Chameleon: My True Face

181 I Liked I

\"Simple. Once I hit you three times in the chest, I win. If you manage to strike me at least once, you win.\"

Katherine explained, her body emitting with confidence. She was the master of katana so it was natural.

\"This is indeed simple but isn't it too one-sided?\" Wuxing questioned. \"I don't want to take advantage of you.\"


The crowd burst out laughing hearing this sentence. They already witness the scene of Katherine smashing her opponents.

\"Don't worry, I will be fine. Just give it your all,\" Katherine smiled and prepared her engaging stance, extending her wooden Katana forward. \"Ready?\"

\"Just to clarify, I only need to tap your chest to win, am I right?\" Wuxing asked curiously, already having something in mind.

\"Yes. The gear on our chests is really sensitive. They will beep once there is a hit,\" Katherine explained further, for some reason really eager to fight. \"Ready?\"

\"Mhmm,\" Wuxing nodded, copying her stance.

She signaled her assistant who pressed the countdown button.




At the most intense moment, before the fight started, Wuxing suddenly let go of his stance, standing normally and asked, \"Anywhere on the chest is fine?\"


He pounced forward as soon as the round started and pierced at her chest, hoping she would be distracted by his question.

Pa! Pa! Beep!

She struck his katana, bouncing it away completely unhindered and immediately slashed at the side of his chest, getting the point.

\"If those were read, your belly would be sliced open,\" Katherine pointed out as she took two steps back and prepared her stance once again, the tip of her katana aimed at his forehead.


'I don't think she wants me to win…' Wuxing commented as he prepared for the second round. 'I need to think of something.'

He needed a strategy that would catch her off guard. Too bad, Katherine didn't give him the chance to think, starting another round right away.





This time it was Katherine who went on offensive first, yet Wuxing extended his hand to stop her. \"Wait,\" Wuxing called out while putting his katana down. \"There is something in your hair.\"

\"Let me help you take it out,\" He suggested with a smile and walked up to her innocently.


\"Do you think I will get tricked?\" Katherine rolled her eyes at him as she tapped on his chest, looking dissatisfied with his actions. \"Can't you fight normally?\"

He didn't know but she wanted to fight with him properly only to make small mistakes to give him a win yet Wuxing didn't give her a chance to do that. She couldn't just let him win else others will see it.

Wuxing didn't stop and casually reached out, holding onto her chin before brushing his hand into her crimson hair.


The crowd gasped seeing them so close. After all, they were only inches away from each other and she let him touch her which wasn't normal for them.

\"What are you doing?\" Katherine asked confused but Wuxing didn't stop, acting as if he was searching for something. A second later, he pulled out a stalk of grass, presenting it to her.

\"I pulled it out. Now you are beautiful again,\" Wuxing expressed playfully, giving her cheek a soft caress and finally pulled away, his mission done.

He was about to distance himself for the third round when Katherine seized his cheeks and squeezed them, glaring at him from up close.

\"Are you going to fight properly or not? You are not even trying,\" Katherine scolded. \"How are you going to win if you give up early.\"

He could only shrug, understanding her intentions really well. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn't perform a believable performance with her to convince the crowd she didn't lose on purpose. His katana skills were not enough to actually fight her so he had to think of something else.

\"Trust me, I'm doing my best,\" Wuxing assured gently. \"Let's start the third round. Give me your best.\"

Katherine looked at him confused, looking at him deeply as if trying to read his mind but he only smiled, giving her nothing.

\"Alright… Let's fight,\" Katherine agreed, releasing him and prepared her stance once again.

She gave the signal to the assistant when someone from the crowd shouted to everyone.

\"Wait, I remember this guy now. He is one of the top ten and he sat next to Miss Katherine during the dinner!\"

\"Oof, I guess even if you get to know the instructor, they won't give you any mercy.\"

No one suspected that they knew each other beforehand.

\"Your last chance. Use it well,\" Katherine advised before the countdown started but Wuxing only nodded, copying her stance.





With the start signal, Wuxing seemed to have given up completely as he threw his katana at her chest like a spear and dashed forward.


She bounced his katana away and instinctively struck at his chest, knowing that he had no weapon.

Too bad, that was exactly what Wuxing wanted.

He covered his chest with his hands, blocking the painful hit and smashed into her with his body, knocking them both to the ground.

If they were on the hard ground, he wouldn't risk like this but they were on a soft grass ground which provided them a safe landing. He still embraced her, sacrificing his arms to absorb the most damage, only releasing her when they hit the ground.

He immediately got on top of her, sitting on her waist and started stabbing her on the chest with fingers that resembled spears.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The gear beeped each time, signaling the successful hit.

\"I won,\" Wuxing announced with a grin, watching the confusion on Katherine's face.

\"Did you just… Stab me?\" Katherine turned speechless.

\"Yup,\" Wuxing nodded and shrugged. \"You said as long as I land a hit and the gear beeps, I will win. You didn't say I need to use Katana for that.\"

\"Tsk… There is no way Miss Katherine approves this,\" someone in the crowd snickered but Wuxing didn't care, staring at Katherine to await her decision.

Katherine lifted herself as much as she could, basically having Wuxing on her lap and exchanged gazes with him.

After a few seconds, she finally smiled, announcing, \"Fine, you won.\"


Her decision seemed to have confused everyone but she explained right after, \"I indeed didn't say you have hit me with a katana. I will consider it my mistake. From now one, anyone who wants to win has to strike me with the katana.\"

\"Congratulations,\" Katherine added as she turned back to Wuxing and asked casually, \"Do you think your girlfriend will like you sitting on another woman's lap?\"


Wuxing cleared his throat and stood up from her

\"Miss, let me help you,\" Wuxing offered his hand like a gentleman and she accepted it, pulling herself up.


Out of nowhere, Katherine exclaimed, acting as if Wuxing exerted too much strength and she hugged him for support, trying to regain her footing. She pulled away on her own but before that, Wuxing heard a subtle whisper into his ear that only he heard.

\"I liked it…\"