Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1468: Want? Do it yourself 1

Seeing Ling Weifeng, Wang Jiaohua stopped crying.

Like a normal person, stood up and took the box.

Then he smiled sweetly at Ling Weifeng, not drunk, "Okay, I will watch it with the senior, thank you Xiaofeng."

"You're welcome, I'll go home for supper first."

Ling Weifeng waved his hand, then turned into the car.

Just seeing her get off the car, he looked like Prince Gu, who was facing an enemy. He raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene.

Not drunk now?

After observing it, it did not look drunk, so he drove away.

Fang Jiming also looked at Wang Jiaohua very seriously, except that his face was flushed after being drunk, and his eyes were a bit misty, and he couldn't see any drunkenness.

I just woke up in a blink of an eye when I was so drunk and crazy?

Could it be pretending to be drunk?

"What is this?" He looked at the small box she was holding.

"Oh, this, Xiao Feng gave me a supper."

After Wang Jiaohua finished speaking, she put the box to her mouth and opened her mouth to bite one of the corners.

Fang Jiming, "..."

Yes, he withdrew his suspicion just now.

In the car, Ling Weifeng sat quietly, as well as a little white rabbit.

Prince Xi looked in her direction while driving, so quiet, did he pretend to be drunk?

"Little Fengfeng?"

Ling Weifeng tilted his head, "What are you doing."

"Why don't you speak?"

"Wait for supper, by the way, what shall we eat for supper."

Prince Xi had a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Eat you."

Ling Weifeng was stunned for a moment, then slammed his fist on Prince Xi Gu's face.

He yelled, "Help, help, Emperor Xi, save me."

"Someone wants to eat me, please help me."

"Help, Emperor Xi, hurry up, I have encountered a troll..."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

He rubbed his aching face, but luckily he didn't have much energy, otherwise he would have panda eyes tomorrow.

Ling Weifeng continued to shout, not only shouting, but also moving his hands and feet, and finally got out of the seat belt directly.

Climb to the back, and constantly shoot against the rear windshield.

That's a bit like being kidnapped.

When I got home, I was tired, lying on the back seat, like a kitten, constantly scratching the leather chair.

"Help, I was kidnapped..."

"I'm locked in a small dark room, so I'm so scared..."

The sound of this disease-free groan made Prince Xi Gu's head full of black lines.

He parked the car and carried her out.

Putting her down in the hallway, I wanted to change her shoes.

But she didn't want her to be like a wandering ghost, she just walked straight in when she touched her feet.

Prince Xi glanced at the direction she was walking, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


After a while, I saw her coming out holding a small basket of strawberries.

God babbled upstairs.

When I reached the door, I didn't push the door, I just walked in.

The prince Xi, who was following, was a little far away. Seeing this scene, it was too late to stop him.

I saw Ling Weifeng holding the strawberry basket directly hitting the door and spilling it all over the floor.

Ling Weifeng looked down, then covered his chest with an ouch, "Ouch, who beat me."

Prince Xi Gu opened the door speechlessly and went in.

Ling Weifeng refused to enter, holding the door, kicking and biting.

"Bad guy! Let you beat me in the chest, let you beat me and kill you!"

After holding the door and cursing for a while, she suddenly pulled her neckline, "It's so hot."

The prince Xi raised his eyebrows, and the purple fascination came.

The door was very cool, Ling Weifeng posted it up, rubbing his face, feeling very comfortable.

It's just that the body is still very hot and uncomfortable.