Chameleon: My True Face

135 Alice's Chase - Part 2

Devil Face quickly called to calm the situation down, not expecting Wuxing to speed his love life like that, 'Whoa, hold on! So fast? I'm not ready yet…' As Spirits basically lived forever, he had a lot of time to plan things out yet Wuxing wanted everything settled right away.

Wuxing shrugged as he closed the computer after cleaning up his presence before saying, 'That's your problem, not mine. Send her a message or whatever you use to contact each other. I think she is a person who will prefer to have everything resolved in time and have it behind her.' Making sure Devil Face wouldn't change his mind, Wuxing added, blackmailing him 'If you don't do it, I will meet up with Anna and your date will be gone.'

Devil Face naturally cursed, but having no other choice, he agreed, 'Damn you, fine, I will tell her. If she disagrees, this is all your fault.' Wuxing didn't hear from Devil Face after that so he guessed that he partially left his body to visit that Spirit Realm. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Wuxing didn't exactly know how it worked but knowing he couldn't become a Spirit and enter it, he didn't bother himself with it. He didn't gather too much attention onto himself when he left and walked back to the toilets where he left bonded Mike.


"Are you sure he still didn't leave the airport?" Alice asked once again to confirm the female guard's answer and received a nod, with a familiar blush on the female face, "Yes, I'm sure. I noticed him the moment he entered the airport. I was just checking out the customers to see if he is leaving but didn't see him. He said he is just going in to buy tickets so he has to return to the entrance if he is not leaving the city."

Alice smiled when she heard that and said out loud, "Alright, then we confirmed he is still inside. I will need to contact the surveillance team then. The Airport is too big to search for him."

"Did he do anything wrong?" The female guard asked curiously, not believing that such a handsome man can do anything wrong.

Monik was the one to deny and explained, "No, no, we just want to explain something to him. He is also Miss Alice's friend." The female guard opened her eyes in surprise but before she could say anything, Alice ordered, "Keep a lookout for him. If he tries to leave, tell him that the airport manager wants to talk to him about the earlier incident. Do anything it takes to stop him but don't use strength. He is not dangerous."

Seeing Alice and Monik run away right after, the female guard only got more curious about Wuxing. As a guard, she naturally had a thing for handsome bad guys. Dangerous was her second name.


"You can take your clothes back. I don't need them anymore." Wuxing called out as he ungagged Mike after changing back into his fresh set of clothes. He closed Mike in the toilet as he went to find the information he needed.

Seeing Wuxing's guns, Mike didn't curse or get angry like before and asked instead, "Are you going to kill me?" He was naturally worried that Wuxing was a terrorist or even worse, want to kidnap him and sell for organs.

Wuxing wasn't any of those but some would say he was much scarier than what Mike was worried about. Shrugging to his question, Wuxing replied as he prepared to leave, "You didn't do enough for me to kill you. The most you deserve is a few fingers getting cut for ruining my mission and being an idiot but I guess I will make an exception today. I can't be bothered."


The mention about finger cutting was enough to scare Mike, making him stiffen all around his body as he swallowed his saliva, feeling dryness in his mouth. Thankfully for him, Wuxing didn't plan to pitch a tent there and said, "I'm going, good luck with your girl."

Only as Wuxing was leaving as if nothing has happened did Mike realise he was still tied and questioned, "Wait, are you going to untie me?"

"Those zip-ties are not even connected. You can rip them apart with ease." Wuxing called out as he cast a glance at clothless Mike who was tied to the rim by him before leaving the bathroom, only adding two last lines, "Remember what I told you. If you say anything, I will find you and finish the job. I forgot to tell you, I'm from Seven Stars."

Naturally, Seven Star Special Forces were too famous for Mike to not know about them. The moment he heard Wuxing mention it, his old resentment and hatred ended just like that. He couldn't fight against someone who could basically kill him in one hundred different ways.

Wuxing didn't want to use Seven Stars as his bargaining chip but he felt like he should already leave. It was a quick method to silence people so it would be a sin not to use it.

After ripping the zip-ties just like Wuxing told him, Mike wore his clothes, tidying them up a bit before leaving the bathroom as well. He didn't expect that he would meet both his boss Alice as well as his crush, Monik, standing right outside the doors, wondering if they should enter inside.

He thought they will scold him more but Alice asked hurriedly, "Mike, is there anyone else in the bathroom? The handsome guy from earlier entered just a couple minutes ago. You entered the bathroom twice. You should have met him."

This made Mike confused, as he asked back confused, talking much calmer than before, "Huh? Twice? I only entered the bathroom once. Anyway, the guy who you are looking for just left. I think you two passed each other." He didn't want to have anything to do with him and knowing he wasn't his threat anymore, he was relieved.

"Damn, he must have slipped as we walked from the surveillance room. Let's go, he shouldn't have walked away too far." Alice cursed, not expecting to be this unlucky and quickly turned around to leave.

Monik gave Mike one glance before leaving as well, not saying anything to him. He could only sigh and walk towards the dining area for his break. He never would have thought that Wuxing actually copied his appearance so he didn't even delve deeper on Alice's previous question.

When Alice came to the entrance, already feeling tired from all the running, she happened to hear another disappointing message, forcing her to give up on her chase, "Miss Alice, I tried to force him to stay but he just brushed me away and left. I'm sorry…"

She looked at the rotating door of an entrance and asked herself, 'Why am I even chasing after him so hard…'