Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1469: Want? Do it yourself 2

Feeling a rush of fire rushing through her body, it burned her empty.

It's so uncomfortable.

He held the door with one hand and kept pulling the neckline with the other.

"Emperor Xi, turn on the air conditioner, I'm so hot."

Prince Xi Gu leaned on the bedside table and looked at her with a smile, and didn't mean to turn on the air conditioner.

Ling Weifeng frowned, stretched out his hand to take off his jacket, and threw it on the ground.

"Emperor Xi, I seem to be sick, so uncomfortable."

The sweater was taken off, and it was still uncomfortable.

With only one base coat left, she rolled up her sleeves, and then rolled her shoulder-length hair behind her.

His face was getting redder, and those peachy eyes were all misty.

He kept muttering, "My husband, I'm so uncomfortable."

Seeing that she was constantly rubbing against the door, Prince Xi slowly raised his hand and threw the scarf onto the bed.

Then began to take off his jacket.

Ling Weifeng swallowed while watching this elegant **** action, his eyes a little straight.

"You, you... what are you doing."

Prince Xi Gu still did not speak, but looked at her with a smile.

He had already taken off the last piece of clothing. He stretched out his hand and pulled up the bottoming shirt, slowly revealing his strong waist.

The vest line and the abdominal muscles made Ling Weifeng itchy.

I really want to touch it.

As soon as the thought came out, she shook a little, then shook her head violently.

Oh my God, what was she thinking, when did she become so lusty.

It must have been damaged by Prince Xi Gu.

So she hugged the door more tightly, twisted her head out of the door firmly, and looked away.

It's just... I really want to see it, what if I can't control myself.

"What do you do... take off your clothes."

"Don't think that if you use a beautiful boy, I will rush over. I'm very reserved." Ling Weifeng said while swallowing.

It's just that the look in his eyes is almost turning green.

It's so hot, so uncomfortable, I really want to rush to hug, touch, and kiss.

Seeing that the prince Gu had taken off his coat, he revealed the long muscles that did not rise but contained the power to go.

Strong chest muscles, tangled abdominal muscles.

Ling Weifeng's saliva almost came out, and his eyes were already glued.

Husband is really in good shape.

What to do with her husband using beautiful male tricks.

I really want to pounce on it, but what should she do if she wants to maintain her image.

"Don't seduce me, I don't want to."

Just after speaking, another heat wave raged across her body, and her body became more uncomfortable, and her eyes became a little erratic.

It's just that those eyes floated back and forth, all floating on Prince Xi Gu.

Prince Gu threw his clothes back and opened his hand slightly, "Do you want it."

"Oh, you seduce me."

Ling Weifeng screamed strangely and rushed directly at Prince Xi Gu.

The prince Xi Gu lightly smiled and took it with a smile.

Ling Weifeng bumped into his arms, hugged his neck with both hands, and kissed him on tiptoes.

Prince Xi kissed her lips, lifted her up, kissed and fell down on the bed.

Press her under her body, hold her head with one hand, and slide the other hand into her skirt.

Stir up her enthusiasm as quickly as possible.

With the help of purple passion, Ling Weifeng's enthusiasm came particularly fast.

After a while, gasping was a little messy.

Prince Xi smiled and let go of her lips, then pecked again.

Hugging her body and turned around.

He goes down, she goes up.

Ling Weifeng was lying on him, his drunken eyes a little confused.

His eyes blinked slowly, and those innocent eyes seemed to be asking him, why didn't he continue?