Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 249

Today is the first day of school. The class time in university is much easier than that in high school. After Fang Yan runs with Gu Rongchen, there is still a lot of time to go to class.

After rejecting Gu Rong's proposal to send him to school, Fang Yan said he wanted to go to school alone. Just before going out, he stood in the porch and hesitated.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother Gu..."


Fang Yan Baba looked at him: "other lovers who live together will kiss before going out."


Gu Rong suddenly took a deep breath and turned to cover his face.

"Brother Gu?" Fang Yan lost way: "I and brother Gu have been in contact, but still can't kiss?"

"It's not impossible..." Gu Rong said: "but..."

"But what?"


Gu Rong wiped his face and turned around.

Inkstone is right, they are already lovers, whether it is hugging or kissing is a normal thing. Inkstone didn't care about it, but he couldn't let it go.

"Nothing." Gu Rong opened his arms and said, "come on."

As soon as Fang Yan's eyes lit up, he immediately rushed to him.

The boy was a circle smaller than him, and his lover's breath came to him. After a while, his soft lips touched his lips.

Touch the minute, no more than a second.

Fang Yan stepped back a few steps, and his ears and cheeks turned red quickly. Gu Rong Leng for a moment, eyes touched his red ears, but feel some funny.

"Didn't you say you wanted to kiss?" Gu Rong touched his chin and deliberately said, "now how can you be shy first?"

Fang Yan glared at him with shame and indignation, turned and picked up his schoolbag, and hurriedly opened the door and went out.

"Bang", the door was heavily closed, he was finally a long sigh of relief.

After thinking about it all night, he was able to kiss him. Now that the connection and kiss have been achieved, will the rest be far away?

Fang Yan nodded firmly and cheered himself up in his heart. After a long time of psychological preparation, he went to the elevator.

Just raised his feet, the door to the door opened, the grandfather who had seen yesterday came out of it. He carried an ordinary woven bag with the school badge of s on it.

Fang Yan's eyes from his hand woven bag, not on the heart, just toward him with a smile and nod.

"Going out?" Asked the old man.

Fang Yan walked in front of him, first pressed the elevator, turned to let the old man go first: "yes, I'll go to class."

"Yes, it's school day." The old man nodded with a smile: "good boy."

Fang Yan scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Ding" sound, to the first floor, the elevator door opened, the old man took the lead to go out, the woven bag with s University logo in his hand dangling leisurely.

Both of them are going out on foot, so they are on the same way.

"Your brother didn't send you today?" The old man spoke on his own initiative.

"He goes to work. It's close to the school. It's convenient for me to go there, so I won't bother him."

"It's convenient. You can get to the school gate in ten minutes. It's much better than before."

It's a new neighborhood, and it hasn't been built for many years.

Fang Yan nodded in a puzzled way. He didn't quite understand what he said.

The old man was very talkative, and soon he talked about other topics. He seemed to be involved in everything. He also had a thorough understanding of current politics and economy. Just because of his family and LVYE, Fang Yan also knew finance very well. Therefore, he could keep up with the old man.

The ten minute road is not long. When Fang Yan saw the school gate, he suddenly found that he had talked with the old man all the way. He was about to say goodbye to the old man, but he saw the old man carrying his woven bag and waddling into the school.


Passers-by also said hello to the old man: "good morning, Professor Huang."

The old man answered with a smile.

Fang Yan said Yes

He was stunned for a long time in situ, and quickly caught up with him: "are you a professor in our school?"

"Did you find out?" The old man's smile couldn't be maintained. He lifted the woven bag in his hand and shook it: "I have a textbook in it."

Fang Yan coughed, embarrassed.

The woven bags with the school emblem of s University are not rare. At least he saw several in their community. There are many children around the Fang family who have grown up at s University. The old people also like to carry the woven bags printed with the school logo to go out, feeling that they have face. Fang Yan had seen several such "vegetable baskets" when he was selling vegetables at the gate of the community, so he did not think too much about it this time.

The old man glared at him and left in a huff.The teaching building is in another direction. After Fang Yan entered the school gate, he parted ways with him.

He followed the signs to the teaching building and found his class. There are already many people in it. When he enters the door, no one cares. Fang inkstone also did not put in the heart, looked for a corner position to sit down.

He took out his mobile phone, sent a message to Gu Rong, and told him about Professor Huang.

After a while, Gu Rong's news came back.

How can I be so familiar? It turns out to be professor Huang. 】

[he should also be your teacher. In the past, I always escaped from his class, and after he caught me, I talked about it for a long time. 】If he had remembered me, he would have recognized me. 】

[he is 】

GU Rong stopped for a while, then sent a message.

[inkstone, you may be implicated by me 】

Fang Yan:???

Fang Yan: QAQ elder brother gu!!!

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