Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 302: I intend to confess 3

She just wanted to find someone to talk to her.

The secret love is too bitter, but she is happy with it.

Say everything in your heart, the whole person is much easier.

Depressed for too long, now I can finally put all my thoughts on studying. As for this unseen secret love, just hide it in my heart. It will be her best memory.

Ling Weifeng frowned, "Xiao Huahua, go and confess to Jiming."

She has experienced it, so she understands Wang Jiaohua's feelings very well. Although this relationship is destined to be fruitless, at least we must let Fang Jiming know that there was someone who silently liked him.

In case they are possible, both of them are her friends, she naturally hopes that they are both good.

Although she also knows that the possibility of this matter is very slim, the businessmen are very profitable, and the disciples are very strong.

Fang Jiming's future marriage will be a commercial marriage in all likelihood.

Wang Jiaohua's hand holding the book tightened, her eyes fluctuating.

In the end, he shook his head, "No, it's my business to like him, so why mess with him, Xiao Feng, you just don't hear anything today."

She told Ling Weifeng about these things, not because she wanted to sympathize with her, nor did she want her to help. She just suppressed it for too long and couldn't calm down and learn, so she asked someone to tell.

For her, her studies are the most important, because she has no family background and no background, and reading is the only way out.

Seeing that she didn't seem to want to talk about it anymore, Ling Weifeng didn't say much.

At night, when Prince Gu came out of the bathroom, he saw her sitting on the bed alone, looking at her phone in a daze.

He frowned, what was this little thing doing.

Before he went in, she did this action, and now she comes out of the shower in this action.

She was taken to bed from the other side, and she was still in a daze, pulling her into his arms, "What's wrong? Isn't it comfortable?"

As he said, put his hand gently on her lower abdomen again and rubbed it gently.

He had just finished taking a shower with warm hands, Ling Weifeng leaned comfortably in his arms, lazily like a cat in the afternoon.

"Emperor Xi, I have a question for you."

"Well, you ask."

Ling Weifeng grabbed his other hand and played with his slender fingers, "If you like someone who can't be together, would you confess to her?"

His eyes flickered, "Nothing in this world is impossible, as long as you work hard, everything is possible."

If he likes someone, he not only has to confess, but he also wants to be with her by any means, no matter what the reason, it can't be a hindrance.

Just like at the beginning, he didn't know that she was a girl, and when he thought he liked a boy, he decided to hold her firmly.

Even if it is for this to give up the position of Xi's royal heir, he will not hesitate!

Because he always knew what he wanted, what he could lose, and what he could not lose.

And she is the only thing he can't lose.

Without Xi Royal, he is still him. He has the hands and feet and can lay a piece of land with his own hands, although the process may be a bit difficult.

But without her, he didn't know what would happen.

All he knew was that when she saw her almost headshot by a bullet that night, he only felt that the heart was about to stop and the world was dark.

Without her, he would die.

Ling Weifeng pursed her lips, "For example, if you are not the young master of Xi Royal, but a commoner, but you like a lady from a rich family, you will let her know that you like her."

Prince Xi smiled at the corner of his mouth, "If the lady from the rich family is you, then I will."