Chameleon: My True Face

83 Scarlet's Story

As they walked a bit from the Captain's control room, Wuxing stopped and said to the little beauty, "You can stop holding my arm already. I know you don't want to do it." He didn't plan to do anything naughty with her so there was no point in continuing her fondness.

The opposite of what he thought happened as Scarlet hugged him even tighter, not letting go and asked sweetly, sounding wronged, "Am I not good enough, Sir? I will definitely do a good job. I studied a lot." As she looked up at him, her innocent face had a lot of unwillingness to give up and it kind of put Wuxing off, regretting taking the girl with him.

Just as he wanted to continue convincing her, Scarlet pulled him forward in the narrow corridor and whispered softly, "I really need this money… I'm still pure and flexible. Men should like such girls right?" She led him for a few more meters and then stopped in front of the single door with a number placed on them before asking sweetly, "Sir, can you just accept me? I will make sure to satisfy you. I really need this money…"

Seeing that Wuxing wasn't replying, a new determination appeared in Scarlet's eyes and she suddenly took his hand before placing it on top of her chest. She pressed it against her uniform and continued trying to coax him, "Can you feel how soft they are? Don't you want to squeeze them more? I heard men like big breasts. I happened to have a pair like that."

To make the most out of it, she pushed the door behind her with her leg and began pulling him inside before saying softly while looking at him with desire, "Do you maybe want to see them without the uniform…?" When he was finally inside the room, she didn't wait for his response and rush to close the doors behind him, trapping him.

Wuxing just wanted to test what she is going to do but her reactions made him surprised. He wasn't a bit interested in her body or the softness of his breasts as his thoughts were elsewhere, 'Wow… She is really persistent and will do anything to achieve her goal. Quite nice qualities for a mercenary…'

He knew she desperately needed money for something and he was quite interested to know more about her. There wasn't much time left for him so he had to make it quick. Knowing she was still pure, Wuxing figured out that he happened to meet her when she was really desperate. Not everyone was born with money and sometimes one had to do what he had to do to survive. Wuxing didn't see anything wrong with that.

Scarlet, on the other hand, was panicking internally, not knowing what to do now. She wasn't doing it cause she wanted to, but because she had no other choice. Her hand was still on the knob afraid to let go of it but she braced herself, finally locking the doors and approaching him from behind. Her only option was to continue from where she left out, hoping Wuxing knows what to do and somehow make him satisfied.

Just as she was about to reach out for his hand, Wuxing dodged it and asked as he suddenly turned to her, "How much did the Captain promise to pay you?"

Scarlet was a bit taken aback but her brain worked quickly and she hurriedly replied, "One thousand. If I can make Sir satisfied I should get three thousand." She could somehow feel the man in front of her was a great opportunity for her so she didn't dilly dally with her answers. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

To her surprise, Wuxing looked her in the eyes and asked, "If I pay you three thousand, will you sit down and answer my questions?" She could see that he was serious so it didn't take long for her to agree, even crying out with excitement, "Yes! Of course!"

For her, three thousand was a huge blessing which was the reason why she agreed to give her own body to Wuxing. If she could make this much just by asking a few questions, she was more than happy to go for it.

Scarlet sat down on the bed, placing her long blonde hair on one side and glanced at Wuxing with her set of blue sky-blue, ready to answer any questions. Wuxing wanted to go straight into the topic but he had to first make her understand something.

"First off, I'm not going to touch you or do anything to you. I will only ask some questions about you. Understood?" Wuxing asked as he placed the suitcase on the shelf next to the bed to which Scarlet nodded like a good girl, holding her short skirt so that Wuxing wouldn't peek by accident.

Having her agreement, Wuxing could only sit down and ask the most important question, "Great. Tell me your story, why are you even here? You don't seem like a girl who would give her body for money." He especially avoided words like a prostitute as he didn't believe she was one.

