day but I can't see the same from Sir."

Popping last energy ball into his mouth, Wuxing continued chewing and only after he ate everything he asked back, staying honest, "Is that a problem? I have a girlfriend." He didn't even risk doing anything inappropriate as he knew Dongmei had special powers. Just as he wouldn't let go of her, she was the same, not planning on letting him escape from her clutches. Once Wuxing cheated on her, he knew his friend down there would be in danger.

"Oh! She must be really pretty then…" Scarlet exclaimed at first but then her enthusiasm faltered for some reason, imagining how pretty Wuxing's girlfriend could be. She squinted her eyes as she observed Wuxing's aged face and said confused, getting an internal feeling that something is not right, "I somehow don't get an older man vibe from Sir. Is Sir really that old?"