Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1244: He kissed her 4

Wang Jiaohua burst into tears in her eyes, and she was completely moved.

"You mean, we don't break up."

Fang Jiming frowned and reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

His movements were very gentle, and the tears that Wang Jiaohua was holding in her eyes suddenly fell.

"Don't cry, when did I say that I was breaking up? You are always guessing. You still avoided seeing me last night. If I didn't find your house, would you plan to never see me?"

Wang Jiaohua twitched and said, "I see you hugging her, so sad."

"You are my girlfriend. A woman is here to provoke you. Shouldn't you fight back? Why are you hiding in a turtle shell."

Wang Jiaohua opened her mouth, "But the person you like is her, I have no confidence."

"I like you."

The two of them were stunned just as they spoke.

Fang Jiming's mistakes were no less than Wang Jiaohua's.

This sentence, he didn't pass through his brain, and he spoke it naturally.

I thought I would never say this to a second woman except Bu Zhiyao again, but I didn't expect to say it so easily.

Has that person's position in his heart been slowly replaced by the woman in front of him?

It turns out that there is really nothing that will never change.

Wang Jiaohua’s tears flowed more happily, and her tone was a bit wronged, "But I can't feel that you like me. You are in love with me, just like you are dealing with work. You have never hugged me, let alone kissed. Pass me, I..."

Before she finished speaking, Wang Jiaohua's eyes suddenly widened and her breathing stopped.

The soft touch on her lips truly told her that none of this was a dream!

he! true! of! kiss! she was! Up!

Wang Jiaohua held her breath, her eyes opened bigger and bigger, and finally they opened like bullseye.

Fang Jiming let go of her lips slightly, moved the hand holding her face, and supported her eyelids.

"Close your eyes."

If you know your eyes are big, don't stare so hard, trying to scare him to death.

Shut...close your eyes, oh oh yeah, when you kiss...close your kissing...close...close your eyes.

So Wang Jiao dazzled her eyelids and closed tightly.

The corners of Fang Jiming's mouth turned into a soft and drowning smile again.

He lifted the broken hair from her forehead with one hand, buckled the back of her head and kissed it gently.

Seeing that she had always been well-behaved, he didn't dare to go beyond, and even embraced him, afraid that she would disagree.

Unexpectedly, he thought too much.

The girlfriend actually accused him of not hugging her, let alone kissing her. This is definitely his negligence, and he will have to make up for it in the future.

Fang Jiming's kiss, just like his person, is very gentle, with the tip of his tongue like a feather, sweeping gently, bringing up bursts of small currents.

It's warm and soft, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Wang Jiaohua's breathing was so messed up that she didn't dare to breathe, suffocating her breath.

The heart thumped and thumped so fast, holding the quilt by the hand, almost pinching a hole in the quilt.

She closed her eyes and couldn't see the man kissing herself, but she could clearly feel every movement of him.

She felt that he was painting her lips.

She felt that the tip of his tongue opened her lips and swept her teeth.

She felt that he was chasing her, sweeping every inch of her soft skin.

This feeling of mutual affection made her head exploded.

It was blank and she couldn't think at all, as if countless fireworks bloomed, she even felt dizzy.

No, it is really going to be dizzy.

His head went from blank to darkness.

"Breathe fool."