Chameleon: My True Face

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The only male assistant by the checkout counter who just finished serving the granny, quickly came up to them and asked friendly, "Sir, is there anything we can help you with? I noticed there might be some bigger issue here." This was naturally quite unethical of him to do but he just couldn't let her flirt with Wuxing so freely.

Monik couldn't believe what he was doing and quickly pulled at his sleeve, shouting at him, "Mike! What are you doing? I'm already answering Sir's questions!" She tried to shout quietly but she was still loud enough for the people around them to hear her.

Seeing the other customers casting glances at them, Mike asked quietly, not wanting to create a scene, "Can we talk for a moment?"

He was really pissed off because just yesterday, he bought a new car and planned on taking Monik home with it. He knew she would accept as that would save her a lot of time which she could spend on herself instead of waiting for the bus.

Unfortunately, it did not go exactly as he planned as Monik got angry at him, denying him right away, "No. I'm busy. Can't you see?" She did not bother with him anymore and turned back to Wuxing, saying sweetly, "I'm sorry for the inconveniences. It's the first day at work for my colleague so he still doesn't know the proper etiquette."

Wuxing smiled and planning to irritate the guy even further, he rubbed her hand that she placed on the counter, comforting her, "It's okay. Everyone has to start working at some point. It's sad it's you who has to deal with it."

Monik quickly blushed but she didn't pull her hand away, staring into Wuxing's eyes with curiosity as if she wanted to figure out Wuxing's thoughts. Mike, who was watching everything from the side, knew he couldn't bash at Wuxing as that would probably make him lose his job so instead he pulled on her hand, dragging her away after calling out to Wuxing, "I'm sorry Sir, there is something I need to pass a message to her."

"Stop… What are you doing?" Monik protested but Mike continued to pull her with him, not letting go off her hand until they were further away from the checkout counter.

Putting her against the wall, he looked at her, saying, "I'm sorry I had to drag you away but—" Too bad that he couldn't even finish his first sentence as his face was slapped mercilessly, right in the middle of his cheek.


The sound of it resounded throughout the hole, making many customers turn their heads in their direction once again. Only after realising it could be a couple's fight, did they return to their business.

Mike was a bit stunned, not expecting to get hit this hard by her and just as he glanced back at her, she glared at him, warning with a stern expression and her finger raised, "Don't you ever. Ever. Touch me without my permission." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

The feeling of burning on his cheek woke him up a bit but he didn't calm down. What came after a shocked expression was anger and he quickly called back at her the moment she shook her head, planning on returning to her post, "Is it cause he is handsome? Is this why you like him?"

The people around them who stayed for the drama sucked in cold breath as they thought united, 'Oof… Boy… This is not how you solve this case… This will definitely backfire…'

Naturally, hearing such accusations, Monik turned around and asked back, looking as if he was crazy, "What are you talking about? Do you even hear yourself?" She already thought there was something wrong with his jealousy, acting protectively when they were not even dating.

She decided to tell him there was nothing between them when Mike said scornfully, "You looked at him as if you were ready to jump into his bed right away. Why? Just because he put a stupid flower in your hair and smiled at you? I didn't know you were so eas—"


He was so angry that he didn't even notice her hand that reached his face to give him another slap. The crisp sound of it gained even more attention as more people stopped to watch them. It even alarmed the general manager who dropped what she had at hand to solve the dispute.

Before she reached them though, Monik said angrily at Mike's face, "Get out of my face. I don't want to see you." She wasn't angry to the point of losing her mind like Mike but rather greatly disappointed in him. Before he could even say anything, she added, "You think you and I will ever date? You are delusional. What is it in your brain to think that made you think I would throw myself into your arms just because you bought a new car?"

"Monik… How—" Mike paled when he heard her, finally realising that the situation wasn't going on like how he planned everything and tried to talk it through but Monik didn't let him, continuing lashing out at him, "How did I know? Do you think I wouldn't learn that you bragged to your colleagues how you would fuck me inside your new car? Well, let me tell you, they are my friends as well! They told me everything."

'Oooof… This is golden…' The spectators thought as more and more gathered, wanting to hear the punchline. They could clearly see that Mike was a bad guy and wanted him to get punished even more.

At this point Mike turned silent, knowing that nothing he says now will help him. He could only make the matter worse. As Monik saw their manager incoming, she said for the last time, "I wanted to reject you politely yet you created a scene and acted like a fool. I'm lost for words."

Just then, the blonde female manager in a suit came up and gathered everyone attention, saying, "Okay everyone, the show is over. You can all walk away. We are sorry for any inconveniences this event might have caused you."

Only when the crowd started dispersing did she ask them both, "What are you two doing?! Why are you creating a scene in the middle of the hall?"

"Miss Alice can ask him. He was the one who dragged me away from my spot while I was talking to the customer before provoking me." Monik shrugged and said the truth of what happened before glancing at her desk. Seeing that the handsome man she was talking to earlier already left, she commented sadly, feeling annoyed, "The customer left."

The manager rubbed her temples, already feeling a headache from the whole situation and ordered, "Mike, go on a break. I will think about what to do with you later." It was her first week at work. She didn't want to fire anyone as that would show she can't handle the situation and fix the problem.

Mike didn't way anything and simply left, walking towards the toilets after giving Monik the last glance. If Wuxing was there, he would recognize that manager as the same Alice he saved earlier. Unfortunately, he was already waiting somewhere else for his prey to come.


"Fuck!" Mike pretended to be calm earlier but the moment he entered the bathroom, he cursed under his breath before asking himself after splashing his face with cold water, "Why am I so dumb?"

Though, he changed his decision fast, aiming his anger onto someone else, "No, it's this bastard's fault. If only I got him in my hands… We argued all because of him… If he didn't come, nothing would happen." His whole day was ruined just cause Wuxing came.

He splashed his face once again but jumped scared the moment he saw the person he hated right behind of him. "You bastard, what are you doing here?!" He shouted as he distanced himself.

Wuxing smiled and walked towards him as he asked, "You want me in your hands? What are you going to do to me?"