Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1560: Xiao Feng is shocked

Although Han Ling's mental state is not very good on weekdays, as long as he is not severely stimulated, there will be no problems.

This situation is the same as the previous two.

Why is it so.

Facing Ling Weifeng's question, Ling Yiyong couldn't hold back anymore.

It was regret and embarrassment.

How miserable he caused these two mothers and daughters.

He thought that Ling Weifeng was sold to be a beast slave, and it was already the most painful thing for him, but he didn't want to. What really hurt him is still to come.

"Dad, speak up." Ling Weifeng was anxious.

"Xiao Feng, it's my father that I am sorry for you and mother."

Ling Yiyong was full of pain, took out Han Ling's phone, opened a video, and handed it to Ling Weifeng.

Ling Weifeng was still a little puzzled, so he took it.

When I saw that picture, my face changed suddenly.

With a shaking hand, the phone fell to the ground with a snap.

When the screen is up, you can clearly see that the people and things in the video are exactly the three days when she and Han Ling were abducted when she was ten years old.

She was breathing fast and fell to the ground when her legs were soft.

Then he crawled over to get the phone in a panic and without a word, panickingly trying to turn off the video.

However, his hands were shaking so much that he could not hold the phone securely.

He picked it up several times and all fell back to the ground.

On her face, there was an unprecedented panic.

The pupils were almost constricted to a point, trembling in panic and fear.

The body is shaking like chaff.

His face was pale without a trace of blood, and there were large drops of sweat on his forehead.

The video on the phone kept hitting her brain, making her eyes black and almost fainting.

"Xiaofeng, what's wrong with you, Xiaofeng."

The prince Gu was taken aback by her reaction, so he squatted down, holding her shoulder with one hand and picking up the phone with the other.

"Don't watch! Don't watch, ah—"

A scream of despair to collapse came from her mouth and frightened everyone around her.

The medical staff even ran over to see what was going on.

Wouldn't it be crazy again?

Ling Weifeng was stunned, his expression excited and crazy.

She didn't seem to hear anything, her eyes widened, staring at the phone screen closely.

I wanted to turn it off, but my hands were shaking too much, and I was flustered and confused. I couldn't turn it off.

"Don't watch! Don't watch!"

She screamed, frightening Prince Gu.

"Don't look, no one, don't be afraid."

He comforted her while turning off the phone screen.

However, Ling Weifeng still didn't recover from the fear just now, but became more and more afraid.

The eyes opened bigger and bigger, almost splitting the eyelids.

Breathing is also getting faster and faster, and it seems to be out of breath.

In her situation, anyone with eyes can see that something is wrong.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you, you should answer Dad."

Ling Yiyong was shocked by her appearance, and didn't respond to any calls.

Reaching out to pat her shoulder, but didn't want the hand to just touch her, Ling Weifeng screamed as if she had been stimulated by something greater.

"Ah... don't touch me, go away, go away, mom, mom save me, mom—"

Like a frightened little beast, she suddenly grabbed Ling Yiyong's hand and bit down severely.


Ling Yiyong suffered from the pain, whispered, but did not shake off.

Ling Weifeng's situation is too wrong now, he is afraid of hurting her.

Prince Xi Gu was even more anxious, using his hand as a knife and slashing at the back of her neck.

Ling Weifeng tilted his head and fainted directly in his arms.