Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1695: Drugged 1

Wang Jiaohua just came back to attend Ling Weifeng's wedding and stayed in China for ten days in total, so she invited some of her good friends out to gather.

They are all former colleagues in the entertainment industry, including Star Entertainment and Fang Group.

Meng Xing sent her to the Victory Bar and let her go in by herself.

"All said that I can come by myself, you don't have to give it to me." Wang Jiaohua said softly, feeling a little embarrassed.

It was troublesome to make a special trip for Meng Xing to send it off.

Meng Xing chuckled and touched her head, "I just made an appointment with a friend to drink here, so I can drop by."

Wang Jiaohua glared at him, how could she not know this was an excuse.

"Go in, you're already late, call me when you leave, I'll be outside."


When Wang Jiaohua entered the box, as expected, everyone had arrived, and everyone screamed and asked her to fine herself three cups.

Meng Meng waved at her, "Sisi, come and sit here."

Wang Jiaohua took a look, then walked over and sat down with a chuckle.

Meng Meng was once a singer of the Fang Group, and the pillar of his work.

I still remember that when she first joined the Fang family, Meng Meng was the most hostile towards her. Because she was also a singer, one mountain could not tolerate two tigers. Meng Meng was afraid that she would take the position of the singer's first sister, so she targeted her everywhere.

Later, she wrote a few title songs for Meng Meng, which made Meng Meng popular again, and even won several music awards, turning the two talents into friends.

At the time at the company, the two had a good relationship, but afterwards she left and never contacted again.

When I came back this time, I heard some news from Meng Meng. It is said that Fang has cultivated a group of new singers in recent years, and there are also several combinations, which are very powerful.

The position of sister Meng Meng seems to have been robbed.

It was also said that Meng Meng was almost out of anger, and Fang seemed to have given up on her and was ready to support the newcomer.

Wang Jiaohua was a little bit lamented about the fact that there are no evergreen trees in places like the entertainment industry. The new generation replaces the old.

If you want to stay green, you still have to rely on yourself, not on the support of the company.

After three cups of self-punishment, everyone started talking and laughing.

Because here are people from two entertainment companies, they are naturally a little bit tit-for-tat, but fortunately, they are all directed at Wang Jiaohua, so they are still in harmony.

They are all trying to curry favor with Wang Jiaohua, hoping she can write some songs for them.

After all, Wang Jiaohua has left the idol group now, even out of the entertainment circle, and has no competitive relationship with them.

And with Wang Jiaohua's current fame, if she could get a song or song composed by herself, it would definitely be a hot topic.

Wang Jiaohua just responded with a smile without making a promise.

Writing a song is about inspiration, and she will naturally write if there is inspiration.


Suddenly, Meng Meng screamed, and everyone looked around and saw that she accidentally spilled a glass of wine on her clothes.

Wet a large piece.

Wang Jiaohua hurriedly handed out the tissue, "Why are you so careless."

"I didn't pay attention just now. Forget it, there are rooms on this. I just bought clothes just when I went shopping. I went to change it. Sisi, you can go with me."

"Okay." Wang Jiaohua got up, opened a room with Meng Meng, and then went up to change clothes.

As soon as I walked into the door, a faint fragrance came to my nose.

Very rich, a bit like Ai Xiang.

Wang Jiaohua frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

I was about to ask why the fragrance was so strong. I opened my mouth and felt like the sky was spinning, and then I didn't know anything.