Chameleon: My True Face

132 Beauty Brings Enemies


The doors closed on their own as the lackey ran out of the room with all the trash, not even willing to wait for the tip. He knew that Wuxing was playing with him but there was a tiny possibility that Wuxing was a cannibal serial killer and the lackey didn't want to bet his life on it.

"Hah, he was so scared. Don't you think he will report you for having a knife collection?" Devil Face asked as he laughed at the lackey's reaction but Wuxing only shrugged and picked all the knives from the table, piling them all together.

He asked as he picked one of the knives up, 'Can I revert the process and absorb the cells back into my body?' Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Devil Face was a little surprised and he advised against it, 'It's possible, but it will waste some of your energy. Is it worth it? If you don't want to throw the knives away, just toss them into a mixer and grind them into bone dust. You can spill the dust on the sidewalk and no one will learn a thing.'

It was a clever solution but Wuxing wanted something different and said seriously, 'I want to test it using my ability. I don't think there will be a mixer in the jungle in case I need to destroy the evidence of having a weapon. Tell me how to do it.'

Only then did Devil Face finally explain the process, 'There is no philosophy behind it, as long as you grab it and think of absorbing the cells from the knife, your body will act automatically. Even after the knife left your body, those are still your cells. You can manipulate them as long as you fill them with your energy once again. When you separated the knife from your body, the cells deactivated due to having a limited amount of energy.'

Earlier in the Prison, Devil Face didn't need to converse like that with Wuxing as he could basically hear his thoughts before he said something but now as Devil Face stopped scanning those, leaving Wuxing thoughts and memories alone, they acted like two entities with their own mind.

"'Alright, I get it," Wuxing muttered as he nodded to himself and not wasting any more time, knowing he had little time, he recreated the process Devil Face described and absorbed them all into his body. He started slowly with the first one but after realising it was not that hard, he speedrunned through them all.

Being done with that, Wuxing got ready to leave after a quick shower, saying to himself after patting his Beretta, 'I guess it's time to get a quick bite on the way and play a little with you.'


Right after Wuxing walked up to the booking and information counter, he was spotted by one of the female workers there who quickly smiled at him and asked politely, "Is there anything I can help you with, Sir?"

It was a rare case when such a handsome customer would visit the airport so the moment he appeared, the blonde hunter swiftly called out to him to gain his attention, hoping he would approach her spot instead of her colleagues.

Fortunately, the handsome model with great white hair was caught by her hook and walked up to her, saying with a soft smile, "Yes, I would like to ask about flights to Agos in three days. Can Miss help me with that?"

This sparked some high level of jealousy from the other female assistants who were in the process of helping book tickets for other men who were not as attractive and one even commented in her mind, 'Tsk, why is she always getting the handsome ones while I'm stuck with a fatso…'

As she looked away to cast a glance at the handsome man, the obese customer in front of her who was waiting for the tickets to be printed took advantage from that time to glance at her pushed up breasts. He was caught right after but unfortunately, the girl couldn't shout at him and instead, she passed him the tickets while saying smiling, "Here are your tickets Sir, enjoy your flight."

She could only be pissed off internally but it would be bad if she lashed out at the customer. Though, there was one male assistant who didn't mind showing his dissatisfaction on his face. Who would be happy when a handsome guy is talking to your crush?

Too bad he had a granny customer who took time reading through the information which made it impossible for him to walk up to them. Naturally, the handsome man was no one other than Wuxing who came to investigate and noticing the girl's glanced at him, he decided to use his new appearance to get a piece of quick information.

The blonde beauty was a bit dazed by his mesmerising smile and only after a moment did she wake up, reacting to his question, "N-naturally… In three days, right?" She asked him to confirm so she could hear his voice some more.

Wuxing didn't mind that and nodded, repeating himself, "Yes, I would like to know if there are at least two tickets for the morning flights, please."

The lady got into work pretty quickly with a big smile on her face but it quickly faded away after she checked what Wuxing wanted. She showed worried expression and said. "Hmmm, I just checked and it does not look good… For some reason, all planes are fully booked to Agos… Though there are some tickets free for the day after…"

As she spoke, continuing to check the data on the screen, Wuxing reached to the flowers placed on the desk and tore one of them before stopping her as he said sweetly, "Hey Monik, can you lean over for a second?" He already knew all the planes would be fully booked a month before the selection so he didn't worry about that.

Monik was surprised he knows her name, forgetting she had a nameplate on her chest and agreed hesitantly, "Huh? Sure…" She didn't expect Wuxing to suddenly reach out past the counter and gently put a flower into her hair, saying right after satisfied, "Here, you look much better now. A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady."

Monik didn't know what to say, feeling a bit overwhelmed and thanked with her cheeks getting rosy, "Thank you…"

Leaning with his elbows on the counter, Wuxing asked as he looked her in the eyes,  "You know, two of my friends are flying to Agos next week. They will be using their private jet. Can you check for me if there are any flying out from the airport in the next few days?"

Hearing that the matter involved private information, a red flag raised in Monik's brain but there was this one devil in her head asking her, 'How could such a handsome and kind man be evil?' She hesitated for a moment but the rationality won as she knew it was forbidden so she tried to reject him politely, "Uhmm… I don't think I can—"

Unfortunately for her, Wuxing already predicted that and continued as he cut her off, showing a saddened expression, "It's okay if you can't help me… My phone was actually stolen and I lost the contact with them so unless I camp in the airport the whole time, I have no way to find them… I guess I will have to figure out another method…"

He didn't wait for her reply and suddenly bounced off the counter, wanting to walk away when Monik called out, "Wait."

The moment she saw the hopeless expression on his face, she couldn't help but change her mind, the will to help him surpassing the rational decisions and she added the moment he looked back at her, "I will check it for you but don't tell anyone…" She glanced to the sides, checking if anyone is next to her before looking up the info on the screen.

Seeing that it worked, Devil Face commented surprised, 'Oof, I guess being handsome really helps get you girls… Maybe I should also try it…' He immediately imagined Sandra expression the moment she sees his face and couldn't help but think of trying it.

'It helps,' Wuxing agreed but looking to the side and seeing someone approaching, he added, 'But also brings a lot of enemies as well.'