Chameleon: My True Face

122 Keeper

James paled the moment he entered the restaurant with Anna. He looked at the corpses on the floor with their throats cut and blood flowing out in streams before starting at Katherine who was cleaning her second katana with a white cloth that she found on the table. Her expression was cold, appearing as if she was not bothered by any of this.

This made James quite scared, first time seeing such a sight. The moment Katherine glanced at them, his body even shivered but he forcefully calming himself down, knowing it wasn't the time for that. He followed after Anna who wasn't bothered by the bloodied bodies, only dodging the blood puddles to not smudge her sandals.

Anna hugged Katherine the moment she sheathed her katanas and said proudly, "As expected of my Kat, fast and clean. Shall we go? Wuxing left us some present inside the gangster base." Katherine wasn't a person who likes hugs, so Anna pulled away from her after getting her fill.

Turning to James, Katherine called out before they entered, knowing already what will wait for them there, "Mr Detective, how about you invite some policeman here? We will need some help in taking out the trash." For her, anyone who engaged in criminal activity was trash and nothing would change her opinion. There was no pity in her eyes the moment she kills such a person.

Seeing the bodies on the floor, James naturally thought that they want him to call someone to clean them so he pulled up his walkie-talkie as he nodded to her, "Alright! Right away." Knowing her status, it was obvious that she would be in charge. Even simply because of the fact that she has the power to change the current deputy chief with just one phone call. That alone was scary enough.

He didn't expect that when they entered into the gangster base through the hidden entrance, they would see even more corpses. What's more, aside from sixteen bodies laying on the ground, having a gunshot wound on their foreheads, there was the whole gang already captured by someone, pilled like logs next to the wall.

Although Katherine and Anna knew about this thanks to their Spirits, they were still surprised after looking at the scene with their own eyes. They had to evaluate Wuxing's skills just based on this raid. As they walked around the dead bodies, they could see they were not moved at all. Sixteen gangsters were all killed in the single room with a single bullet in the forehead.

When James left them to check on the hand-cuffed gangsters with other policemen, Anna whispered to Katherine after investigating the bodies, "He probably changed into one of them before sneaking inside, killing them all in one go."

Katherine nodded, confirming that and added as she pointed at one of the guys who had a lot of gunshot wounds on his body, "This one was probably shot by his friends in a panic. The lights are broken. Wuxing must have destroyed them before killing them all in darkness. Not bad. Didn't think he would be this skilled."

"Sigh, to think that I let him go… I told you he is a keeper…" Anna sighed regretfully, recalling Wuxing's old self as well as the new appearance she saw on the police photo and couldn't help but add, "He is hot now too…"

Katherine didn't deny that, finding him handsome herself as well but she didn't voice it out loud and instead assured her, "Don't worry, we will meet him on the selection. I already confirmed it with the management. They agreed and gave us both the green light to do anything we want. We can even supervise and lead the lessons as well."

This made Anna ecstatic, wanting to exclaim but she kept talking quietly, not wanting their conversation to leak, "Whoa, Kat, you are really the best. I guess we can relax then and go back to headquarters in a week. Should we report this case as Wuxing's doing? I think this was his intention from the beginning. He wanted to use this to have a better chance to get in the Seven Stars."

"Yes," Katherine nodded right away and said after realising something, "But let's stop calling him with his name. He discarded his previous identity and we also confirmed his death. We should actually forget about it."

Anna suddenly covered her lips, understanding what she just did and agreed immediately, whispering back, "Alright… Let's call him Chameleon."

Just then, James came out of the second room and cough to gain their attention, "Cough, excuse me Misses, can I take a moment?" He was a bit overwhelmed that the two women in front of him looked as if they were chatting in a marketplace when they were surrounded by sixteen corpses but he knew that they probably killed more people than those gangsters.

Both Anna and Katherine turned their heads towards him, nodding, which made him continue, "I just wanted to say we confirmed that they are all from the Red Lizard Gang. Even their Boss was tied up with them. Unfortunately, he is currently groggy due to drugs so we can't talk to him."

Katherine turned back to her professional self and ordered, "Okay, take them all away. We will report to the headquarters about the person who did it. He is one of us so there won't be any consequences for his actions." Even though Wuxing wasn't yet one with his current identity, he was bound to join them soon so she didn't have problems by proclaiming him as such.

Knowing that Seven Stars' members could first kill and only ask afterwards, he didn't find that strange, nodding, "Roger that. I will make sure to take care of everything. Thank you."

Just then, Katherine thought of something and taking Anna by the hand, she pulled her towards the exit as she called out, "We will leave the rest for you, Deputy Chief. There is something we need to take care of now. Farewell." They didn't get to hear James' reply before they disappeared from his sight.

Anna didn't know Katherine's reasoning but patiently followed after her, only asking after they left the restaurant, "Kat, what happened?"

Katherine simply shrugged and explained, walking up to the black SUV, "There is nothing else for us to do here. Chameleon already took care of everything. How about we go to the docks and ask around? I still need to inspect his previous situation in case anyone from the headquarters asks around."

"Sure, I don't mind, but later on we'll go shopping. You promised me." Anna demanded, recalling their previous plans that were ruined. Katherine could only comply this time.

Just as she reached out for the handle of the car, her mind suddenly imagined the handsome face of Wuxing but she knowingly chased those images away, keeping herself in check. She shouldn't be allowing herself to daydream like that.


Just as the chief of the restaurant that Wuxing previously visited wanted to go on a break, the waiter panically entered into the kitchen and called out panicky, "Boss! The Monster is back!"

"What? Who?" This confused the boss, not knowing what was going on.

The waiter realised he didn't tell about it to his boss and explained, "The same guy who ate tens of our dishes in one sitting earlier today! He is back but not even an hour passed yet now he is ordering the whole menu!"

"Did he pay while eating every dish?" The boss asked calmly, thinking it was the case and the waiter confirmed it, "Yeah, he did. Even left a big tip."

Seeing no reason to panic, the boss put his apron back on and began cooking as he said, "Then let's serve him again. As long as he eats everything we serve, there shouldn't be a problem."


Unfortunately, just as he finished cleaning, wiping the sweat from his forehead, the waiter came back, called out to him again, almost repeating the conversation from before.

"Boss! Boss!"

"What? He did not finish everything, right? I somehow knew this would happen—"

"No boss! He ate everything!"

"Then why are you shouting so loudly? It's good for us. Make sure he pays."

"It's because he wants more!" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"W-what?! How much more?"

"The whole menu again but this time double portions!"

"Hans! Don't turn off the fire! We got another marathon!"


Boss! He is ordering another two whole menus! He is eating everything! What do we do?!"

"What else can we do?! We are cooking more! I don't know where is he storing all of that but we can't let customer leave hungry! Hans!"

"The fire is already on!"


'Ah… I'm finally full. You don't need to eat anymore.' Devil Face called out after sucking all energy from Wuxing's meals, filling up the tank he emptied before.

'Great. The waiters are already giving us looks as if I am a monster. Let's leave.' Wuxing sighed a breath of relief as he finally stood up, explaining his plans, 'The ship should be already coming back to the docks. Let's head there first. After we make sure that Scarlet's brother can recover in a week, we can find a place to wait for the week.'

Throwing five thousand dollars on the table, he left, leaving satisfying words, "I enjoyed the meal. I might be back." Just this much was enough to excite the boss who was peeking from the kitchen. Too bad that Wuxing already knew that he would never come back, already planning something else.