Chameleon: My True Face

183 The Truth

"You are not lying... You really kissed my man."

Dongmei pointed out, looking at Katherine with complicated gaze. She knew when someone was lying or not. Katherine was honest the whole time.

"Yes, I did. I just felt like kissing him at that particular moment so I did," Katherine agreed, not showing any remorse after her act. "I thought you will immediately get angry at me but you are surprisingly calm."

"Oh, I'm not calm. I really want to slap you right now but I'm holding myself back." Dongmei replied, displaying a fake smile.

Which women who respects herself wouldn't be mad when another woman flirts with her man? Even though Katherine was a friend, it didn't give her the right to do so.

"I know that hitting an instructor can resolve in kicking out of the camp so I'm not going to do it for our sake," Dongmei added, staring coldly at Katherine.

Since she met Wuxing, her character was constantly changing, turning much softer as she was simply happy. Being with Wuxing unfroze her heart and she was rarely cold or mean to others.

It turned out to be a mistake on her side.

By showing more kindness to others, she lowered her guard, allowing Katherine to strike and try to steal her man. The happy and playful Dongmei got instantly replaced by dominant Dongmei, one that everyone was scared of in the prison.

It seemed like she couldn't simply enjoy her life else people will step on her.

"You want to slap me?" Katherine asked, not acting really surprised, "If that can help to appease your anger then I will happily accommodate you. I promise I won't hold grudges for that."

"Are you trying to seek forgiveness to what you did? I'm sorry but that's not how it works," Dongmei didn't buy any of that, seeing right through Katherine's motives. "I thought we were friends yet you try to ruin our relationship. What do you even want to achieve with that?"

"I never planned to ruin your relationship—" Katherine tried to explained but Dongmei cut her off, scolding sternly, "But that's exactly what you are doing. Do you think your actions will have no impact on us? Did you even think about the consequences?"

Because of getting emotional, Dongmei didn't keep her voice down. Anna's assistant looked at them when he heard her questioning, causing Katherine to frown.

Katherine turned around and walked away, calling out, "Follow me if you want to resolve this."

Dongmei wasn't scared of confrontation so she didn't mind to follow, knowing Katherine wanted to avoid making it public. Dongmei walked after her but then stopped to look back at Wuxing.

Just as she thought, he was staring in their direction, his face confused. If she was on his place, she would also be troubled when your future wife was taking with a friend that just assaulted you. It seemed as if they were going away to settle it with a fight which made Wuxing worried.

She forced a smile and waved at him to show she was alright before finally walking away after Katherine. She wanted to watch Wuxing's challenge but her matter at hand was much more important to her.

Her healthy relationship with Wuying was her first priority.

"So? I still didn't hear your explanation," Dongmei questioned after they walked some far away, far from other people's ears. "Your answer of, 'I felt like kissing him so I did,' doesn't satisfy me."

Dongmei's situation wasn't exactly pleasant. If it was anyone else, she would simply ban her from her life to avoid unnecessary trouble but it was Katherine.

She definitely wasn't someone easy to deal with so Dongmei had to approach the matter cautiously.

"Alright, I will tell you the truth," Katherine finally spoke, looking into her eyes. "I think I like him."

"So just because you like him, you decided to steal him from me?" Dongmei questioned back but Katherine denied right away. "I never planned on stealing him away from you. Why would I do that? He seems really happy with you."

"Then what exactly do you want?" Dongmei asked directly, wrapping her arms under her chest.

The only reason she didn't explode yet was because Katherine still didn't say even one lie so she gave her chance to explain.

Katherine stayed cool as she suddenly gazed at the distant Anna and pointed out, "I'm not sure if you figured it out already but I'm not the only one who likes him. Both Scarlet and Anna are the same, although Anna's case is much more complicated."


Dongmei didn't respond at first, knowing very well what Katherine meant. She realized how they felt based on the way they looked at him and their conversations. Being a woman herself, she didn't even need her ability for that.

The only thing she didn't figure out beforehand was Katherine being romantically involved as well.

"It's hard not to notice such an obvious signs but none of them crossed the line so I let it slide," Dongmei said as if it was already clear. "Only you decided to make a move."

"That's true. Only I made the move as for now," Katherine admitted before asking with a smile, "But do you think that would be the case forever? They would eventually follow my example and do the same. Especially Anna. After all, she doesn't have any other choice."

"What do you mean?" Dongmei questioned, getting a bad feeling. "What happened to Anna?"

"Listen, the moment you accepted Chameleon's idea to create a group with us, your plan to keep him for yourself was doomed to fail," Katherine explained honestly. "How do you expect three beautiful women to not be tempted by someone like Chameleon? It was obvious we would eventually catch feelings for him and things would get complicated."

Dongmei frowned when she heard it. She did know about that risk yet she trusted Wuxing so she didn't mind that. She didn't expect that trust in Wuxing was of no use if the girls simply force herself on him.

She wanted to counter it when she heard a gong in the distance, announcing the finish of the challenge. They could see that Wuxing won and began walking to them with a worried expression.

"We don't have much time so let me tell you about Anna. I doubt she wanted me to tell you like this but it would be best if you know what is her situation," Katherine added in hurry. "You should know about her ability already. She can entice any man to do her bidding like a succubus. Unfortunately, the only way for her to evolve is through sexual intercourse."

"What…?" Dongmei asked surprised. "Can't she evolve through the usage of her ability like everyone else?"

"She can but it's extremely slow. She won't be able to advance before the event. It would be alright if she could find one man and evolve with his help but it's impossible in her case. Before evolving, the man would be sucked dry from his energy and die. Her only solution is simply becoming a slut and whoring herself left and right until she finally evolves," Katherine explained further, making Dongmei speechless.


Based on Wuxing's ability, she already figured what will come next.

"The only way to avoid that is the help of Chameleon. With his regeneration ability, he can easily help her. I don't want Anna to become a slut so I'm paving the way for her. She is scared he will reject her so she tries to slowly find her way into his heart before she tells him the truth," Katherine concluded.

"So he still doesn't know anything…?" Dongmei asked, looking at Wuxing who was closer and closer to them.

"If he knew from the start, the situation might have looked completely different compared to now but now it's too late." Katherine replied before asking rhetorically, "Do you think that with the relationship we now have, he will allow Anna to sleep with multiple guys while knowing he could help?"

Dongmei knew that answer to this question but she didn't want to voice it out as it was stuck to her throat. She also felt bad for Anna. If she was in the same situation, she would also try her best to get Wuxing's help.

There was one thing she didn't get though.

"But it's not just Anna who have a clear problem. You also like him and try to take advantage of the situation. Don't pretend you only try to help Anna," Dongmei pointed out, seeing through Katherine's mask.

She also want Wuxing for herself.

Katherine shrugged and muttered with a helpless sigh, "I also want to be happy, okay? If you can't keep him to yourself anyway, why can't I also take a slice of the pie?"

Dongmei opened her mouth to reply when she heard the footsteps and Wuxing finally reached them, forcing her to close it.

"Are you two fine?"