Chameleon: My True Face

81 Rough **

They didn't have too much time as about twenty minutes had already passed since they entered the ship and the mainland wasn't that far from them. They only needed an hour and a half to reach it. When Wuxing said they only had time for one round, he wasn't lying. There was still other stuff he had to prepare before the final escape so they couldn't spend this entire time on themselves.

Because of that, he made sure to use the time they had together to the best of his ability. Dongmei was already ready from his previous teasings so he didn't prolong the foreplay as he had a habit of doing and prepared to enter her right away.

Both her bra and panties were taken off by him while his pants had been taken care of by Dongmei as her hands made sure to prepare his member for action, wrapping around it like an octopus which caught its prey. Her fingers skimming up and down, stroking it rigorously before aiming it for him, putting it straight inside of her.

With her back facing the wooden frame of the bed and her legs supported on his shoulder, Dongmei slowly pushed the hard staff deeper but just as she expected, Wuxing thrust with his hips without any warning, causing her to moan loudly, "Ahh! Too fast…"

Wuxing smiled playfully as he reached out and opened the small window to drown out her moans as the walls weren't the thickest before teasing her, "You said you want it rougher and now you regret it?"

Before Dongmei could reply, Wuxing pulled away and crashed into her once again like a wave against the ship. He had to put her back on the quilt while leaning forward to seal her lips, preventing her from letting out any sounds. With Dongmei's flexibility, there were many possibilities for them and Wuxing made sure they enjoyed each one plenty.

As he suddenly pulled away from her lips, Wuxing caught her legs, spreading them apart into a split and began pumping inside her while holding both of her thighs in his hands. Their hips kept slamming against one another, making Dongmei tighten each time he hit her end only to loosen as he abruptly retreated backwards.

"Ah~ Ah~ More~!" Dongmei's moans filled the room as she got exactly what she wanted. The more he moved and the rougher he got, Dongmei would only increase her cries. She even used her hand to suppress them but it was only this useful, her moans still escaping from her lips. Her head was pushed back against the wall

Wuxing was already giving his all but Dongmei wanted even more than that which made Wuxing eyebrow twitch and comment, "Oh, you want even more? Here." As he said so, Wuxing embraced her waist and placed Dongmei on top of his lap, allowing her to get as much as she wanted now.

Just as he expected, Dongmei didn't want to stop the movement and her legs quickly shifted, her thighs tensing up as she began riding while supporting herself with his neck. She liked being on top so Dongmei didn't complain, moving the hips to her liking, leading Wuxing's member where she wanted. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.


Wuxing's hands which supported Dongmei's back slid down and slapped her butt which was constantly jiggling up with her actions. Each time his hand would land on it, Dongmei would breathe hot air and moan straight into his ears in a soft cry which made Wuxing more eager to utilize this form of play.

"I can feel it so deep now… Ah~" Dongmei whispered as she suddenly stopped only moving up and down and added a rotation moving her bottom in a circle as she continued to slide his member inside of her.

Each time Dongmei had him inside of her, she felt so good that she didn't need a lot of time before reaching her limits. Being connected with someone she loved made her additionally satisfied. They didn't even start properly but she could already feel the heat spreading all around her body.

Pushing even harder for more pleasure, Dongmei grabbed Wuxing's face which was glued onto her breast as he sucked and played around her nipple with his tongue. She pressed the back of his head against her breasts so he wouldn't stop or run away.

Wuxing still forced his way out and suddenly turned her around by lifting one of her legs and throwing it to the other side while still being connected with him. He knew she was going to come soon as she was tightening around him even harder than before. He wanted to provide her with an even better experience, always thinking of giving her the most out of it.

"Ah… Yes…" Dongmei's moans confirmed that he was doing a good job. Her back was leaning on his chest as he sucked on her neck while twisting and kneading her breasts without restraint. His hips also began moving, adding an additional push to her own. Her head quickly relaxed as it dropped onto his shoulder, her eyes closed, fully emerged into their moment.

As one of his hands suddenly slid down towards her cherry and began rubbing it, his fingers moving skillfully around it which finally broke the gates, letting the dam spill all the pleasure outside.

