Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1694: Everyone is helping her compound 4

Another time, she lost her bag and had no money to take a taxi back. The phone was also in her bag. When she was worried, several hundred yuan suddenly appeared in front of her.

She also felt lucky.

There were also several times, when she encountered difficulties, luck suddenly fell from the sky.

I thought I was transported before, and I can always run it all the time.

I just found out now...

is it him.

My heart aches again.

While she tried to forget the past, he was silently guarding her.

"Then he went to the airport to chase you, did you know about the car accident?"

"What?!" Wang Jiaohua was shocked.

Ling Weifeng shook his head again, "Sure enough, he didn't know anything. On the night of your divorce, Fang Jiming went to the bar to get drunk, but he was intoxicated by alcohol and went to the hospital. The next day, when he learned that you were leaving, he hurried to chase and ran the red light. There was a car accident.

Then he insisted on running to the hospital, but you took off and he almost died at the airport gate.

I really don't understand you, because you obviously love each other, why do you bother like this. "

"Don't say it." Wang Jiaohua held her chest in pain.

She didn't know what Ling Weifeng said.

Over the years, she deliberately missed Fang Jiming's news and did not dare to think of this man.

"You still like Fang Jiming, I can tell." Ling Weifeng squinted at her.

How could she not be able to tell what Wang Jiao thought she was the only girlfriend.

Why avoid it like this.

"I'm tired, I don't want to be involved in a family like the Fang family."

"But things are different now. The lyrics and music you wrote were selected as the theme song for the Olympic Games and the national anthem for Country H. These two achievements will be recorded in the national historical policy.

When recording your life experience, your husband's family will also record it. The Fang family is eager for you to marry. The obstacles that stood in front of you in the past no longer exist.

That being the case, why don't you fight for it anymore, you don't know what life Fang Jiming has had in the past five years..."

"Stop talking!" Wang Jiaohua suddenly yelled, and she stood up abruptly, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Flee in panic.

He fled to the bathroom in a hurry, clutching his chest and panting.

With a trembling hand, he took out a bottle of medicine from his bag, poured several pills in the palm of his hand, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Then turn on the faucet, regardless of the three or seven twenty one, hold up the water and drink it.

It took a while before the heartache was relieved.

When he came out again, he had returned to his usual face.

Regarding the matter just now, I never mentioned it, but played with the two little babies.

Seeing that she deliberately escaped, Ling Weifeng stopped talking about these things.

She has done everything she can do. As for how Wang Jiaohua chooses, it is her own business.

Just don't regret it in the future.

But, will you really regret it?

First love is the most unforgettable, especially Wang Jiaohua has done so much to be with Fang Jiming.

Played in the Xi imperial family until the evening, until Prince Gu came back from get off work, Wang Jiaohua had to leave.

In fact, Ling Weifeng wanted to keep her down for dinner, but the prince Xi Gu Nayan was so terrible that she was scared to stay.

The prince Xi Gu Leng snorted and regarded this woman as acquaintance.

Ling Weifeng made all the food he ate. He only made it for his wife and children. Others would never think about it!

After Wang Jiaohua left, Ling Weifeng glared at him, "Stingy man."

Prince Xi Gu hugged her waist and pecked her lips hard.

He is stingy, this is exclusive to his wife.