Chameleon: My True Face

84 Captain Dongmei

The Captain talked with one of the injured sailors already to learn what happened earlier in the docks so he knew that Dongmei jumped from the pier to catch the ship while being chased by two guys. Something must have happened so he figured out they were the same ones who chased after them now.

He didn't have any plans on asking her or Wuxing to apologize for wounding his sailors as he still wanted to live. The Captain knew Dongmei was untouchable but even Wuxing, just by being her acquaintance, was safe as he was the one protecting her earlier.

Instead of replying to his question, Dongmei changed the subject and asked, "How many free people can you gather right now?" She wanted to follow Wuxing's advice and keep her guards away from the ship so she didn't mind to borrow some firepower from him.

She knew they would catch up any time soon but she only needed to scare them away and they would leave them alone. There wasn't a question that her father definitely made some arrangements to stop them before reaching the mainland but this much could at least buy time for Wuxing.

The Captain squinted his eyes as he couldn't guess what she planned to do but still said truthfully after a moment of thinking, "Hmm… I can only gather ten of them as the rest are busy. The ship is not that big and this week we didn't have many Prisoners so I lowered the number." There were more than a hundred men on the ship but most of them were busy operating it, only a few acting as guard and defenders. The more prisoners there were, the higher the number of guards required.

Dongmei didn't comment on it yet and continued asking, "How long will that boat take to catch up to us?"

"They are two miles away from us and based on their speed, they should catch up in less than five minutes." The Captain observed the data on the screen and quickly calculated based on his experience before asking curiously as it seemed Dongmei knew something is about to occur, "It seems it's a small boat. Does Miss know who they are?"

It was only then that Dongmei nodded and explained while walking towards the exit, "I can bet they are my guards. Tell your men to gather outside on the deck and call someone to take over your job. I want you to come with me as well."

Dongmei naturally needed the Captain to lead all of his men else they wouldn't listen to her. She didn't wait for his response, not even letting him disagree to her request as she recalled one last detail, adding it to the list as she turned around at the door frame, "Also, tell your sailors to bring their rifles with them. I don't mind using power to let them stay away."

When she was gone, the second brown-haired beauty who was standing on the side just as the Captain told her, finally approached the Captain once again. She had an ugly expression as she looked towards the exit, not liking Dongmei one bit.

As she was already experienced in the craft, she could tell when the girl just finished her sexy time with a man. Looking at Dongmei's still messy hair, even though it looked like Dongmei tried to cover it, she knew that Dongmei wasn't as innocent as she looked based on that. The Captain wouldn't notice that as he was a man but it wasn't her first rodeo.

It was really grinding her gears so she couldn't help but comment quietly, "Tsk, she really can act high and mighty but she is not better than us, giving herself right away—"


The Captain didn't hesitate to give her a quick slap on the face even before she able to finish her comment which made her stagger a bit, covering her face in shock right after.

He immediately followed with a scolding, speaking quietly as he was afraid that Dongmei will hear them by accident, "Shut your ass up! If you want to die, go ahead, but don't pull me down with you else you will be swimming with the sharks!"

The brown-haired girl obviously didn't know Dongmei's background and he wasn't an exception but he could imagine how enormous it was just based on seeing how many guards on the pier were present when he first picked Dongmei up or even Wuxing's reactions earlier. He definitely didn't want to mess with them as he still wanted to live for some years.

The girl was still dumbfounded but the Captain didn't have the nerve and will to bother with her anymore, pulling out his short-wave radio to inform his men about Dongmei's demands first. He could only follow her orders, hoping to make her satisfied.

While the Captain was worried about Dongmei, she was already walking down the stairs, heading outside. She already knew her way as she remembered it when she was carried here on Wuxing's back so there were no problems with going back.

She earlier wore a pair of sandals that the Captain prepared for her which she found in front of the cabin. They were a little too big for her and lacked good quality but it was always better than nothing. She certainly wasn't so petty to ask them for branded shoes of the right size when she was the one who lost her own.

Finally getting down, Dongmei was hit by a fresh breeze the moment she opened the metal doors. Taking a deep breath, Dongmei looked around but she didn't spot anyone on the deck until she went to the stern of the ship. There were already a few sailors already gathered there.

