Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1282: Xiaofeng didn't go home

She was expressionless, she did those things, but she never left evidence.

And these people don't need evidence at all, they will even conjecture more crimes and force them on her head.

People who watch the excitement are never afraid of big things.

The reputation of the Ling family was really completely ruined this time.

With her grandfather's selfish temperament, it is certain to drive her and her mother out of the house.

She guessed it was right. At the time when Ling Yiyong was busy in the Ling Group, Lawyer Li came to the company overnight.

Ling Yiyong looked at the lawyer who specializes in elder Ling in front of him, with a headache, "What's the matter?"

Lawyer Li took out the Ling's household registration and handed it to Ling Yiyong, "Chairman, Master Ling asked me to give this to you."

Ling Yiyong's expression changed, "What does he mean."

"Master Ling said, you know how to do it."

Ling Yi waved his hand bravely, motioned Lawyer Li to go out, and then called Mr. Ling.

"Dad, what do you mean by giving me the hukou."

Old man Ling was so angry that he yelled, "You will transfer that poisonous woman's account to me tomorrow, and Xiao Feng's."

Ling Yiyong frowned, even though he was on the phone, he could feel the anger of Old Man Ling.

It's bigger than it was at noon.

What's going on here? When will these messy things end?

"Dad, what's wrong with you, Xiao Feng is your granddaughter."

"Hmph, look what's going on on the Internet, my granddaughter, she still has the face to say it's my granddaughter, first transfer her account and teach her a lesson, and then see her performance, and then see if you let her She is back!"

Ling Yiyong was silent.

"Speak, I'll ask you to transfer the accounts of those two women tomorrow. If you hear it, if you don't do it, don't recognize me as an old man."

Ling Yiyong rubbed his eyebrows, "I see."

With a snap, the phone was severely hung up.

Ling Mengxi stood outside the door of the study, listening to the curse inside, the corners of her mouth slowly convulsed.

Have you finally driven the two women out? The accounts have been transferred out, and you want Ling Weifeng to come back?


Prince Xi Gu belonged to her. If it hadn't been for that thing, she would have been engaged to Prince Xi Gu, so why would it be cheaper for the little **** Ling Weifeng!

The princess of the Ling family can only have her, Ling Weifeng is a fart!

In Ling Mengxi's eyes, viciousness flashed.

This is just the first step. Grandpa Ling never surfs the Internet. She deliberately showed Grandpa Ling those posts on the Internet.

Sure enough, the old man Ling was furious at the sight, and smashed the living room at home, and then he was determined to drive Ling Weifeng out.

As long as the press conference is held tomorrow, the Ling family belongs to her brother.

At that time, she will let Ling Weifeng never stand up!

Without the background of the Ling family, Ling Weifeng is just a troubled phoenix. What qualifications does she have to rob Prince Xi with her!

When Prince Gu returned to the Huadian villa area with a full body of alcohol, the house was completely dark.

He frowned. "Asleep so early?"

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and the birthday banquet was in the daytime, and it was already over, so he didn't think about the aspect that Ling Weifeng hadn't returned yet.

Entered the door, turned on the light, and went directly to the second floor. There was no Ling Weifeng in the room.

The whole villa is quiet, without any popularity.

He stroked his dizzy head and leaned his back against the door, "Why haven't you come back so late."