Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1245: Beg kiss 1

It wasn't until Fang Jiming's somewhat helpless voice sounded that Wang Jiaohua suddenly opened her eyes.

Oh, yes, breathing, it turned out to be hypoxia.

She opened her mouth slightly, breathing heavily.

Finally I feel that dizziness feels better.

Looking up, he saw Fang Jiming's mouth smiling slightly, a bit playful.


Wang Jiaohua's face instantly flushed blood.


Kissing almost fainted because of lack of experience and not breathing. Is there anything more embarrassing than this.

She looked at the quilt she was holding and plunged straight into it. Can she be an ostrich?

Don't meet people anymore.

Fang Jiming's smile was bigger, "First kiss?"

Wang Jiaohua's eyes flickered. In order not to make herself look too dishevelled, she bit her head and said, "Actually, it's not a first kiss. She kissed the family dog ​​when she was a child..."

Uh, why does she think it’s better not to say it than to say it?

What's the matter with the stiff face of the man in front of him.

Seeing that Fang Jiming's expression was a bit scary at this time, she nodded quickly, "It's the first kiss."

Fang Jiming, "..."

He squeezed her face, "No matter how stupid, I can suffocate myself to death with a kiss."

Although makeup is required when going in and out of public places, Wang Jiaohua's skin is well maintained, which may also be related to her inborn nature, which is particularly white and tender.

It is very comfortable to pinch.

He squeezed it a few more times, until Wang Jiaohua cried out that it hurts, and then reluctantly let go.

Wang Jiaohua glared at him, "I don't have experience, so I don't know how to breathe."

And when he kissed her suddenly, she was frightened, okay, she knew that closing her eyes was already good.

Uh, Miss Wang seems to have forgotten, she even reminded her to close her eyes...

Fang Jiming smiled, "Don't blame experience for being stupid. I don't have experience. Why don't you see me suffocated to death."

Wang Jiaohua blinked her eyes twice, ignorantly, "Are you also the first kiss? You and Miss Bu..."

Fang Jiming flexed his fingers and flicked her forehead, "What are you thinking about? She and I were only in their early ten years old at that time, so what can we do so young."

Wang Jiaohua smiled immediately.

Last night, I felt that the whole world was in darkness, and when I slept, it was sunny.

Fang Jiming laughed, "Shall we continue? Or go to eat breakfast before continuing, eh?"

Wang Jiaohua wanted to say, continue, but suddenly remembered that she didn't seem to brush her teeth yet!

His face flushed, and he quickly covered his mouth, staring at him with a pair of Shui Lingling eyes.

"I'm going to brush my teeth."

Wang Jiaohua covered her mouth and got out of the quilt.

With a chill on his chest, I looked down, Mommy, this face is enough to lose!

The clothes are all gone, and the underwear is exposed.

She covered her mouth with one hand and Chunguang on her chest with the other, and ran into the bathroom angrily.

At first glance, there were two sets of washing utensils, one of which was obviously new.

Seeing the two neatly arranged cups and the toothbrushes that were obstructing each other, she suddenly laughed.

Let's not say whether Fang Jiming likes her, so I don't break up with her.

Just came back for Bu Zhiyao, and he didn't mean to break up. She should strive for this hard-won happiness.

Packed up and found that Fang Jiming had already gone out when he came out.

So she changed into a set of home clothes and walked to the living room.

There are two breakfasts on the table, and the package is her favorite breakfast shop.

Wang Jiaohua smiled, then walked over.