Chameleon: My True Face

121 Evolver

Although he was already lacking in energy, Wuxing quickly changed his face back to normal, knowing it would be easier to stop the girl from screaming if he didn't look like a gangster boss. As the girl was still waiting, Wuxing reached out, hooking the sexy red bra for her without saying anything. If she suddenly turned around with her bra unhooked and let go of it by accident, it would lead to a greater mess.

The lady felt the hook was on its place and fixed her bra, checking how it fits her before finally turning around while saying, "Thank you. How do I look—" She wanted to show her husband how she looks but she quickly realised it wasn't her husband by looking at Wuxing's reflection in the mirror.

She was about to open her mouth while covering her chest when Wuxing suddenly covered her lips while saying calmly, "Someone is trying to hunt for me. I had to hide here. Can you not expose me for a moment?" He gave her a charming smile and added softly, "I won't do anything improper, I promise. Can you not scream when I take off my hand?"

The lady looked pretty, young yet mature, probably being above thirty already, having lush and long black hair, matching well with her red lingerie on pale skin. Hearing Wuxing's question, she nodded calmly, not giving any signs of struggle. Her gaze was glued on Wuxing's face, wondering how could such a perfect man exist.

"Alright, I'm letting go." Warning her, he slowly pulled his hand away, prepared to cover her lips again in case she screamed but fortunately, that didn't happen and the lady behaved well.

She smiled as she exposed her body for him to see and asked curiously, "Who is trying to catch you? Are you one of those bad guys?" Her woman's intuition was telling her that he was dangerous, though she wasn't scared but rather excited.

Wuxing shook his head as he pretended to look out to check if anyone is coming and said, "No, I'm one of the good guys but I messed with some bad guys and now they are chasing after me." Although his words sounded as if Wuxing was in a big mess, he didn't show any panic on his face, showing his confidence and acting like he would get out of anything if he wanted to.

Wuxing thought that he would be safe from her as he guessed that she had a husband but he miscalculated. The lady didn't behave like a taken lady at all and pressed her chest against his own before saying while glancing at him seductively, "Oh… Don't worry, auntie will take care of you."

He had to catch her wrists to pull her away from him and decided to leave immediately, "Ma'am, I will be going. Thank you for hospitality."

Unfortunately, fate wasn't on his side as just as he let go of her and reached out for the curtain to leave, the heard someone calling out to them from the outside, "Babe, I'm back! Was it size eight or size nine that you wanted? I could only get a size eight. Can I go in?"

The lady smiled happily at this development and whispered to Wuxing, "My hubby is a pentagon fighter… How about you stay with an auntie for a little longer? I will send him away else he will definitely fight you…"

Thinking it would be for the best if he didn't create a big scene and rather sneakily escape, Wuxing complied, nodding. As the changing room wasn't that big, she leaned over to the other side of the curtain while bending her butt towards Wuxing, only peeking with her head.

Too bad that Wuxing wasn't interested in the couple conversation as he asked in his mind instead, 'What was that ability? Can you explain?' He didn't plan on waiting till the evening to learn about that.

Devil Face this time didn't withhold from giving him an answer and replied, 'You are yet to get access to it. I had to forcefully activate it on my own to hide you from the girls. Only after you evolve will your body be able to handle it. Didn't you see how weak you were? If I didn't use most of my stored energy, I wouldn't be able to do anything. Your tank is still pitifully small.'

'What do you mean by evolving? You never said anything about that.' Wuxing asked confused, hearing the concept for the first time.

As the lady was still talking to her husband, Devil Face continued, 'The more you use your ability, the stronger it becomes. Your energy capacity is also increasing each time. Didn't you notice that you eat much more lately? It's because you can store more and more energy in your body. As you are called Chameleon, don't you think it's only proper if you had invisibility in the future? Just as a chameleon, you can mask yourself with your surroundings.'

'Interesting…' Finally understanding it, Wuxing asked for more details, 'Do you know how much I have left till I can evolve? Also, it would be nice if I could know how much energy I have left as well.'

Hearing him mention it as if it was easy, Devil Face smirked as he said, 'Huh! You barely filled anything yet. It should still take you at least two months at this rate. About the counter, I can think of something later. Now we are too weak to do anything. Find yourself new clothes and let's find something to eat. You owe me a lot of energy. I'm dying of hunger right now.'

'How about the Ethernum Crystals? Doesn't they contain a lot of energy inside of them? The panther was fine after eating one.' Wuxing said as he suddenly recalled the Ethernum Crystal Cave that they found on the Badu Island but Devil Face postponed this idea into the future, 'Ethernum Crystals? Heh, if you don't want to explode, you better wait until you become an evolver and then we will talk again.'

Just then, the lady finally returned to him as she said while waved with a flowery summer dress in her hands, "Alright, I told him to wait in the car. Now it's only us again."

She was quite disappointed that Wuxing didn't do anything to her even though she gave him an opportunity but she knew he wouldn't be an average man with such looks.

Just as she was about to tease him more, he suddenly took a step forward and grabbed onto her chin, saying in his melodic voice, "Thanks you. I don't know what I would do without you. I wish I could stay more but I really need to go." Seeing the stunned face of the mature lady, he found that his face could actually be his weapon, feeling glad he made it like this.

As he let go of her, she stopped him for the last time, knowing she couldn't hold him back anymore, "Wait… Can I know your name?" There was little chance the two would ever meet again but she wanted to know the name of a person she will fantasize at night.

Wuxing left, leaving only one word behind, "Chameleon."


At the same time, right in front of the restaurant were parked a black SUV with both Anna and Katherine standing next to it, waiting for the Detective to arrive. They, fortunately, didn't need to wait for too long as he finally appeared, reporting to Katherine, "Miss, we already closed the bank. Shall we proceed inside? You mentioned something about a restaurant being the second entrance."

Hearing that there were no problems, Katherine guessed that Wuxing already left, not finding with Sandra any traces of him and walked up towards the restaurant with both katanas on her back, "Well, I guess there is no need for that anymore. Wait for me here." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

The Detective didn't have a choice in the matter but then he saw that Anna also stayed behind which made him ask, "Miss, are you not following your friend inside?"

Anna waved with her hand as if it was nothing and explained, "Oh, let's wait about ten seconds. There are about ten gangsters inside so it should take her longer than usual."

"Longer?" Detective blinked twice at her, not quite getting her. Did she mean to say that Katherine can handle ten gangsters in ten seconds? He didn't want to believe in that and even wanted to reach out for his gun and help as well when he suddenly heard gunshots from the restaurant.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three shots, there was only silence afterwards and Anna knew what that meant, saying happily, "We can go in now."