Chameleon: My True Face

184 Little Bunny

How could Wuxing not be worried after seeing his future wife argue with his friend that sneakily kissed him just a moment ago. He sped ran through the challenge as if it was a piece of cake before rushing to meet them.

"Yes, we are fine, don't worry. We are adults," Katherine replied first, smiling at him. "I didn't want to lie to her anymore so I told her everything. She deserved to know our situation."

"What everything? What situation?" Wuxing questioned anxiously and immediately turned to Dongmei. "I can explain…"

He really cared about her so he wanted to make sure they were good. Even though it wasn't his fault, he didn't know what Katherine told her.

Thankfully, Dongmei didn't begin from scolding so he was off to a good start. She gazed at him with complicated expression and suddenly dove into his embrace, hugging him tightly.

"I know already. She was the one who kissed you," Dongmei described without much blame in her voice.

He sighed in relief, knowing he was safe and confirmed, "Yes, I'm the victim here."

"Oh, excuse me? So you are telling me you didn't enjoy our kiss?" Katherine joined the conversation, pretending to be offended but one look at her smile and one could tell she was playing around.

"I was more shocked. I didn't even think about enjoying anything," Wuxing countered and commanded while kissing Dongmei on the head. "Don't play around like this ever again. It is not healthy to our friendship."

He had to finally hit her with the friend-zone else knowing her character, she would continue to tease him. Katherine wanted to continue their banter yet Dongmei changed the topic, asking as she looked up at him, "What do you think of Anna?"

"Anna? Why?" Wuxing questioned, not expecting she would ask about her.

"Just answer, please," Dongmei pleaded, studying his face with a troubled expression before turning him to the side, allowing him to see Anna who was slowly returning to them. "Look at her and tell me what you think of her."

Wuxing felt like he was being tested but he still followed her gaze. He saw a big smile on Anna's face as she hopped towards them happily. She was mostly cheerful the whole time and aside from that one incident in the car, he didn't have much against her.

But what did he think of her? He never really thought too deeply about it.

"Well, she is a good friend of ours, right? Same with Katherine and Scarlet. If I didn't consider them worthy to be our friends, I wouldn't create this group," Wuxing described, playing it safe. "Also, there is the matter of the event. We need to create a strong team and I think we did a good job. You don't like her?"

"No, that's not it. I was just asking to get your opinion." Dongmei shook her head and concluded, "I personally have nothing against her. How about you? Do you like her?"

"I mean… Yeah? I like her as a friend," Wuxing agreed, adding the last part just to be safe. "Will you finally tell me what's up?"

She was definitely acting differently than normal and it wasn't hard to notice. Something must have happened between her and Katherine.

"Can we will talk about it later? My mind is a bit confused and I still didn't figure out what I should do. It's best we talk after my thoughts are clearer," Dongmei suggested, giving him a peck on the lips.

He took more than just one, trying to rewrite Katherine's kiss. "Just tell me we are good," Wuxing muttered, holding her face. "I won't let you off unless you promise you are not mad."

"I'm not mad. It has nothing to do with you or at least nothing you can change. I promise," Dongmei vowed and turned to Anna who just arrived. "Ready for dinner?"

Seeing Dongmei's expression, Wuxing knew it had something to do with Anna. Although Dongmei was smiling, he knew it wasn't her genuine smile.

"Yeah, I put all the challenges on pause. Many were unhappy and cursed you two but when I aimed my sniper at them, they immediately shut up. Haha, if only you could see the look on their faces. Priceless," Anna described in laughter, joining them. "Dongmei, your run was amazing. I'm impressed."

Dongmei finally released him and Anna took this chance to link her arms with her, turning on her gossiping mode.

"Thank you," Dongmei acknowledged and suggested, "Shall we go? I'm little hungry."

"Yeah, let's grab Scarlet on the way," Anna suggested to which Dongmei nodded.

She acted as if everything was okay which confused him.

'Devil Face, did you maybe hear what they talked about by any chance?' Wuxing questioned in his mind, too curious to wait till later.

'I didn't. I'm busy with my own girl so I don't have time to spy on yours. Can't you handle her on your own? It's your woman,' Devil Face replied after a moment. 'If you don't mind, we are going on a dinner now so I hope you won't need me for the next few hours.'

'…' Wuxing had no comment to that and instead waited for Dongmei to be dragged by Anna before asking Katherine, "What did you tell her. Come clean now."

Katherine didn't seem surprised and teased, "Will I get another kiss if I tell you?"

"Of course not. Your kiss was the reason for all of this. Don't think I'm done with you—" Wuxing scolded when Katherine cut him off, not interested.

"If you want something from me, you have to pay for it with a kiss. Now, excuse me. Girls are waiting for me."

She gave him a playful smile and ran off after the two, leaving him speechless.


"Hu… Hu… Big sis, I can't no more… You are killing me…"

Scarlet muttered with hurried breaths as she laid on the ground, totally exhausted. She has been training for the past few hours and Ash didn't give her any moment of rest. The worst was the hot temperature that was killing her.

"We really need to work on your physique. We only went through the basics of self defense yet you are already out of breath," Ash commented with a sigh, not even a bit tired.

"Big sis, please, give me a little break…" Scarlet pleaded as she made sweet puppy eyes.

Because of the heat, she already took off her clothes, only wearing her sports bra and shorts she got from Ash.

"Alright, let me get us something cold to drink and we will go eat something," Ash agreed, unable to withstand her cuteness.

It took her less than a minute to come back but Scarlet noticed something was different about Ash. There was a faint scheming smile on her face.

"Scarlet, you said you are a good actor right?" Ash asked curiously to which Scarlet nodded, "Yes, that's what Chameleon said. I should be a good spy."

"Mhmm, I have a test for you. I want you to act in front of Chameleon for me. Can you do that?" Ash challenged. "It will show me what are you skills."

"Oh, he is coming?" Scarlet immediately stood up as if her energy returned and looked past their beach hut, trying to spot him. "I can't see him."

"They are at the door, asking to take us for a dinner," Ash explained and repeated, "Can you do it?"

"Yes, I can," Scarlet didn't hesitate and nodded excitedly, much confident with her acting skills than fighting.

Ash smiled at that and leaned over, whispering, "I want you to act like his jealous girlfriend, hug him, looking into his eyes and call out, 'I missed you! You dummy, dummy! Don't forget about your little bunny!' What do you think?"

"That's it? Easy!" Scarlet replied happily, never rejecting the chance to hug Wuxing and rushed back towards the house.

She saw his smile when their gazes met and rushed towards him, jumping into Wuxing's arms. She squeezed him as hard as she could while pouting and called out while looking up, "I missed you! You dummy, dummy! Don't forget about your little bunny!"

Wuxing's eyes widened from surprise for a second before he returned to normal, patting her head with a smile, "I didn't forget about you little bunny. How was your training?"

Scarlet turned to Ash to see if that was what she wanted but Ash didn't look at her, instead, she gazed at Wuxing with confused expression. She decided to continue her act, able to blame everything on Ash later.

"Our training was tiring but I learned a lot. What about you?"