"Mhmm!" Dongmei covered her mouth but when her love juices exploded, her moans still filled the room. Her hips stopped moving but Wuxing wasn't done yet. He flipped both of her legs to one side and placed her on the bed, thrusting into her side just as she hit the bed, not sparring her for a moment. He couldn't feel he was also close to bursting and didn't want to waste that momentum.

"Ah~ Give me... A short break…" Dongmei pleaded with rigid breathing, still under effects of her ecstasy. Seeing that Wuxing was not stopping was a blessing but also a curse, making her mind go blank each time he thrust in her.

As Dongmei was like that, Wuxing decided to tease her and called out playfully, "Where do you want me to release? If you won't tell me, I might do it inside you..."

"Ah!" Unfortunately, even if she heard him, Dongmei wasn't in the right mind to form sentences, only letting out a soft moan in response.

Wuxing only smiled at that, commenting, "Tsk, you are not fun, only enjoying by yourself." He, of course, wouldn't do what he said as he was still not ready for kids but he liked to tease her. Knowing Dongmei was not in a state to tease, Wuxing focused on himself, knowing he was already close himself.

With just a few tens more advances, Wuxing began to feel the pressure rising in his body and suddenly pulled away, moving towards Dongmei's face. She was surprised to see the raging volcano right in front of her but she quickly grabbed it, understanding it was only fair to do bring the same pleasure to him as he did to her.

Her soft hands wrapped around it, squeezing it tightly as she put the head into her mouth, her tongue teasing the tip right away. Dongmei could feel it twitching, signalling the soon outburst but she didn't pull away. Instead, she began to stroke and suck on it, feeling its hardness of the shaft with both her hands and the softness of its head with her tongue.

"Mhmm!" Even if she did it for him a few times already, she was always exclaiming when the big load of thick liquid was bursting right into her tongue, never able to prepare herself for the sudden shot. With Wuxing holding the back of her head, she could only move forward.


Just then when Wuxing was about to pull away so that Dongmei could spit out his liquid, he heard Dongmei swallowing which made him roll his eyes, recalling it wasn't the first time she did it, "Ah… Dummy. You don't need to swallow it… I already told you many times..."

Seeing his expression, Dongmei only giggled and said happily, "Hehe, then I will continue doing it." As there was still some left on the tip, she licked it gently, playing around with her tongue before commenting, "It's not that bad as you think. Maybe its a little bitter but it doesn't smell that badly. It's yours so I cannot let it go to waste."

Wuxing could only sigh, not fighting her anymore as he said while rubbing her cheek, "Well, I'm not going to complain anymore as your tongue feels amazing. Just don't feel pressured to do so. I'm already glad you are doing it with your mouth."

Dongmei smiled at that and kissed the soft head for the last time before lifting herself and hugging Wuxing's back. She didn't want to let go of him, but Dongmei knew her Wuxing would disappear soon. She just wanted to feel his body for some more time so Dongmei distracted him with questions while rubbing cheeks against his back, "What will you do now? I think we still got an hour left. Will you really kill that idiot?"

Wuxing also knew it was time for him to go but he gave her this last bit of time, holding onto her hands which she placed on his chest and replied with a nod, "Yes. We need his part for the plan to work. Don't worry, I will be clean. I also need your assistance. You need to stay with the Captain and order him to shoot any ship that will be sailing towards us. Your guards will probably try to catch up."

"Mhmm, I will do what you want… But be careful today... I don't want to lose you." Dongmei agreed right away but still warned, hugging him tightly. She already jumped to the same train with him and didn't want to change it anymore.

Wuxing finally pulled her hands away and turn back to her, looking at her worried expression and calmed her by kissing gently on the lips before assuring her, "I will be." With that said, he finally stood up, walking into the bathroom to clean himself in the tap before starting to wear his suit and gear in front of her.

Dongmei wanted to enjoy his view for a little longer so she just laid down on the bed, watching him. He had to change his body first so the suit can fit him completely and seeing that Dongmei could only sigh. When Wuxing's face also changed, marking an hour when her Wuxing was officially gone, Dongmei asked confused, suddenly realising he didn't show her how will he look like when they finally meet back in the Seven Stars selection, "Wuxing, what face do you plan to choose as your new one? I won't be able to find you if I can't see it."

"Cough, cough!" Just as she thought he will reply, Wuxing started coughing madly, staggering and managing to support himself with the wall in time before he fell to the ground.