Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1634: Is a blessing or a curse

Being watched by such a high-powered six pairs of eyes, Doctor Han was a little afraid to speak.

Will it be divided?

"The young lady's body cannot give birth to two children."

Originally one has exceeded her body's load, but now she is pregnant with two, and the nutrition she needs has doubled.

She can't eat anything, can't absorb nutrients, and the supply exceeds demand.

What Dr. Han said was like a death sentence, and Ling Weifeng's face turned pale.

"What...what do you mean." Ling Weifeng's voice was shaking.

Dr. Han was a little bit unbearable, but had to finish, "My grandmother, your body is too poor to absorb nutrients at all, but it takes a lot of nutrients to conceive two children. In the case of insufficient nutrients, the children Will directly absorb the nutrients in your body until it hollows you out.

And... and your current physical condition is not good, even if you squeeze all the nutrients out of your body, you can only last for six months at most..."

At six months, the child has not yet formed, especially Ling Weifeng's body is not suitable for gestating a child, and growth is slow.

You can't peel it off.

Ling Weifeng's eyes were instantly wet.

The second time, she hated her broken body so much.

The first time I knew I could not get pregnant, the second time I was pregnant, but I couldn't keep it.

The air pressure in the ward suddenly dropped.

The people here are high-ranking people, and the low pressure tolerates, but it is very scary.

Dr. Han's calf was shaking.

Prince Xi Gu was tight, his fists clenched slowly, "Remove..."

It was almost exhausted all the strength of his body to say these two heart-wrenching words.

If pregnancy would harm Ling Weifeng, then he would rather not have these two children.

Xihuangzhen and the others all raised their heads and looked at Prince Xi with a little shock. They wanted to say something, but in the end they said nothing.

They couldn't ignore Ling Weifeng's life just because they wanted children.

Only Ling Weifeng retorted loudly, "No, I want to be born."

"Wife..." Prince Xi Gu disagrees.

Ling Weifeng grasped his hand tightly, his eyes moistened, "Xihuang, no, don't take my child away."

The more he clenched his fists, the tighter he fists, he knew that this would be the result, and he shouldn't have tried so hard to want children from the beginning.

"I also don't recommend taking it away. It is very harmful to the mother to shed the child. The young woman is already in poor health..."

Dr. Han dare not say anything about the latter.

Because the atmosphere in the ward was really terrifying, he felt as if he had walked into the Shura Field.

Everyone was silent.

Now it’s really a dilemma. Taking it away will cause a lot of physical damage. Ling Weifeng would never live to be fifty years old. If he suffers from miscarriage again, then...

It was impossible to give birth. Her body could not support the birth of the child.

How can there be such a dilemma in this world, it is simply not giving people a way to survive!

Ling Weifeng burst into tears and almost fainted.

"Is there a way to remove the child without hurting her body." Prince Xi Gu said with a grimace.

"Emperor Xi, don't, please don't." Ling Weifeng begged, she was finally looking forward to the two children, and she couldn't take them away anyway.

This may be the only time she was pregnant in her life.

The only chance is to give him a baby.

Prince Xi Gu looked tense and held her hands tightly, "Hey, we don't want children."

He doesn't want children anymore, as long as she is.

Ling Weifeng shook her head desperately and resolutely refused. Her emotions became more and more excited, which frightened Han Ling and others.