Chameleon: My True Face

124 Money Matters

"Big sister, is there something wrong?" Scarlet asked sweetly when she saw that Katherine was coming back after rushing out for some reason. She was just about to leave and visit her little brother in the hospital when the Captain told her there are two important people who would like to talk to her.

Scarlet was already late and her brother was probably waiting hungrily so she wanted to quickly rush away but seeing they were two pretty big sisters, she decided to spare them a minute. The one with crimson hair and two katanas on her back didn't seem like someone who would accept rejections.

She was tense for a moment but fortunately, as they exchanged a few sentences, Scarlet realised they were actually a pair of nice people and what was more amazing, they belonged to the same organisation that big brother Wuxing talked about. Although this made her suspicious, she was also very interested.

Not finding anyone behind the containers, Katherine shook her head and admitted, "It was a false alarm. I thought someone was watching us from the distance but I didn't find anyone."

Scarlet exclaimed to that and nodded decisively, agreeing with that person's taste as she gave both of them a look over, "Oh! That might be true. Big Sisters are so pretty that I doubt anyone would miss the opportunity to take a glance, hehe."

Smiling cutely while holding onto the corners of her skirt, Anna felt like to hug Scarlet and she didn't exactly that, staying true to her desires, "Ah, you are so cute, can I call you Scarlet?" Anna loved cuddles and as Katherine didn't like them, she always had a great shortage of them. Today she received some from Wuxing else Scarlet would definitely find it hard to escape from her clutches.

"Mhmm, I don't mind." Scarlet returned the hug, not minding it one big and asked curiously, recalling she was actually in a hurry, "Is there anything I can help you? I have something scheduled for now so I don't want to be late. Can we talk as we walk to the bus stop?"

Katherine didn't mind it, inviting Scarlet to walk first with her hand as she said, "Naturally. Don't worry, we won't take you long. We just wanted to ask if you have known a person called Wuxing?"

Hearing the question, a knowing look appeared in Scarlet's eyes as she figured they would ask about Wuxing. She pretended she didn't know about his fake death and asked back as they walked forward, "You are asking about big brother Wuxing? Mhmm, I know him. We met on the ship earlier today and he was very nice to me. How is he?"

Anna squinted her eyes to figure something from Scarlet's eyes but couldn't get anything so she asked softly, "So you don't know yet…?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"Hmm? About what?" There was a confusion on Scarlet's face but then she questioned worriedly, "Did something happened to big brother?"

Seeing the innocence on Scarlet's face, Anna continued before Katherine hits her with the truth, "Well, he seems to be missing and we are searching for him. We are his friends from the same organisation. We are asking everyone if they have any information about him."

Scarlet sighed in relief when she heard that and explained herself, "Well, the last time I saw him, big brother was still on the ship. Later on, I was staying in my room so I don't know what happened to him."

She naturally would not give any vital info to strangers without confirming that they were actually Wuxing's friends. They could also be hunting for him so it was better to stay quiet. Wuxing already assured her that everything was planned and it all happened just like he told her so she believed he was safe.

"Hmm… That's unfortunate." As if she realised something, Katherine cut in the conversation and asked for contact information, "Do you maybe have a phone? I can give you my number in case you recalled some details that could help us find him."

Scarlet naturally didn't have any problem with that and nodded, pulling out her phone, "Sure."


Just as they accompanied Scarlet to the closest bus stop as saw her off as she entered into the bus, Anna called out as she recalled the last hug she gave her, "Awww… Such a cute and gentle girl. What's more, she likes cuddles. If only I could have such little sister…"

Unfortunately, Katherine was more down to earth and she noticed something Anna didn't, crushing her opinion about Scarlet, "She was lying. She knew what happened with Wuxing."

This made Anna question her own ability as she asked confused, "Huh? Really? I didn't notice..."

Katherine patted Anna on the head to cheer her up, knowing she also wouldn't notice if she wasn't looking for some abnormalities and explained, "It's because she was too good. She would make a good actor with her skills. Wouldn't be surprised if she was a good spy in the future."

"So you are saying that she knows more about Wuxing?" Anna asked curiously, trying to recall Scarlet's expressions during their conversation but she still didn't get anything from that.

