Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 301: I intend to confess 2

She hurriedly picked up the phone and kept flipping it down.

The pictures inside are all photos of Fang Jiming~www.novelhall.com~, when eating, walking, looking at the scenery, closing his eyes and restoring his mind, he almost compliments Fang Jiming’s daily life. Recorded it.

From the perspective of these photos, they should all be taken secretly.

Ling Weifeng was in shock. Even her emotional idiot could feel the shock of the photographer from these secret photos.

These numerous photos conceal the most secret thoughts of a young girl in bloom.

She raised her head and looked at Wang Jiaohua in disbelief, "You..."

Wang Jiaohua just took out a pile of books on philosophy indifferently, because that person liked it, so she liked it.

"Xiao Feng, I like someone."

"It's Fang Jiming." Although it was a question, Ling Weifeng used a positive tone. These photos and these philosophy books have already explained everything.

"Yeah." Wang Jiaohua nodded.

"Does he know."

Wang Jiaohua shook her head, "I don't know, I know my identity very well, and I don't dare to have any unrealistic ideas. It is my own business to like him."

The Fang family is one of the top ten families in China and a century-old wealthy family. As the heir of the Fang family, Fang Jiming holds the golden key from birth.

Such a proud son of heaven, how could she think of a commoner.

She is very self-aware, so she likes him, it's just her thing, silently likes, silently photographed, and even dare not let anyone know what she is thinking.

During this period of time, all her thoughts were put on the secret love Fang Jiming, so that she ignored her studies.

She had long expected such a result.

Ling Weifeng was shocked. Oh my God, Wang Jiaohua actually liked Fang Jiming, she was hidden deep enough that she didn't reveal it at all.

It's just that it's impossible for them, and their identities are too different.

It's impossible for a wealthy family like the Fang family to allow a civilian like Wang Jiaohua to set foot.

Everybody is right, it is the shackles that the rich can't escape!

Cinderella is just a beautiful phantom in a fairy tale, a bowl of chicken soup that gives people unlimited fantasy.

However, in reality, it is just a bowl of poisonous chicken soup!

A wealthy family values ​​family background and interests.

"Little Flower..."

Ling Weifeng's nose was sour, and it was very bitter to fall in love with an impossible person.

She understands this feeling.

Before, for Prince Gu, she was also in such a loving mood.

It's really uncomfortable to like it even though I know it's impossible, but I can't help it.

She was lucky to get a response from Prince Xi Gu. As long as the two love each other, she and Prince Xi Gu could still get together.

Although the Ling family is a bit unworthy of the Xi imperial family from the family world, but there are friendships between Han Ling and Du Ruxue, the two can be described as family ties, and there has been a marriage contract, if there is no obstacle from her disguise as a man, she and Xi Between the prince and Gu, it was a matter of course.

And Wang Jiaohua and Fang Jiming, standing in front of them, is a gap that can never be crossed.

Wang Jiaohua took a deep breath, turned her head and smiled sadly at Ling Weifeng, "I know who I am, and I don't dare to dream of wishful thinking. It is my own business to like him, and I will not cause him any trouble."

"It's just Xiaofeng. I really like it very much. I tried to suppress this feeling. However, feelings are flexible. The more suppressed, the more rebound. It has completely occupied my heart. Tell you this. I just want to talk about it and say everything in my heart so that the whole person is relaxed, so I can review it well."