When they saw her, they naturally made way, fear visible on their faces. They already heard their Captain's message just now, warning them to not even look at her in a wrong way else they will end up killed which made them even more worried than they were before. Everyone knew what happened earlier and some of them were involved already. They didn't know who she is so they could only guess, thinking about the mysterious Miss' background.

Dongmei didn't bother by them as they expected and passed by without even looking at their scared faces. She reached the railing at the further back, her view showing endless waters. There was no Badu island in her sight anymore as it was hidden behind the horizon but there was a small boat approaching them from the distance. It was definitely much faster than their ship and she could see it getting closer with each second.

'Come boys… I will give you a warm welcome.' Dongmei thought as she waved towards the boat before looking back, seeing the Captain approaching with a few more men behind him. She didn't wait and ordered the closest sailor with a rifle still hanging behind his back, "Give me your rifle."

The sailor was momentarily stunned when he heard her but looking back at their Captain and seeing him nod, he passed the rifle to her. He was just about to explain how to handle a gun properly when he saw her flipping the rifle around as she checked its weight, size and quickly adjusted it so it could fit her arm length perfectly.

Flipping it one more time in the air, she caught it midair with one hand, clicking the button for magazine ejecting at the same time. It flew out immediately but she caught it with a second hand, quickly counting how many rounds she had before skillfully putting it back inside.

She looked at the rifle all around once again before commenting, "Standard automatic M4A1 5.56mm with an extended magazine and the newest barrel alignment. Not bad as a rifle but you should clean it properly, especially when you guys are often sailing in the sea. Do you understand?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

When she asked that question to the sailor, he couldn't help but gulp, seeing how sharp and skillful she was in handling a gun. The others who saw her also exclaimed in awe in their minds, finding her too perfect. Not only was she a beauty but also experienced and brave, recalling her previous jumping stunt.

Seeing him not replying, Dongmei raised her voice as her face turn cold and yelled like an officer to a private, "I asked if you understand!?" The sailor instantly returned back to his senses hearing her turn back into her scary self and replied back, standing on attention, "Yes Miss!"

She glared at others gathered around her and she didn't have to say anything as they all straightened their backs and repeated, "Yes, Miss!"

She didn't lose her domineering attitude and ordered while showing her finger to the side, "Good! Now prepare your rifles and get into the line near the railings! You have one minute! If I see anyone not prepared by that time, he better pray he can fly as he will be thrown off the ship! Did everyone get it!?"

"Yes, Miss!" Suddenly everyone forgot the Captain was right behind them and they all felt it was right to listen to her, doing exactly what she said. Even the Captain himself who grabbed a rifle himself began copying others as well.

Seeing everyone so good at listening, Dongmei smiled as she thought, 'I guess they are not as hard to manage as I thought. I guess I didn't need the Captain at all.' Now it was only time to greet her dear guards with some love.


As they continued to rush with their boat, one of the guards shouted while looking at the ship through the binoculars, "I can see Miss! She is standing on the stern of the ship now!"

"Give me those!" Hearing the guard shout, the Shadow quickly took over the binoculars to confirm the information while still sailing with the boat and actually saw Dongmei waving at them.

"I guess Miss wants us to come on board. She already noticed us and she is observing." Shadow quickly concluded and he continued to sail towards the ship with a much better mood. As long as Dongmei was alive and nothing happened to her, they could still be spared. He didn't think they would be forgiven by Guan Dong if Dongmei got hurt.

Earlier he had to argue with the Chief Warden to lend them a boat and only thanks to Guan Dong influence was he able to get one of the Badu Island's patrol boats. Just as was about to put away the binoculars, he spotted their Miss holding a rifle before juggling it around.

He did frown cause of it but still stayed on their path, speeding towards them as he did before. Only after a minute or so, when they closed the distance, did he realise what Dongmei's real plan was.

"Fuck!" Shadow couldn't help but curse as he momentarily changed his course. Right after he did so, he saw tens of bullets hitting the water right where his boat wound be if he didn't turn.

Only after that did he hear numerous gunshots of the Assault Rifles, most of them shot at the same time which made the sounds too similar to count how many were shot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!