Katherine smiled and added more, "I would say not only she knows way more, but Wuxing also noticed her skills and probably proposed her to attend the selection in a week. When we mentioned that we are from Seven Stars, she knew what kind of organisation we are yet she wasn't surprised or afraid as if someone already explained her the basics."

Anna thought for a moment and proposed, "I suggest we just wait then. If we meet her on the selection, it will confirm your theory and we can help her get in. If Wuxing wants her in, this means he either wants something from her or just admire her talent."

Giving Wuxing favour like that would be good for them so Katherine didn't mind it, agreeing as they walked back to their car, "Yup, let's go. We already know what happened from the captain. No need to ask around anymore."


Scarlet was rushing to the hospital, buying some food and her brother's favourite snacks to surprise him but the one who was surprised was her when she saw two male nurses pulling her brother's bed out of his room just as she entered the floor.

"Wait, what are you doing with my brother?!" Scarlet cried to stop them but they didn't care, returning back inside to clean the rest of the room. She ran up to her brother and ask worriedly, "Why did they kick you out to the corridor?!"

"Sister! You are back!" Her brother quickly gave her a hug and explained as he glared at the doctor who stood to the side and supervised the transfer, "They told me someone else paid for the room and as we didn't pay, we can no longer stay in it…"

When the doctor overheard the boy, he sighed, apologising while not actually being sorry, "I am sorry Miss. Those are the rules. Those that don't pay will be kicke—" Too bad that before he even finished, he was slapped in the face with a stack of cash that then dropped onto his hands. With his skilled eye, he counted that there was a good few thousand in the bundle and couldn't help but look at Scarlet in shock.

He still remembered how she begged the director to give her some more time to gather money next time and he knew she was struggling. Yet right now, she was throwing money as if it was nothing.

Scarlet expected such a reaction and scolded the doctor right away while waving another two stacks of cash in her hand, "Who said I don't have money!? We don't want this crappy room. Prepare the best one for my brother and I want it now! Also, call the main surgeon as well! I want to schedule the operation."

The soft lady turned into a monster as she glared at the doctor and he could only comply, nodding as he rushed away to perform the orders, "Y-yes! Right away!" As every hospital was now private, money was naturally the decision-maker everywhere.

Her brother was still shocked when he saw them having this much money and couldn't help but exclaim, "Sis! Where did you get so much money?"

Momentarily, the scolding expression turned back into soft like marshmallow and she asked back mysteriously, hugging his head into her chest, "Does it matter? Sister will always find her ways. Here, I brought you some snacks and a late lunch. You should be hungry."

She placed a basket on the bed, making her brother salivate but as he wasn't dumb, he naturally noticed something was off, not believing her sister would get so much money in a single day. He squinted his eyes, not wanting her to mess around with anything dangerous and asked suspiciously, "Sis… you didn't do anything bad, right?"

Scarlet pulled on his cheeks and denied right away, explaining afterwards, "Of course not. Do you think your sister would do anything like that? I just received a job offer from a good man and when he heard I'm in need of money, he paid me a few months salaries in advance. I will have to work that off later on but he is a good man. He wouldn't let us get hungry so we should be able to survive."

"Huh? There is no way there are any good man like that. He definitely wants to use you or plans something indecent! You are such a beauty, you can't believe other men like that. What if he kidnaps you and—" Her brother didn't believe it, already knowing the brutality of this world but before he couldn't thinking of any conspiracy theories, Scarlet covered his lips.

She imagined Wuxing's appearance in her mind and lied, "It's nothing of this sort. He is a businessman and he was searching for a secretary. I just happened to make a coffee for him and he proposed me a job. We will have to move to another city for that but the pay is not that bad. I would naturally accept it. I even checked his out afterwards and he is a real deal. Your sister is not stupid, okay?"

"Mhmm…" Her brother confirmed it, thinking of her as the best person in the whole world and Scarlet finally let him go, shushing him after seeing that a surgeon was coming up to them, "Shh, the doctor is coming. Behave."

The doctor was really surprised to hear that Scarlet actually got this much money at her disposal. She was a cutie so he naturally thought of helping her out earlier but he guessed it wasn't possible anymore. He wanted to propose to pay for her bills when she was in her desperation in exchange for a dinner with him.

Having his plan ruined, he could only use his normal charm to win her favours and asked with an elegant smile as he stopped in front of her, "Is there anything I can do for you, Miss?"