Chameleon: My True Face

134 Alice's Chase - Part 1

Seeing the annoyed Alice after they returned to the checkout counter, Monik tried to save her ass by once again shifting the blame onto Mike, "I'm sorry Miss Alice, I didn't want such thing to happen. He was the one who forcefully dragged me away…" She was still angry at him so this wasn't a hard thing to do.

"I know. It's alright. What is most important now is finding that customer and apologizing for our mistake. It was really rude to just leave the customer like that but I understand you are not to blame." Alice took a deep breath and assured her subordinate before adding, "Do you maybe remember how he looked? Maybe you can find him in the area? If not, we will have to bother the guards to find him with the surveillance cameras. I do not want him to write a bad review about us after such a small incident."

"Yes… I would never forget. He was so handsome…" Monik nodded as she imagined Wuxing's face and quickly drifted away with her thoughts. Alice had to wake her up as she asked curiously, "Huh? This good? How did he look like?"

She asked out loud calmly but in her mind, she was laughing as she commented, 'Hah, that guy still can't company to my angel. Chameleon can outshine anyone.' Alice even pulled out his picture from her wallet to take a glance at him, smiling to herself.

Just then, Monik happened to glance at the picture and called out in shocked expression, "It's him! Miss Alice, how come you have his picture? The clothes are different but it's him for sure."

This definitely shocked her and she questioned hurriedly, "Huh? It's him? The same person that you left at the counter? He was here? Are you sure?" Seeing Monik nod to her every question, she grabbed her by the shoulders and asked again with a serious expression, "What did he want to know?"

Monik did not know what was going on but she swiftly replied, seeing it was important, "He wanted to book two tickets for Agos in the next few days. I told him that all planes were fully booked so he asked if he can get information about his two friends who are going there with a private jet. He said his wallet and phone were stolen so he can't contact them. I naturally said I can't give out private information like that. That was the moment that Mike took me away."

Monik couldn't admit she planned to tell Wuxing the information as that would be equivalent to admitting that she wanted to break the rules to her boss so she shifted her answer a little, adding that change.

She didn't expect that Alice would be the one admitting it out loud, "Ah! If only I was here… I could find it for him… Damn it." Only after she said it did she realise what she just said and quickly changed the topic, walking out of the checkout counter, "Quick, we need to find him. This is important!" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

She didn't wait and first rushed towards the entrance of the airport, wanting to ask if the first checkout workers saw him leaving. He was really eye-catching so it was hard not to notice him.

As the same time, Mike who was sent away just a moment ago suddenly returned to the checkout counter, walking up towards his spot as if nothing happened. His suit was a little ceased but he looked the same as before. The other workers didn't say anything and just continued to work, serving the clients.

As Wuxing sat on Mike's table, he put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the counter before diving into the airport programme. It wasn't hard to search through the database but just when he found what he was searching for, private flights schedule, his screen was locked by a password.

'Damn. I could have thought it would be locked. I don't have much time to return and ask him for the password.' Wuxing cursed seeing the blockade but then he heard Devil Face's words that saved him, 'Try, 'BaduAirport273957'"

Wuxing was surprised to hear the password from him and asked the moment he found out it was correct, 'How did you know?'

'Ah, you know. I was naturally gifted with great intellect and I quickly calculated what the password would be like. You should be grateful to have such a master by your side—' Devil Face called out proudly, but then Wuxing asked him as he cut Devil Face off, 'Did you just see some other employees insert the password on their computer?'

'Yes.' Devil Face didn't hesitate to agree after getting caught, making Wuxing shake his head and return to searching. Fortunately, there were not that many scheduled flights so far and Wuxing quickly found what he was looking for.

There were only two private flights to Agos from this airport in the next few days and only one had a detailed explanation of the owner of the jet. Naturally, it wasn't what he was looking for as he knew Katherine's jet wouldn't have any info, having everything classified.

He was lucky that although Katherine had her own pilot, the hostess that was serving on the plane was changing. At first, Wuxing planned to turn into the flight attendant and sneakily join them, flying with Katherine and Anna but then he thought of Devil Face.

Wuxing couldn't meet with the two as Devil Face begged him to give him this one day with Sandra, Katherine's Spirit, but he didn't say if they couldn't meet afterwards. He didn't wait and asked the crucial question, 'When is your date with that Sandra?'

'Huh? I don't think we scheduled one yet. Why...?' Devil Face asked confused, getting kind of flustered when it came to Sandra, his sensitive topic.

Wuxing expected this much and ordered, 'Set the date for today or tomorrow. After you finish the date, I will be able to meet with them. I don't want to overcomplicate.'