To his surprise, she didn't worry about anything and started recounting her story from the last few weeks with a sad expression, "My little brother had a car accident a few weeks ago and he is in the hospital right now. I need to pay one thousand a week as his medical fees and that's exactly how much I could earn by working as a waitress in the local bar. If I spend everything at the hospital, what are we going to eat? The meals at the hospital are super expensive so I had to bring food from work for him but because of that, I couldn't work yesterday and I was fired."

When Wuxing heard her story up until this point, he already knew how this would end. Nonetheless, he still listened as she continued, "We don't have parents anymore and I'm the only one my brother has left. I can't leave him alone to die. Right now, we already spent all of my savings and as I lost my job, I won't be able to pay for his medical fees. If I don't pay by tomorrow, he will be kicked out as I'm already due from last week."

Knowing all this, Wuxing stopped her and narrated instead of her as he imagined, "Let me guess, you met the Captain in front of the bar while being all desperate, not knowing where to get money and he saw you crying. He took you for a drink and you told him your story. The Captain then proposed you a deal where you will be his girlfriend for one day and he will pay you one thousand got that. You agreed to do it without caring about yourself as that could give you one more week to figure out the money. Am I correct?"

Hearing that Wuxing hit the mark, recounting exactly how the situation played out, Scarlet looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Sir, how did you know?" Wuxing could only shrug while replying, "Years of practice. Anyway, you shouldn't sell your body so cheap. If you really wanted to earn money this way, do you know there are people who would love to pay hundreds of thousands to have a first time of beauty like you?"

When Wuxing mentioned the real price she could get for selling her body, her eyes opened wide as she almost choked, crying out, "Really?!" How many months she could live with her brother for that money?! They would never have to worry about being hungry again or having loan sharks chasing after them. How good of a life that would be? Now when Scarlet thought about it, she couldn't help but feel like an idiot.

She looked down at her body and suddenly hugged her legs up to her chest before saying as he leaned on them with her chin, "I only wanted to help my brother… He still needs to stay in the hospital for the next two weeks, so when I heard I can get three thousand which could cover my brother's medical fess, I was really happy…"

Wuxing wasn't a person who would help anyone out of his good heart but as he was about to use Scarlet anyway, he might as well do a bit more if she does well. Not having any more time, Wuxing decided to strike a deal right away, "What If I tell you I can help you? As long as you can do something for me, I can pay you much more than three thousand."

Scarlet looked at him with hope but then her eyes dimmed as she commented sadly, "I don't have anything to offer other than my body… Unless Sir wants me to be your maid? I know how to make good tea…"

"No. If I wanted your body, I wouldn't have to pay for it and I could just take you without saying anything. What I want is something different and require the acting skills you just showed me a moment ago. Do you want to hear it?" Wuxing proposed as he pulled out the lawyer's phone and started logging in to the new bank he received from Shadow.

Scarlet actually squinted her eyes at first but when she recalled that she had nothing to lose anymore as she already degraded to such a level, she could only push forward and hope for the best, asking curiously, "How much can I earn? If Sir's can cover my brother's medical fees, I can do anything… But other than giving my body. I don't want that anymore..."

Knowing the real price, she promised herself that she wouldn't try to sell herself so cheap anymore. She was still young, not knowing much in the world so she could only learn from her mistakes as she didn't have parents who could teach her anymore.

Hearing that she already learnt something, Wuxing nodded to himself, thinking he chose the right person and passed her the phone before asking, "Do you have a bank account?"


Just as Wuxing told him, the Captain saw Dongmei leaving her cabin after a while which made him glad that he listened to Wuxing and stopped fooling around with his second girl he brought for today. He would usually bring one or two girls each week to play around with him but this trip seems to be kind of wasted. He didn't complain though, knowing he could give favour to great Miss Guan.

Seeing that Dongmei looked to be in a good mood, he sighed in relief and wanted to ask how she was doing when Dongmei preceded him and asked calmly, "How long till we arrive at the mainland?"

"We still have more than forty minutes until we reach. Miss can relax until then." The Captain quickly replied as he looked at the clock but then he heard a familiar beeping in the radar and commented, "Seems like someone is approaching us back from the direction of the Prison. Are they may be coming after you, Miss?"