Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1561: Brother Xihuang, Xiao Fengfeng is so scared...

In the hospital, Ling Weifeng hadn't woke up yet.

Looking at the pale girl lying on the hospital bed, Prince Xi Gu Xinru was cut by a blunt knife.

Muffled pain.

The crazy expression before her unconsciousness kept lingering in his mind.

It made him feel like a knife.

How much did she... suffer.

Those past events spread out one by one, pushing her to the brink of collapse again and again.

Repeatedly, enough to torture people crazy!

He sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked her eyebrows, his heart full of bitterness.

After a while, she took out Han Ling's phone and opened the video inside.

The background of the video is the depths of the barren mountain called Ghost Mountain.

On the edge of the cliff, Han Ling was caught by two tall men, struggling, tears streaming down her face.

And Ling Weifeng, who was only ten years old, was surrounded by three big men, and the faces of those three men were full of wretched smiles.

Looking at Ling Weifeng's gaze was like looking at a plaything.

From the conversations of those people, it is not difficult to tell that they have pedophilia.

What he wanted to do to force Ling Weifeng to the corner was self-evident.

At that moment, the murderous aura on Prince Xi Gu's body was almost solidified, and the entire ward seemed to be raining with swords!

It's like being in hell!

Ling Weifeng hid under the gap between the two big rocks, with flustered tears on his face.

The round and tender face was pale.

It was dirty and looked very pitiful.

"Mommy mommy……"

In her mouth, crying helplessly over and over again.

"Go away, go away, don't touch me, mother, mother..."

"Mom save me, mom..."

Such a small child shrank into a ball tightly, trembling helplessly, like a flower that was about to wither in the wind, seeing Prince Xi's heart broken.

The grinning smiles on the faces of the three men were as horrible as a ghost.

They seemed to enjoy Ling Weifeng's fear. They watched condescendingly, and occasionally kicked someone who was already scared.

What's even worse is that there are people who go to pull Ling Weifeng's clothes.

Pulled away, Ling Weifeng was tightly guarded.

Let her go!

Prince Xi Gu's heart was crying, he couldn't wait to rush into the screen and chop off the hands of those people!

His girl, so pure, was actually abused and humiliated in this way.

He wanted to shout, he wanted to roar.

However, no sound came out.

As if his throat was pinched, all the voices were stuck.

Can only watch closely, for fear of what will happen next.

Although he knew that she was not defiled by anyone, her first time was his.

However, he still couldn't help but worry.

Very distressed.

Who knows what these perverts will do to her.

"Brother Xihuang, Xiao Fengfeng is so scared..."

With a crying voice, he called out from the girl's mouth so helplessly, like the sharpest knife in the world, it pierced the heart of Prince Gu!

He pierced so hard, so deeply, and was stirred fiercely until his whole heart was bloody.

She asked him for help, and when so helpless, she asked him for help.

But for him, not only did he not show up, he didn't even know what she had experienced.

And when she was at the American Colosseum, she also asked him for help.

She has been waiting, waiting for him to take her away.

But he...

Where is he every time she needs him the most.

He doesn't deserve to stand beside her at all!

A little bun so soft and cute, so dependent on him, asking for help when he was most desperate, but he knew nothing.