Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1281: Wife and...Miss?

Then open the door for Han Ling and Ling Weifeng.

Han Ling looked at the Mid-Levels Villa in front of him, a little repelled, "What are you taking me here for?"

Ling Yiyong didn't speak, and took her to walk inside. The butler Liu's wife hurried over with two young maids and bowed respectfully.

"Sir, madam, master."

Ling Weifeng was a little unnatural, her current identity had been exposed, and she was still called Young Master, which felt strange.

Ling Yiyong nodded, then turned to look at Han Ling, "You take a good rest, I'll go back to the company."

Because Ling Weifeng's identity was exposed, the company is now in a mess and must go back to stabilize the company.

And Ling Weifeng's affairs, a lot of follow-up, must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Han Ling looked reluctant, and turned to leave, "I don't need you to care about me, it's disgusting."

She wanted to smash the Ling family's villa when she looked at it, and let her live on the Ling family's site, it would be better to kill her directly.

"This villa is in your name."

"Who needs you to be kind, take the house to please your mistress and bastard."

Ling Yiyong never knew that his wife was so ruthless when she got up.

Words are thorny!

"When did I say that I would give them the property."

"Ha, do you really treat me as deaf? Your father has asked you to hold a press conference tomorrow to hand over the Ling family to that bastard. Ling Yiyong, let me tell you that even if it is ruined, what belongs to me is absolutely not I will give it to others!"

"Aling, you never knew me."

"Yeah, I never knew you before, otherwise I wouldn't marry you a bitch!" Han Ling said viciously.

At the beginning she thought she knew this man well and thought he was worthy, even if she broke off the relationship with her family, she was willing.

However, she really regretted her childhood and ignorance!

Only then will I push myself to such a desperate situation!

I hurt the heart of the parents who loved her so much, and hurt her daughter even more.

Ling Yiyong's eyes were full of too much.

What is the reason that brought them to the point where they are today.

He turned his head, his gaze fell on Liu's wife, "Go prepare dinner and take good care of your wife and young lady."

"Yes." Aunt Liu answered, but her face was a little puzzled, wife and...Miss?

These servants don't have any habit of going online on weekdays, so naturally they don't know that Ling Weifeng is a girl's business.

I was very puzzled, but I didn't dare to ask.

Ling Weifeng's face became even more awkward, very awkward.

Ling Yiyong walked to her, raised his hand, trying to touch her head.

Almost without any thought, Ling Weifeng's head tilted directly, avoiding Ling Yiyong's hand.

For this father, she was angry in her heart.

Ling Yiyong's hand froze in the air like this, his expression lonely.

"Take a good rest tonight. At the press conference tomorrow, Dad will ask someone to pick you up. Don't be afraid, Dad will be there."

It was already half past five in the afternoon, and Ling Yiyong returned to the company without having dinner.

He didn't come back until the evening.

After Ling Weifeng had eaten, under Liu's wife, she returned to her room.

She sat on the window sill, holding her legs, and swiping online comments.

The trend on the Internet has turned sideways. They are all talking about how vicious she and Han Ling are. In order to seize the property of the Ling family, they will disguise themselves as men.

Moreover, all the tricks she used to deal with Xia Chunlin, Ling Jiang and Ling Mengxi were all picked up.