Chameleon: My True Face

123 Even

'Damn, is this for real? They are really haunting me. Wherever I plan to go, they either follow after me or arrive at my destination before I do… I'm speechless.' Wuxing cursed the moment he arrived in the docks, seeing a familiar Black SUV parked in the parking.

After sneakily returning the money for the zip-ties in the market to the stunned lady and confirming that the girls were away already, Wuxing thought that they would return back to the hotel. Who would have thought that they actually go to the docks at the same time as he thought about it?

Devil Face scanned the area and saw both girls talking to the Captain of the ship before assuring him, 'Don't worry, it seems like they are just asking around about you. They are probably completing their mission. You have nothing to hide so there shouldn't be a problem. Just wait for Scarlet to leave and follow after her. They should be questioning her soon.'

Wuxing walked up into the docs, watching the girls from the distance and suddenly pondered what he was actually doing, asking himself, 'I wonder if I should stop hiding from them? They are not against me after all, at least not anymore. I can travel with them to the headquarters later on as well. I doubt they would try to handcuff me again. They already know how I look like and where I will be going so what's the point?'

As he talked to himself, he realised he didn't have a good reason for why he was doing it, deciding to just go with the flow, knowing the girls wouldn't do anything bad to him. Unfortunately, just as he was about to move, Devil Face stopped him as he cried, 'Wait! You can't!'

'Why?' Wuxing didn't understand, thinking that even if he meets them, he could still separate from them for a week to train but Devil Face didn't explain much, pleading, 'Hmm… I can't tell you the specifics... But I want you to wait for at least a week. You will meet them on the selection anyway, right? Do this favour for me.'

Wuxing quickly got suspicious of him and didn't mind his plea, walking out of the covers, heading straight towards where the girls were standing. He was really far from them so they still didn't notice him and Devil Face cried out before it was too late, 'Where are you going?! Noo! My date! Stop!'

This time Wuxing listened as he was just pretending to lure answers from Devil Face and hid back behind the container, asking sternly as he blackmailed him, 'What date? Tell me what's up else I'm going to meet with them.'

Devil Face realised he couldn't hide everything from him and sighed, letting out a small part of the information, 'Sigh… I might have agreed to something on your steed… But we will both benefit from it!' He naturally believed that he was doing Wuxing favour by setting him up on a date with such a beauty like Anna.

Hearing his reassurance, he quickly called back, not letting Devil Face slip again, 'What did you agree to? Don't tell me you agreed to a date for me? You know I have Dongmei already.' He was slowly getting irritated by Devil Face hiding something like this from him. He liked to scheme but definitely wouldn't allow anyone else to scheme against him.

Feeling the irritation in Wuxing's voice, Devil Face finally gave up, knowing he could lose his precious date with beauty and told him everything, 'Maya contacted me in not too long ago and we talked when I was gone. Maya is Anna's Spirit just like I'm yours. Anyway, she proposed to have Sandra, Katherine's Spirit, go on a date with me and in exchange, you would have to go on a date with Anna. As I didn't see anything bad in this deal for the both of us, I accepted.'

Naturally, Wuxing wasn't happy about it and hypothesized, 'When did you plan on telling me? You didn't think about me but rather selfishly wanted a date with that Sandra, right? From what I can feel, it doesn't seem like that Sandra wants to go on a date with you so the moment I meet with Anna, the deal will be over and you won't get a date with her, did I guess correctly?'

Hitting the nail right in the coffin, Devil Face could only sigh at his bad romantic life and silently agree to Wuxing as he said, acting pitifully, 'Sigh… That's why I wanted to first go on a date with her and only later take care of my part of the deal. She is a beauty, okay? How could I reject such a deal… You have to help your brother here…'

Suddenly, as if Wuxing got enlightened, he thought of something beneficial to him and agreed to Devil Face's cry for help, 'Alright, I agree. It's just dinner with a friend. I can take that.'

'Whoa! Thanks! I knew I could depend on you—' This made Devil Face ecstatic but then Wuxing stopped him as he added, 'But I have a few conditions. Because you tried to hide it from me, I won't do it for free.'

Devil Face thought it was fair and quickly nodded, accepting everything, 'Alright! Anything! As long as I can have a date with her, It's fine.' There was hidden happiness in his voice.

Having his agreement, Wuxing presented his list of demands, 'I want to add some stuff to the contract between us. I want full transparency in whatever you do or plan. Also, from now on I don't need to listen to your orders if I don't find them fitting. You won't blackmail me in the future and can never lie to me ever again. You have to tell me everything you know when I ask as well. Deal? I won't go back on any of those terms. Take it or leave it.'

Wuxing thought that it would be hard to convince Devil Face to accept those terms but to Wuxing's surprise, he quickly accepted as if it was nothing, calling out happily, 'Alright! Deal! Do you want to make it official? Cover the chameleon tattoo with your hand and we can start.'

Wuxing didn't want Devil Face to change his mind so he slipped his hand underneath his new shirt and placed it on top of the black tattoo, hearing Devil Face's voice right after, 'I, Devil Face, agree to Chameleon's terms and in exchange to that, he will go on a date with Anna when I want him to. Do you agree?'

'Sure.' Wuxing didn't find anything wrong in that so he agreed, momentarily feeling burning on his chest as if to signalize the sealing of the contract.

Happy with this deal, Devil Face informed him, adhering to the contract, 'As you wanted me to be fully transparent with you, I have something I want to confess to you. I was only planning on playing around at the start but after a week, the contract between us is no longer possible to cancel. I would naturally do exactly what you wanted me to do in that terms. There was no need to add it to the contract.'

Wuxing rolled his eyes at Devil Face's words and asked, 'Didn't you say you will eat my soul if I don't listen to you and stuff?'

'Ah, that. The earlier contract was fake. We can only sign one after a week. My soul needed about a week to settle inside your body. This time we sighed one for real. Even if you rejected me, I wouldn't be able to do anything to you. Now our souls are connected with each other. I will only be free when you die.' Devil Face exposed the truth, making Wuxing even more speechless. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

'Damn, you lied to me before.' Wuxing cursed, hating when someone lied to him like that but Devil Face wasn't moved by it, simply replying, 'Come on, I didn't force you to do anything bad. You should thank me for giving you such an amazing ability. Anyway, according to the current contract, if one doesn't comply with it, their souls will burn as if set on fire. That's a standard punishment. You better don't cheat else you will be bedridden for months. We both don't want that.'

'How do I know this contract is not fake as well?' Wuxing asked, being suspicious of Devil Face's tricks.

Devil Face asked back, creating more questions in WUxing's head instead of solving them, 'Why would I lie now? I don't want to lose the competition in the future. Once you evolve, I naturally want to win the whole event. The last event I failed miserably but this one will be different!'

Just as Wuxing wanted to question him about it, Devil Face called out with warning, 'Watch out! Katherine seems to sense something, change your location!'