Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1633: Pregnant with twins

It’s not a long time to do B-ultrasound. It is very fast. Today, most of the physical examination reports have been collected. There are still some that need laboratory tests, so we have to wait.

Because Ling Weifeng was unwell and couldn't go to the doctor's office, Dr. Han directly took the report results and said to the ward.

Seeing Doctor Han's solemn expression, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

"Doctor Han, how is my daughter's health? Is it okay?" Han Ling was a little nervous.

Because Ling Weifeng's current situation looks more serious than she was before.

Dr. Han shook his head, "There is no major problem yet." But if he insists on having this baby, it is hard to say.

He didn't say the latter sentence, but first talked about Ling Weifeng's physical condition in detail.

Let everyone prepare mentally.

After talking a lot, one is too low and the other is too low, and Ling Weifeng's body feels cold.

Feeling something strange about her, Prince Xi Gu held her tighter.

Having said that, there is no mention of the gender of the child.

So Ling Weifeng asked himself, "Doctor, am I pregnant with a son or a daughter?"

"I don't know yet." Doctor Han said with a serious face.

"I don't know? Isn't it just three months to see gender."

"Your body is too poor, the nutrition supply is not enough, the child's development is a bit slow, and the gender is not visible.

Ling Weifeng's face turned white all at once, which means that her child is unhealthy.

Her body trembled slightly.

Prince Xi Gu distressed, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Don't worry too much now, it's just that the development is slower, not that the child is unhealthy."

After listening to Dr. Han's words, everyone Qi Qishu let out a sigh of relief, scared to death, and only half-talked.

Dr. Han paused, his expression becoming more solemn, "One more thing, it is good news, or bad news."

Seeing his expression, everyone's hearts were raised together.

Du Ruxue couldn't bear the ups and downs, "Doctor, just tell me what's the matter."

Dr. Han pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "The young lady is pregnant with twins."

Xihuangzhen was taken aback.

Ling Yiyong froze.

Han Ling was dumbfounded, and did not react for a long time.

Du Ruxue raised her hands and stretched out two fingers, a little bit unable to find Bei, "Two...two?"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so excitement that I am pregnant with two at once

Ling Weifeng was dumbfounded, and he couldn't react for a long time.

twin? She is pregnant with two children?

Only the prince Gu was not happy at all, but his face kept sinking, "Twins, will it affect the adult's body?"

Just now Dr. Han said that it was good news, and it was also news, so...

Doctor Han took a deep look at the prince Xi. There were rumors that the young master Xi was doting his wife like his life. He thought it was a bit exaggerated. After all, the background of the prince Xi was actually high in the Ling family.

In such a marriage of disparity in status, Ling Weifeng gave in to Prince Xi Gu.

But now it seems that the rumors are true.

Most people are happy when they hear that their wives are pregnant with twins, rather than thinking about the wife's body first.

Yes, being pregnant with twins is a good thing for ordinary pregnant women, but it is a bad thing for Ling Weifeng.

The words of Prince Xi Gu brought everyone away.

Before he had time to be happy, he lifted his heart to his throat.

Especially Ling Weifeng's body was so tight as to say nothing.