Chameleon: My True Face

85 Seduction

"Sir! That's too much! I can't accept it!" Scarlet shouted immediately right after she saw the notification on her phone, telling how much money Wuxing sent her. It was a full half a million! How could she even accept it?!

She would be willing to do anything for Wuxing, even killing someone if she had to. She would only kill bad guys though but even with that, it was still murder!

Wuxing already made the deal with her so he wouldn't cancel it. She had to do it now and Wuxing already hid his phone, not accepting any refunds as he said with a grin, "Just accept it like a good girl. I'm not paying you for anything. I explained everything to you already and you agreed to do it. I don't have the use for this money so you can take all of it. Of course, if you don't do what I asked you to, I can also take them all back."

Even with that said, Scarlet still complained about the money, "I know and I can do what Sir wants but it is still too much! I can do the same for just three thousand. No need to pay me half a million… For this much, I would literally do anything and seducing another man would be just a bonus..."

"So you are rejecting me?" Xuefeng asked with his face turning serious but Scarlet quickly countered it as she stood up while waving her hands to dismiss Wuxing's thoughts, "No, no! I will do it… It's just that I feel like I'm taking advantage of you, Sir. Can I just keep three thousand and send back the rest?"

Naturally, Wuxing couldn't accept her counteroffer as he still had plans for her later on and shook his head, rejecting, "Nope. The deal is already finalized and you can't go back on your words. How about this. After we are done with the deal, I will also ask you to do some other mission for me back on the land so you can work off this debt for me? Do you like this solution?"

Hearing the proposition, Scarlet immediately felt better, knowing that she definitely had to do some more for Wuxing for so much money and cried out happily, "Yes! Thank you," before explaining with a sad expression so that Wuxing could understand, "I just don't want to cheat Sir... I know how hard it is to earn so much money. I would feel really bad If I earned it so fast without even sweating for it."

Wuxing could see how gentle she was and almost felt bad for trying to spoil her innocence but he knew that life was brutal so the earlier she learned about it the better. He stood up and picked up his suitcase as he said with a smirk, "I see that you are confident about your abilities. Alright, I guess we should be going then and test them. Do you know in which cabin does the man I told you about is staying?"

Scarlet's eyes brightened and she quickly replied with excitement, "I actually do! I was leading the travellers to their cabins together with the other girl the Captain took. She was the one who accompanied the guy Sir is talking about and she told me his cabin number and how he molested her, grabbing her butt as they walked. I think I know which method I can use to seduce him, hehe."

Wuxing naturally didn't plant to give Long Qing any pleasure before his death so he tried to calm her down, "You don't need to act so hardcore. As long as you follow what I told you, he won't be able to resist. I know you have it in you so just focus and do your best."

As they walked to the doors, Scarlet suddenly asked an unusual question as if she realised something, "What will Sir do to that men later on…? Will something bad happen to him?" Knowing how her target was supposed to end up, Scarlet could imagine he wouldn't have a happy conclusion.

To her surprise, the hand that hovered on the knob suddenly unbuttoned his jacket and showed her one pistol inside of the holster, saying calmly, "Yes, I will kill him after you are done."

Scarlet's eyes widened when she heard it but before she could say anything, Wuxing struck while the iron was hot and asked, "Are you scared? You said you will do anything. Are you going back on the deal?" He knew scarlet had the potential to be a good killer as he already noticed she had the same qualities as him. All he had to do was give her a little push and then she could just roll down from the top.

Scarlet was a bit upset that Wuxing suspected her of that and exclaimed, "No Sir! I would never! I told Sir, I will do anything. I don't care what happens to me as long as my brother is safe. Without the hospital medication and care, he wouldn't be able to ever stand on his right leg. I can't leave him like this."

'Sigh, her brother is a good motivation but also a curse for her.' Wuxing thought as he looked at her worried face and decided to use her brother a bit, saying, "If you don't want your brother to suffer, then let's proceed with the plan. We don't have a lot of time. I can give you at most ten minutes to seduce and tie him to the bed, can you do it?"

Knowing it was for her brother, Scarlet suddenly turned her worries into focus and quickly analyzed the situation while heading towards the doors, "Hmm, I think it's enough. That guy is such a lecher who wouldn't waste an opportunity when it presents in front of him. Sir, follow me. I will show you the way."

Wuxing followed her quietly. As Scarlet had a good memory, she already remembered all the places on the ship with their first trip so there wasn't a problem for her to navigate.

As they walked down the stairs towards another floor, they suddenly heard a lot of gunshots coming from the outside which made Scarlet jump startled but Wuxing patted her on the head to calm her down and whispered, "Don't worry, the sailors are just testing their guns. Nothing to worry about. When the guy asks the same, you can tell him the same."

They were already on a mission and he didn't want anyone to overhear them. Scarlet could only follow his footsteps and whispered back after a few calming breaths, "Mhmm, I will…"

They walked down two more floors, they finally saw some other sailors as they passed them and walked upstairs. They didn't find anything unusual as they knew Scarlet acted as a guide since earlier today.

"Sir… We arrived. It's the last cabin on the left. It's the only cabin occupied on this floor so it has to be him." When they reached the floor with many cabin doors, Scarlet whispered to him as she pointed at one particular door with a small rug in front of them placed horizontally while the others were vertical. She invented this method earlier today as that was much handier than remembering numbers.

Seeing no one around them, Wuxing nodded, giving her green signal as he whispered while raising her morale, "Alright, go ahead. Remember what I told you and you shouldn't have any problems."

"Yes, Sir!" Scarlet saluted happily, feeling like an army commando, finally moving forward but just as she made one step, Wuxing stopped her as he pulled her back, "Wait, unbutton all top three buttons in your blouse." He noticed that she had her blouse buttoned up to her collarbones which made it impossible to see her chest assets.

"Oh! Right." Scarlet looked down, realising that her attire wasn't exactly good for flirting so she at least tried to fix it by listening to Wuxing. As she unbuttoned her blouse, two big melons almost dropped out of her bra which made her ask while looking at him innocently, "Is that enough…?"

She wasn't entirely sure if that was a good look for flirting but Wuxing was there to help her as he commented, "Great, now he won't be able to resist. Go!"

Seeing that even Wuxing liked it, she smiled sweetly and saluted to him quietly, "Yes sir!" She didn't waste any more time as she moved towards Long Qing's cabin door and ruffled her hair to have a more slutty look. She learned about from the magazine but she didn't know if it was even true. Pushing her breasts up which were already trying to leave her bra, Scarlet knocked on the doors. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

When Long Qing heard someone knocking, he immediately stood up from his bed, dropping his phone to the ground and called out, "Who is there?" There was a naked lady picture on his phone screen as if he was watching a live stream.

Recalling all of the advice Wuxing gave her, Scarlet pretended to be very shy as she introduced herself softly, "I am Scarlet… The blond girl which helped show the cabins to the travellers earlier… Can we have a talk…?"

Long Qing found that suspicious so he asked further as he approached the doors, "What do you want?" He naturally recalled such a girl earlier as no girl would escape from his gaze. There was no way to peek through the doors so he couldn't know how Scarlet looked right now.

Scarlet let out a loud sigh before finally explaining, "Actually… I don't know… I heard from my friend that Sir likes pretty women and I really need to earn money so I thought… That maybe Sir will like me to help relax a bit before we reach the mainland…"