Chameleon: My True Face

182 Katherine Strikes

Wuxing eyes widened as he stared at her in question yet Katherine only smiled and looked across his shoulder.

"Does your girlfriend want to be next?" She asked casually as if the two didn't know each other well before adding out loud in the direction of the crowd, "I will only have one more battle for now and then have a dinner break. I suggest you to queue up to another instructor if you want to claim some additional points."

Naturally, many frowned and complained as they wasted their precious time staying in the queue.

"Some of us waited for more than thirty minutes. So unfair!"

"There is no queue at all. She just picks people randomly. You have to be lucky to be picked."

Katherine didn't mind the protests and rather, they seemed to be fun to her as she kept smiling.

"If you have any complaints, you can report them to the Discipline Instructor," Katherine advised before commenting, "Woops, I forgot. I'm the Discipline Instructor."

The crowd paled, not expecting such a twist. Some of them still didn't note down that instructors had the absolute power during the selection. If they wished to kick anyone out of the camp, it was as easy as flicking a finger.

"Does anyone have any complaints?" Katherine questioned, her expression changing to a poker face. "I will make sure to judge them fairly."

There wasn't anyone who dared complain again this time. With Katherine having a break, they had no choice but to quickly leave if they wanted to queue up for another challenge.

Katherine's eyes fell on her assistant right after and she ordered, "Amber, you can go eat dinner first. I will handle this last battle on my own."

"Yes, Miss," the assistant accepted without question and left, leaving them all alone to themselves.

Katherine dropped the formalities when everyone was gone and asked friendly, "Did you guys visit Anna already?"

"Oh, she also has the challenge?" Wuxing asked surprised, forgetting he wanted to question her about her last words. "We found your challenge after we skipped the martial-arts one. We weren't that confident in beating it."

"Yeah, that guy is insane. If I used my speed I might be able to win against him but its not worth it," Katherine admitted. "Anna has a small shooting range. I bet she has a lot of fun shooting to people."

"Huh…? Shooting to people?" Wuxing got confused for a second but Katherine didn't care to explain, turning to Dongmei instead. "Dongmei, shall we start? We will finish this quickly and go find Anna. I need to steal her for dinner."

"Sure," Dongmei didn't mind, knowing they had to pretend even a little bit to get their points.

Katherine blocked the queue on her card so that no more people would arrive and they finished their battle quickly before anyone could come. Katherine was the one who gave out points so it wasn't difficult to cheat.

They struggled for two hours to grind those points yet now they got the same amount in less than fifteen minutes which put a grin on Wuxing's face.


Name: Chameleon

Current Ranking: 1

Number of Points: 10100


He was immediately put on the first place in the ranking together with Dongmei who was the runner-up. If they claimed all challenges till their time was up, they would be able to secure first two spots with ease.

"Anna is the best sniper in the team so she was assigned to the shooting challenge," Katherine finally explained as they walked towards the next challenge. "One has to run through the course in less than thirty seconds while trying to avoid her bullets. They can only use props to hide themselves but if they wait too long, their time will run out."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As they listened, they heard sounds of an automatic gun-shots. They noticed a lot of people waiting outside a narrow but long track with cardboard boxes placed randomly.

"Those shouldn't be normal bullets, right?" Wuxing questioned, realizing the sound was different.

"Those are rubber bullets and the sniper is quite weak else any participants would have a hole in their bodies once they get hit. Even with that, I doubt anyone won the challenge. It's still hard to dodge a bullet," Katherine answered and led them through the crowd, entering the site through staff entrance.

A proper queue was set up and the challenge was enclosed with fence so that no one would get hurt by accident. A participant was in the middle of his challenge so they stopped to take a look.

The man dodged the first three bullets by faking his turns, running like a snake before using the boxes to hide, sliding from one box to another. He was doing pretty well until he reached the space without any boxes where he had to predict Anna's shots.


One clean shot was needed and the man groaned, blasted to the ground. The hit looked really painful based on the man's face. He walked on his own feet yet he held his belly where he got him, grimacing.

"I brought two top ten members. They want to join the challenge," Katherine commanded the assistant, helping them skip the queue.

"Yes, Miss," the male assistant nodded obediently and asked, looking at them, "Can I have your cards?"

Katherine was quick to act and suggested before they could even speak, "How about Dongmei go first?"

