Chameleon: My True Face

131 Unless...?

Hearing her mother's question, Dongmei thought for a moment but she couldn't find a world where Wuxing would disagree. Sure, they were only together for a week but knowing how strong their relationship was now, she could say with certainty that after three months it would be even stronger.

She did not hesitate anymore and said out loud with a smile, "He won't decline. We love each other and marriage is just a paper. Wuxing is not a person who would worry about that. He knows what he wants. I also know I want him."

Guan Mei breathed a sigh of relief as she patted herself on the chest while saying, "I'm glad. I don't have to worry about that anymore then." Dongmei's grandparents were people that you would love to befriend instead of making them your enemies. The benefits of doing that were just too immense.

As they returned to eating, Dongmei realised that no matter how much she ate, she didn't feel hungry at all. She wanted to voice out her concerns to her mother but Layla explained, 'Nothing is wrong with you. Right now you are not only regaining strength for yourself but also for me. I had to use a lot of my own energy stored because of this procedure so eat until I tell you to stop.'

Immediately, Dongmei got worried that her body would get ruined because of such high amount of food but Layla's explanation covered that as well as she assured her, 'Your body will be just as perfect as it is now, no matter how much you eat. I can help you distribute the energy however you want. This is of course if you want it that way. If you want some more fat here and there just tell me. I'm not sure what are Wuxing's preferences so you will have to decide.'

Dongmei naturally wanted to look the best for Wuxing but also for herself so she instinctively reached out to grab her ample chest before checking out her bottom and finally declined, finding herself just the way she liked it, 'I think I will stay the way I am.' She also didn't recall Wuxing ever disliking anything about her body. All she heard were praises and she knew he was telling the truth.

"Haha!" Guan Mei laughed wholeheartedly when she saw her daughter checking herself out, recalling that she was pretty similar after her first giant dinner and advised happily, "You shouldn't worry about eating too much but about eating too little. Right now your ability is just a passive one but after you evolve, you should be much more useful for Wuxing. You should always remember to stay well-fed."

Dongmei did not have any other option but to agree to that, "Mhmm, I will remember." As she said so, Guan Mei finished her last bite and placed a few untouched dishes on Dongmei's plate while saying, "As I don't have Layla anymore, I guess I will have to break the habit of eating so much and take care of my waistline."

Dongmei naturally accepted them, knowing she could eat all the specialities she liked now without worrying about her weight but as she looked at the food, she recalled one fact about her that she didn't like. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Knowing this would make Wuxing happy, she raised her eyes with hope at her mother and asked, "Mom, will you teach me how to cook?"


Right at that time when Dongmei was thinking about her man, Wuxing was still in bed, sleeping off yesterday's marathon of experiments. He already tested everything he could and all he was left with was mastering everything he wanted to prioritize learning as well as increasing his overall speed. It sounded easy but word 'easy' was definitely far from the truth.

Knock, Knock.

Just as the clock hit noon, the hotel room service came to his door and woke him up just as he wished. Wuxing already trained his natural clock but today was different than other days as he was finally planning on going out so he couldn't be late.

He stayed in the renting apartment in one of the hotels for four days already and he knew it was finally time for his planned action. He needed to find transport for himself to reach the headquarters which was located in the capital of the United Nations' Confederation called Agos.

Standing up, Wuxing picked up his Beretta, still trusting his own friend much more than his new bone weapons and hiding the gun behind his back he opened the door. He spotted the same hotel lackey that came to deliver food yesterday but that didn't mean he became less vigilant.

"Good Afternoon Sir. You ordered us to wake you up on noon." The lackey said politely before asking the same question he did yesterday, "Does Sir wish to order the whole menu again?"

Although Wuxing was ordering tones of food into his apartment which alarmed the hotel's management, as long as he was keeping it clean and paid for everything, they did not question him. They were more than happy to have rich customer stay in their hotel.

Wuxing shook his head calmly and said as he reached out to close the door, "No, I will be eating out today. Thank you." He planned to reach the airport just when it was the employees' lunchtime as that would make the operation much easier.

The lackey was momentarily sad when he heard that, knowing he might lose a chance for a tip and asked with hope, "Oh, then is there anything else I could help with?"

Looking at the bags after the food and changed his mind, saying as he opened the door for the lackey to look at the room, "Actually, yes. Could you take away all the trash from the room?"

One could clearly see a lot of boxes laying around and the lackey was naturally ecstatic, having a job to do, agreeing immediately, "Of course! Naturally!" Although he wasn't a cleaner, it was not that big of a deal to take away the trash so he did not mind that.

Unfortunately, he regretted his decision right after entered the room. It was because he spotted many knifes thrust into the surface of the wooden table. It wouldn't be that scary if they were not all white and made from pure white bone. He even halted his footsteps, hesitating to walk any further.

"Is there a problem?" Wuxing asked suddenly from behind, scaring the Lackey shitless as he jumped forward and adopted the defensive position, "Aaaa!" Only after he saw that Wuxing was just standing, not making any sudden movements did he try to calm himself down and replied, "No, no… Everything is alright… I was just surprised by the knives on the table."

Although the lackey knew he shouldn't ask, he couldn't resist himself but to mention them. Unfortunately, his curiosity was short-lived as seeing Wuxing's frown, he wished his tongue wasn't so loose and he immediately regretted his actions yet again.

The lackey wanted to mark this day as his lucky day when he didn't see Wuxing rush to grab a knife to slit his throat but instead heard his explanation, "This is my bone knife collection. I take them everywhere with me." Picking up one of them, he asked, "Do you want to hold it?"

Hearing that Wuxing was just collecting them, the Lackey couldn't help but sigh in relief as he took on Wuxing's offer, saying, "Oof, so Sir is a collector... What kind of bone is this? Feels really smooth." He touched the white handle before testing the edge, finding it perfectly sharpened.

Wuxing smirked and replied truthfully, "It's Human Bone." It was really close to the moment where he would actually cut off someone's fingers with only his words as the lackey precautiously dropped the knife from his hands.

Only after the knife pierced through the floor did Wuxing comment, "Okay, I wasn't being honest."

The lackey's heart was already beating fast but he could only blame himself for getting so easily teased and responded with an awkward smile, "Sir… You do know how to joke around… For a moment I really believed Sir words."

Thinking Wuxing was only playing around, he reached out to pick up the knife from the ground but just as his hand gripped the handle, Wuxing said cheekily, "Unless…?"