Chameleon: My True Face

95 Why Is She Here?!

"Miss?" A man in a black suit who was standing to the side of her got alerted but the woman stopped him with two words, saying calmly in a soothing voice, "Stay here." The bodyguard was moving after her but the moment he heard her command, his body suddenly froze and he returned to his previous position.

At the same time, Wuxing finally reached the shower stands. He placed his shirt with the guns on the ground before turning the shower on, submerging himself in the cold water.

"Aaah…" He felt the sweetness of the water instantly, moaning with unusual pleasure. Getting rid of the salt was a great feeling for him. The only thing he lacked was the shampoo but he could live without one this time.

Just as he thought about it, someone approached him from the side and leaned over the shower next to him without saying anything. He could see woman's legs and painted nails on the feet signalling it was a female.

Wuxing instinctively turned to look at her, seeing how close she was to him. He always believed that everyone could be a spy or an assassin so Wuxing always paid attention to his surroundings.

It turned out that she was a young woman around his age in a sexy bikini and a towel hanging around her neck. At first glance, Wuxing had to admit that she had a beautiful body. The towel was placed the way so it doesn't cover her big and firm breasts which were wrapped in a really well matched and fitting white bikini with a small ribbon in the connection on the middle.

Aside from her great breasts, her bottom and legs were well build which showed she worked out a lot. He noticed that there was a good balance in the muscle to fat ratio, giving them the great plumpness but also the strength if needed which confirmed his initial guess that she was professionally trained.

To top it off, her appearance was first class as well, only her eyes covered with an expensive brand of sunglasses while her shiny short brown hair was styled perfectly giving her the look of a rich lady. Wuxing at that time didn't look like a guy with money as even his underwear was of a cheap brand so it wasn't a shocker he got suspicious of her.

With just one glance, he could discern a lot of details and find out her habits but only her goal for approaching him remained unclear to him.

Even Devil Face found the lady a bit shady as he commented, 'This lady is somewhat weird... I sense an unusual but familiar vibe from her. I can't seem to recall from where…'

Just then, before Wuxing could reply, the lady smiled sweetly, quite pleasantly surprised that after giving her body a few glances, Wuxing still continued his shower without flirting with her. It was quite a refreshing feeling for her. She took down her glasses and suddenly a seductive voice entered into Wuxing's ears as the woman asked, "Did you enjoy looking at my body?"

Wuxing checked her face which was previously covered by her glasses, seeing a pair of cyan eyes staring at him but just as he did so, Devil Face also cried out in panic, 'Wait, I remember now! Don't look into her eyes!'

Naturally, Wuxing looked away like suggested, putting his head under the shower stream of water and asked confused, 'What happened? Why can't I look?'

'I knew I felt something familiar and I confirmed it with her eyes! She is also an ability user!' Devil Face called out hurriedly, creating many questions in his mind as he asked confused, 'Ability user? So there are more of us? Does that mean Dongmei also have it? Her lie detector…'

'Ah, I was supposed to tell you all that soon. Dongmei doesn't. I already checked. Anyway, there are many things you still don't know about but now is not the time. The woman in front of you has an ability that can help her seduce anyone she wants and do her bidding. Fortunately, it seems she didn't use it against you yet. Talk to her or she might find you suspicious but don't look into her eyes. Try not to expose that you are an ability user as well.'

Knowing there were other people just like him, Wuxing very quickly had many other questions which he wanted to ask but outside of his mind, nothing changed in his behaviour. Wuxing now knew not to look in her eyes so he didn't risk it. With one hand brushing through his head and his eyes looking down, he reached out to the beauty next to him with the other, asking, "Can I borrow some shampoo?"

The lady grinned at him, knowing Wuxing was playing hard to get and found it even more amusing. The lady who could have anyone if she wanted to, found flirting without her ability as her hobby and Wuxing looked like a good challenge for her.


"Sure." The lady opened the shampoo with a click and poured a decent amount onto his hand, before explaining as she stared at him, watching as he washed his hair, "I noticed you didn't have one so I came to help. Fortunately, I brought one just in case. It's a three in one shampoo so you can clean your hot body too... It's best to get rid of all that salt properly."

