Chameleon: My True Face

86 Parents Coming

Scarlet didn't need to coax him more after those words as the door suddenly opened and Long Qing appeared in front of her eyes. His eyes which looked as if he was really tired and had a lot of sleepless nights recently immediately fell onto her chest, great legs before finally landing on her face. Scarlet somehow felt startled when she saw his scary gaze but she quickly calmed herself down, thinking about her little brother.

Before Long Qing said anything, he first peeked out of the doorframe and only after seeing no one else in the corridor did he return to ogling Scarlet's body as he asked directly, "So you want to keep me company for money, right? How much do you want?" He could see that Scarlet had innocence written on her face which made him excited.

Scarlet blinked, pretending to be unprepared for such a question and thought for a moment, before answering softly, "How about… Uhm... One thousand? I know it is a lot but I am still pure so I think it's not too much…" Scarlet looked down, avoiding Long Qing's gaze as she tightened her small fists, showing her distress.

Seeing her reaction and hearing the ridiculously small price, Long Qing couldn't help but laugh out loud as he boldly claimed, looking at her with much stronger desire than before, "Hahaha, a virgin for a thousand. Babe, if you can make me satisfied, I can give you ten times that."

Scarlet's eyes naturally widened as she raised her face to look at him happily, before asking with hope, "Really...?"

When Long Qing nodded in agreement, Scarlet quickly clasped her hands right on top of her chest and bowed slightly, promising, "I will make sure to do my best Sir... Just be gentle with me… I'm still inexperienced a bit, but I did study some..."

That last line was really effective as Long Qing's eyes brightened and quickly grabbed her hand, pulling her inside the room before closing the doors behind him.

Wuxing could hear him locking the doors right after that and he couldn't help but praise Scarlet for her acting, thinking, 'Damn, she was really good. Either she will be a good actress or I can turn her into an assassin… Should I?'

She did play that well thanks to Wuxing figuring out that Long Qing liked to prey on innocent ladies but he couldn't disregard the fact that she followed his instructions beautifully, even acting according to his quick guide for body movement.

At the start, Wuxing just planned to fake the voice of the Captain and blast the doors the moment Long Qing opened them but it had some risks. Just like he did right now, if Long Qing only peeked while placing his foot right behind the doors to block them just in case, it would prevent him from entering and that would expose his plans.

What's more, many things could happen during the struggle like Wuxing being forced to kill him as they fight. There was still the issue of Seven Star's chip that was installed in every mercenary's body so unless Wuxing take it out of him, it was impossible for him to cover Long Qing's death.

Thanks to pretty scarlet, Wuxing could just leave everything to her and use her to open the doors for him when Long Qing was taken care of. He could only wait behind the corner for Scarlet's signal while preparing his gun for the action.

He already started mark ten minutes with his watch and would only barge in with force if Scarlet wouldn't leave after that time. Even though he was using her, he didn't want an innocent girl to suffer because of him as he wasn't that heartless.

The soundproofing in this ship wasn't that advanced as he could still hear all the gunshots that were shot by Dongmei outside. Now that he thought about it, he really wasted too much time but there was no reason to blame himself now as he couldn't go back in time. He added Scarlet into the plan and he didn't calculate it into the time earlier.

What Dongmei was stopping were her guards but he could still imagine an army of ships or helicopters coming to stop them any time soon. Knowing Guan Dong craziness, he wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

Waiting for scarlet to finish, he put on the silencer on the Berettas and thought with a smile, 'I wonder how is Dongmei doing… Knowing her, she already took control of the ship, haha.' Wuxing could already imagine how domineering Dongmei was right now.


"Fuck! Miss got crazy!" Shadow cried out as he stopped the boat, not planning on risking to approach the ship. Dongmei had more than ten riflemen on the deck, trying to shoot them down so he had no other choice. They could only stay in the distance out of the bullet range else they could easily go down if the boat was hit.

Shadow didn't bother with the guards as he immediately pulled out the phone and called Guan Dong to update him on the situation. Just as he expected, his boss wasn't happy about it, yelling to the phone just as he finished explaining, "What do you mean she took control over the ship and has a rifle, shooting at your boat?!"

Shadow would also find it hard to believe if he was Guan Dong right now so he tried to explain further, "Yes boss, she has more than ten riflemen bombarding our boat with bullets right now. We can't even approach the ship now so we are just keeping the safe distance."

Guan Dong cursed but he didn't seem too angry at that moment, even praising his daughter, "Fuck, my Dongmei is too good. Even when she is escaping, she knows how to do it well. The backup is on the way, but if she has the rifle, it will be troublesome to handle her. Good that I'm already coming there."

Shadow already expected such actions from his boss but still faked being shocked as he cried out, "Boss is coming here?! Great! It would be hard to convince Miss otherwise. Now we have a better chance."

Just as he said so, Shadow heard sounds from the background, recognizing his Boss' wife voice, Guan Mei, as she yelled at her husband, "Why are you wasting time?! Call that Navy Captain to not act before we get there! Just block the ship from escaping and tell them to wait. They can't stop Dongmei if she has a rifle with her. I will talk to her."

Hearing his wife, Guan Dong changed his attitude completely and Shadow could hear it in his voice as he said to him, "Shadow you stay there and watch what is happening from the distance."

"Yes, Boss!" Shadow naturally replied back but then he realised the call already disconnected making him say those words to the wind.

When Dongmei saw that Shadow stopped chasing after them and increased their distance, she smiled happily, rising her hand upwards before calling out to everyone, "Stop!"

Everything who was shooting earlier put down their rifles at her call and looked at her, waiting for more instructions. None of them dared to speak, kind of afraid of how domineering she was. What was worse, Dongmei had a rifle with her which made her a double threat.

Seeing everyone well behaved, Dongmei didn't give back her control over to the Captain as she continued speaking, informing them of what is about to happen, "In a few tens of minutes, there will be more enemy forces approaching and their goal is to kidnap me. Are you going to let them kidnap me?"

As she asked the question, she made a sad expression which made all of the sailors' hearts break and they quickly cried out, "We will protect Miss!" Dongmei looked very vulnerable at that moment and they somehow forgot how domineering she was just a second before but Dongmei made sure to remind them right after getting their confirmation.

Her sad expression disappeared and she ordered right away, "If you want to help, recharge your ammunition and get on your positions, ready to defend the ship! I want every corner secured so no one sneaks up to the ship. If you spot anything, inform me right away! Disperse!" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

The sailors realised they were tricked but as they already agreed, they could only reply with a salute, "Yes, Miss!"

Only the Captain was left behind as he watched how quickly she took control over everything in awe. He couldn't be mad at her as that wouldn't do anything at this point so his only option was to fully support her.

"Is there anything Captain?" Dongmei asked while looking at him sharply, seeing that only he was left from the group. She didn't want to hurt the Captain feelings but she believed in her own abilities more than someone who plays with women on his job.

The Captain finally woke up from his daze as he replied while scratching his head, "Oh, nothing… Miss already took care of everything. Maybe I will just go back to leading the ship..." He wasn't scared of Dongmei but somehow her gaze was penetrating too deeply, making him feel like he can't hide anything from her.

Seeing another good boy, Dongmei nodded at him and let him go, saying more gently, showing her unusual smile, "I think that will be the best choice. Captain, when you spot anyone approaching on the radar, please inform me."

The Captain was bewildered for a moment and he agreed without thinking like all of his sailors, "Yes, Miss!" Only later realising how beta he was, facepalming himself as he thought, 'Why am I behaving like her underling already… Aaah…'