Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 250

The grudges between Gu Rong and Professor Huang can be traced back to his school days.

Before graduating from high school, Gu Rong had already been involved in the sea of entrepreneurship. After he went to university, his company had improved a little. Because it was the rising period of development, he also stayed in the company all day, working and studying on the other side.

However, Gu Rong is still a genius. Even if he doesn't come to class on weekdays, he can still pass the exam by cramming at a book. For a while, all the teachers in the Department had heard of his name, but they had never seen him.

Professor Huang is one of the most dissatisfied. Seeing that every time the examination results come out, he firmly holds the first name, but after searching all the classes, he can't find the person represented by that name. Professor Huang is so angry that he even sets the requirement that he can't pass if the attendance rate is not enough, which makes Gu Rong Shanshan come back from the company.

Despite this, Gu Rong only came to attend his class. As soon as his class was over, he immediately rushed back to the company. Even when he was in class, he was busy with his computer. Obviously, I came here for this attendance rate.

However, Gu Rong's company is booming in the University. With the increase of time, more and more people have begun to hear the name of his company. Before graduation, he can be regarded as an outstanding alumni. Other teachers are also very tolerant of him. As long as the exam results are in, they can come and go when they want to. After all, they are engaged in academic research in the school all day long, and they may not have Gu Rong, who is really fighting in the mall. S University encourages students to practice, and Gu Rong can practice a good result, which is what everyone expects to see.

So is Professor Huang.

Gu Rong's attitude is too arrogant, which makes him feel flustered.

After four years of University, Professor Huang and Gu Rong fought bravely and wisely for countless times. When the graduation certificate was handed down, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

And their contact is only in the school, after graduation, the two people will only see each other in the news.

My new neighbor is Professor Huang. Gu Rong didn't recognize it at the beginning. When Fang Yan said it, he finally remembered it.

[I don't know if Professor Huang still remembers me after all these years, but your brother and I have always been the focus of the crowd. He is handsome and has outstanding ability. Maybe Professor Huang is still proud of himself and has taught me such a student. 】Gu Rong narcissistic tunnel: "if he still remembers me, he also knows that we have a good relationship. If he still has an opinion on me, he may be angry with you. 】

outsiders say that Huang is highly respected, but Gu Rong has dealt with him and knows how small the old man is in private.

Just about the attendance rate, the two men were fighting wits and bravery, and Professor Huang changed the rules many times because of him.

Fang Yan was lying on the table, typing with his fingers. He felt that he was about to cry: "brother Gu, you Why didn't you say it earlier? 】

[I didn't recognize it at first. 】Gu Rong is a little guilty of typing: "but don't worry about inkstone. That little old man is easy to please. If you go to him with delicious food, he won't have any opinion on you. 】

[delicious? 】

[I remember that his mother was chased by him at the beginning. I heard that it was because the cooking was delicious. 】

【…… 】

Fang Yan thought: I don't know which one is better than brother Li's?

But he just thought about it.

Although Professor Huang in Gu Rong's mouth is a cautious person, during his short contact in the morning, Fang Yan only felt that he was a knowledgeable, humorous old man, and did not see where he was careful.

He and Gu Rong said a few words, soon the bell rings, he will put the mobile phone away.

On the first day of school, we didn't know anyone. However, most of the students in the class were living in the same dormitory. After a night of getting along with each other, they were more or less familiar with each other. Fang Yan also saw his high school classmates in the class, but they were not familiar, so he did not go to say hello.

After a morning's class, when the bell rings, the teacher on the platform stops lecturing, and the students also stand up and go out.

Fang Yan put all the teaching materials into his schoolbag. As soon as he got up, the telephone rang. He took out his mobile phone and saw that Du Hang's name was on the caller ID.

Fang Yan picked it up in surprise: "hello?"

"You're on the phone at last." Du hang on the phone called out with exaggeration: "God, do you know how long you lost contact? After the college entrance examination, there will be no figure. If you hadn't seen your circle of friends still growing and your family didn't find anyone, I would have thought you lost contact! "

"There's no such exaggeration." Fang Yan said with a smile, "you know, I went out with my elder brother."

Du hang soon calmed down: "yes, you are back now, until the day before the report, your brother really has time."

It was the first time for Du hang to spend three months traveling with his brother."By the way, are you over now?"


"Do you have an appointment?"

Fang Yan smiles: "say it, where is it?"

"In the Jinbang hotel at the gate of your school." Du hang said with a smile: "I've been waiting for you there. Come here quickly."

Fang Yan should come down, soon hung up the phone, and hurried to the school gate.

Jinbang hotel says it's a rebate. In fact, the facade is not big. It's just that the decorated environment is good. The seats are separated from each other, which gives people a lot of privacy. The only drawback is that the price is a little high, but the taste is good, so there are not many customers.

When Fang inkstone arrived, it was full of people. Every seat was full of people.

He looked inside and noticed Du hang at the door. He immediately got up and waved to him.

Fang Yan walked over with a smile.

"How did you come here?"

Du hang hummed: "don't look down on me. How can I come here? I used to go to school here, but I'm on my way."

Fang Yan's surprise: "did you also get into s University?"

He went out for three months, and even his mother helped him fill in the volunteers, so Fang Yan didn't know what school his other classmates went to. He just came back the day before yesterday, and had not yet had time to contact Du hang.

With Du Hang's previous achievements, being able to pass the s University is the extraordinary play in the extraordinary play.

Du hangsan: "no, I'm next to a big."

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