As she said so, she licked her lips while looking as a white foam falling on Wuxing's abs, feeling like to reach out and teach them all around. Too bad her self control was too strong and she resisted her urges as always. It someone knew she had seduction ability but never used it for anything sexual, they would not believe her at all.

"Is this your way of flirting with strangers? Walking up to them as they shower and lending them shampoo?" Wuxing asked sarcastically, knowing she wouldn't leave him alone anyway.

"Teehee, of course not." This made the lady giggle as she shook her head before explaining, "If I did, you would be my first target then. I just felt bored while waiting for my friend and saw you stealing that banana so I thought I would come to say hi. I just happened to have a soft spot for bad boys."

Wuxing only rolled his eyes at that as he replied, "What if I'm too much of a bad boy? Stealing a banana is not the only crime I committed in my life."

"Mhmm… I know. You also stole my heart..." The lady bit his lip seductively, causing the guy some far away to drop his ice-cream while another run into a street pole as he watched her, dazed.

Too bad, Wuxing wasn't even looking at her so he wasn't affected by her flirt and even if he was looking, he was certain that he would still prefer Dongmei whose lips he could kiss and numb as he wished. He didn't say anything and simply continued to wash his body, ignoring her until he was completely washed but she didn't mind that, waiting patiently for him to finish.

Looking at the towel around her neck, he smiled and asked shamelessly, "Can I borrow that towel as well?" She came to him herself so naturally, Wuxing didn't mind using her.

Unfortunately, this time the lady pouted that he skipped her comment and asked, pretending to be super unhappy, "Why are you ignoring me? You want stuff but don't even entertain me with a conversation. Don't you think it is unfair?"

Wuxing could only smile and shrug, finally admitting what he should have done earlier, "Isn't it obvious? I have a girlfriend."

"So what?" She didn't seem like she was moved by his declaration as if the concept of a girlfriend didn't bother her at all. She could have him leave his girlfriend and come to her instead if she wanted so obviously a girlfriend wasn't an obstacle for her.

Her target was Wuxing but as he was taken, he didn't need to look at other girls anymore so he said decisively, reaching out to pick his shirt, "I'm going."

Just as he thought, the lady stopped him and threw one part of the towel onto his chest as she compromised, "Fine. Here. You wanted a towel."

"Thank you." He naturally caught it, thanking her but then he felt the resistance as she didn't want to let it go. She looked him in the eyes as she introduced herself, "I'm Anna. What is your name? I will let go after you tell me."

Knowing that his old name will disappear soon, he used it for the last time, saying honestly, "My name is Wuxing."

She immediately loosened her grip when she heard his name, satisfied that she beat him before commenting with a smile, "See, it wasn't that hard. Ah, wait! Your name, you are from the east? It's just like my best friend! I should introduce you to her. She should be coming very soon to have tea with me."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.


Just as Anna finished her words, they heard a loud but clear sound of a car approaching them. It was surprising sound as petrol cars were banned a long time ago. After the petrol and gas reserves on earth got relatively low, everyone moved to quiet electric cars and only rich had access to the old, classic cars. Engineers were still far from creating fully electric airplanes so most of the remaining petrol was used to fuel the planes.

Even if one still kept the old car in his garage, it was too expensive for them to buy petrol on the gas stations so people were forced to change. As Wuxing was a fan of classic cars, he naturally recognized the approaching car, calling out, "Ferrari model S from the thirty-five year with a V8 turbo engine and the power of seven hundred eighty horsepower. What beauty…"

"Haha, yeah, my best friend is a beau—" Anna giggled and agreed to that but then Wuxing interrupted her, correcting her, "Not your best friend, I meant the car."

Anna looked at him suspiciously, finding something familiar in him and then she realised, calling out, "Ah, she would also say the same thing. She loves sports cars. You guys have so many similarities." Knowing the guy was somewhat interesting, she waved at the car and it parked close to them in the parking lot in front of the beach.

Wuxing wanted to leave right away but still stayed for a few more seconds, wanting to see the face of a fellow car lover. Drying his hair with a towel, he finally saw the doors opening before watching as a tall crimson-haired beauty walked out of the car.

His eyes couldn't help but widen surprisingly synched with Devil Face as they both cried together at the same time, 'Why is she here!?'