Wuxing looked at Katherine suspiciously and glanced at Dongmei, proposing, "I can go first too if you want."

Dongmei gave him an assuring smile as she squeezed his hand and pulled out her card, passing it to the assistant. "I can go first."

She wore the protective mask and walked towards the start line, waiting for Anna's signal.

"Katherine, I see you." Anna's voice left the walkie-talkie as she spotted them and waved. "Is the next challenger Dongmei?"

"Yes," Katherine confirmed, waving back. "Chameleon is next and then we can go eat dinner. What do you think?"

"Sounds great," Anna agreed without hesitation and started the challenge remotely.





The signal resounded and Dongmei ran forward in a straight line. She didn't bother to move like a snake or use any covers at all which seemed idiotic. Many participants in the queue grinned when they saw that, especially those who already received a painful bullet.


Anna fired at her but the bullet missed, shooting right past Dongmei. She continued to run, already reaching the quarter of the course when another bullet hit the ground, barely missing her. It could be a fluke but a third and fourth shot missed as well when Dongmei didn't seem to be moving at all, rushing in a straight line.

"Is she missing on purpose?!"

Someone asked out loud what everyone was thinking but no one knew the answer. They could only watch closely.

Wuxing smiled when he saw that, knowing very well what was going on. She could easily calculate the trajectory of the bullet while using her ability. After that, she only needed to move a little to dodge.

It wasn't really that hard to see so many figured it out after a few more shots, all missed.

"Wait, she is dodging them! Look how she shifts her body before the bullet is even shot!"

One person explained it to everyone but it was already too late to validate that as Dongmei already reached the finish line.

"You look really proud of her," Katherine commented as he watched Dongmei with a smile on his face. "You must really love her."

"I indeed love her. If I didn't, I wouldn't propose," Wuxing confirmed with a shrug. "I guess it's my turn now. I hope Anna will have mercy on me."

Dongmei could dodge it easily but he didn't share her ability. If he wanted to win, he would have to use his own skills. He walked up to the small shed with the equipment to help himself and grab the right mask when Katherine followed him inside, calling out, "Let me help you."

"I'm just grabbing a mas—" Wuxing already took the mask he wanted and turned around to face her when she grabbed his face, kissing him out of nowhere.


Wuxing's eyes widened, feeling a pair of soft lips suck on his own. He was weirded out but he stayed sober, immediately grabbing onto her hand to pull her away.

"Did you just kiss me…?" He question in disbelief, holding onto her wrist just in case she tried to attack him again.

She glanced at the assistant but thankfully, he was turned with his back to them, watching the course instead.

"Well, I just felt like kissing you," Katherine replied as if it wasn't that big of a deal and looked at his lips with a smile, "I wish I could have another one."

"Didn't we just talk about how much I love Dongmei? What has gotten into you?" Wuxing questioned confused, not knowing what to do with her yet she remained calm, smiling as usual.

"I mean, I just told you. I just wanted a kiss," Katherine said with a shrug. "Oh, and about what I said earlier. I liked when you sat on me but I will be taking the top next time."

"Next time? There won't be next time Katherine," Wuxing whispered, a bit agitated. "Aren't we supposed to be friends?"

Katherine opened her mouth to reply when the assistant finally saw them together and asked, "Miss, is everything okay?"

Wuxing released her hand to avoid suspicions and Katherine assured, "Yes, we were just taking the mask."

She gazed back at him and winked playfully, shushing him with her finger up her lips, "Shh, keep it a secret. Just between the two of us."

"The course is ready for another challenger," the assistant called out to them, shutting their conversation.

Wuxing gave her the look and said sternly, "We will return to this conversation when I'm back. Don't think we are done."

He walked away right after, running to the start of the course with a complicated expression, leaving Katherine alone.

Just as he was confused, Katherine was also troubled but in another direction.

She was excited.

Her hands were shaking from the euphoria in her veins. She did many crazy things in her life but this one was the craziest.

'So I finally started it… I wonder how long he will last,' Katherine thought with a smile, turning to Dongmei who was approaching her from the side.

"Congrats on winning the challenge. That was impressive," Katherine congratulated but Dongmei's eyes were focused on Wuxing's back.

"Thank you…" Dongmei replied before asking, "Did something happen between you two? I saw he was glaring at you."

"Oh, it's nothing. I only kissed him."